Chapter 27.

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"If you want to spend all you time here you're mucking in too Chase." 
My mom laughs ordering me and Chase to help clear out the clutter in our garage. 
It's a task she's put off for at least a year if not more. I know she's just wanting to pry into me and Chase.
I have always wondered what the point is of having a garage for all the pointless clutter from years ago stocked away in the place you're supposed to keep your car secure. We have two car's out front and not one of them is ever kept in here because there's zero floor space from all the useless junk.
It feels like we're packing our past away into boxes, old bored games my mom and I used to play on the lonely evenings together after my dad left.
Christmas decorations we no longer use, but have never had the heart to throw away.
My old dresser table my mom was certain she had already disposed of.
Boxes of photos frames and albums of the brief time of us being a normal nuclear family. Although, when I stop packing and start looking through the photo's I realise something, my Dad was never in the pictures anyway. It's almost as though even before he left us, he was never really apart of our family.
I turn to look at my mom grateful that she was the parent that stuck around.
Her hair scrapped back into a messy bun, shirt un-tucked from her smart black pencil skirt. I smile at her, she's worked so hard to give me this life, she's sacrificed time with me, which I know means the world to her to make sure I never missed out on the things kids with two parents had.
My mom worked so hard to climb the ladder to show me I'd never need a man to provide me with the things I want most in life.
She worked in order to keep our beautiful home that the two of us have made a family home. She worked to be on top of all our bills and still have enough to take me to Dance classes, pay for my high demand of dance wear from leotards, to ballet and tap shoes.
She also made sure she could pay every one of my dance recitals and competitions making sure she was still saving for my college tuition. While giving me so much life luxuries. 
Someone looking in from the outside with no real clue about our life would assume I was just a super privileged ungrateful bratty teen. When in reality I appreciate the little things so much more and I'm only more determined to be half the success my mom a single working mother with so much to offer the world.
I look over at my mom standing pushing heavy boxes in her messy work clothes and smile knowing my moms my super hero.
Behind every one of her embarrassing outbursts, or intrusive questions is just another one of her wonderful ways of showing me she cares and wants to be involved in my life.
"Hey girl, get your booty moving or we'll be here all night."
My mom calls to me whilst I stare at her in admiration.
I laugh at her a little, "where are we even moving this too?"
I ask her realising we have absolutely no storage space and no plans to take this dump to a tip. "We'll make a side of stuff we're happy to throw away and  the things we want to keep and they and store in the attic for now." 
My mom instructs like a commanding chief and Chase and I both salute her like obedient soldiers. So basically we're just moving junk from one room to the next.

"Oh Ally-bear, look your white sequin leotard."
She beams at me when she finds a box of all my old ballet costumes.
"You were like a mini swan lake dancing in this."
My mom holds the costume close to her chest and smiles.
"We have to keep this."
She demands and I laugh.
"Mom, you'll say that about every single one of my costumes...."
I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me, but never denies the truth in that.
"Those are precious memories, they're in neat condition too."
We can pass them down to future Benson generations."
Chase turns around and laughs, at us.
"Am I here just to listen to girl talk about kids, or are we here to work?"
He teases, then notices the leotard my moms holding in her arms.
He smiles softly, and I can see the memory of that day flash in his ocean blue eyes.
He becomes lost in the memory; I jump into Chases arms, my hair is wild and loose and I feel his arms wrap around me a little tighter than usual the palm of his hand is gripping my body tight.
It's like he doesn't want to let go. That was the first time we looked into each others eyes a little longer than normal and our breath lingered on the others skin for a while.
"That has to be in the keep it pile."
He smiles at me and looks to his feet. He seems nervous and that makes my heart flutter.
"Keep it pile."
I repeat and my Mom smiles in victory.

Chase finally convinces us that it's time to dispose of our told Christmas decorations when he plugs in our four feet light up Santa only for it to flicker on then straight off resulting in the class eye to smash.
"Gotta go."
He tells two pouting females and he shakes his head at us looking at him faces symmetrical.
"It's going."
He tells us again. This time with more authority and in unison my mom and I both admit defeat and utter a defeated fine.
We watch as Chase takes great pleasure in relieving us of our broken Santa Clause and our smashed up baubles.
When he notices my unhappy glare he flashes me his half smile and winks at me.
I try to keep my composure but like the child I am I respond by sticking my tongue out at him which only makes him laugh his deep chuckle.
"You two seem happier."
My mom whispers and I wonder if she really believes Chase's hearing is that terrible he can't hear her pry from just a couple meters away.
"We are."
I tell her keeping my eyes on Chase who's now stopped what he's doing and I know it's to try and listen to the not so secret conversation.
"You bring out a light in each other sweetie."
She kisses my forehead, "don't let your fears get in the way of that okay."
My mom can overstep but I always know her heart is in the most purest place.
She knows I leaned so heavily on Chase to make me happy in the past she also knows I never want to do that again and she accepts that there's secrets I'm keeping from Chase but also knows it comes from a place of love and worry.
So, she doesn't need to say anymore for me to know the meanings behind her words.
"Embrace this happiness Ally, and cherish it."
I look over to Chase who I know even though he's got his back to us I can see he's smiling and finds comfort in my mom's sweet words.
I walk behind him.
"Found anything good?"
I beam up at him and when he turns to face me I'm greeted with the most rewardingly sweet smile I could be graced with.
Rather than replying Chase bends down and kisses my cheek softly.
I jump at the surprise contact.
"I'm glad I stayed to help."
He tells me and I nod, nervously biting my bottom lip "Me too," I unintentionally whisper.

Ending the night eating Enchiladas in the kitchen with my Mom and Chase is so familiar yet so foreign to me
Chase is praising my Mom for Dinner, and demands she makes them weekly like when we were kids.
Of course she laughs agreeing despite knowing she won't have time to make this a weekly occurrence with her highly demanding work schedule.
But, never the less I appreciate her gesture.
"I'll clean up mom."
I tell her, when I notice her eyes becoming heavier and her failed attempts of holding a yawn in.
"I'll help."
Chase chimes in before my mom can dispute and tell me she'll help.
She smiles at us both kissing my forehead and giving Chase a sweet kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you guys, I'm exhausted."
My mom doesn't often know how to take help, but when she does, you can see the gratitude in her green eyes.
We exchange, Good nights and I love yous and my mom slyly pops in
"Be careful sneaky out the window Chase." 
I gasp but find myself niave for actually believing Bat ears could sleep through Chase sneaking in and out of my window.

"My mom usually washes and I dry, so you can wash."
I instruct and Chase accepts my demand.
"Yes ma'ma."
I roll my eyes grabbing a dish towel from the drawer near the sink.
"I wonder where you get your bossy attitude from."
I swat his arm with the towel and he laughs even louder picking up a handful of bubbles from the sink rubbing them in my face.
My mouth gapes at the brass of him but before I can retaliate Chase comes up behind me and picks me up splashing more of the soapy water at me.
"You're dead!"
I warn him and he belly laughs knowing there's nothing I can do while he's got hold of me.
After kicking my feet and much protesting Chase finally puts me down after I agree not to get my own back.
I decide now isn't the time so I let him wash the dishes and I dry them, placing them back in their designated homes in the kitchen cupboards.
Once everything has been put away I put my hands in the wash bowl and splash the water into Chases unsuspecting face.
Patience in the art of revenge is key.
He looks as shocked as I did when he bravely done the same to me my hair still damp.
I'm waiting for Chase to hit back he's laughing loud.
Instead, he brings his wet hands to cradle my face and leans his face into mine.
"Are you going to let fear get in way?"
He asks me, his voice is calm as he looks straight into my eyes.
The way he looks at me is as though he can see right into my soul. I am a complete open book to him.
His gazed sends electric bolts through my body.
I try to speak but no words come out so instead I shake my head giving him the response he desired.
He tilts my chin up so my lips are in his reach pressing his lips against mine kissing me with a mixture of passion and the purest form of love.
I can tell there's more than lust by the way his lips take mine.
The move to the rhythm of our heart beats connecting as one.
"I love you Al."
He tells me between kisses, I go to say it back, but my words are muffled by his lips crashing back onto mine.
His hold on my cheeks soft as his thumb trails my neck.
Who knew an evening cleaning out the garage and eating Enchilada's with my mom would spur up so much love between us.

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