Chapter 15.

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"Come on Al let's see."
Lola calls from my bedroom.
"I look like a hooker," I say taking in my appearance in the long glass mirror on my bathroom wall; Lola's rolling her eyes at me, I can sense it without even looking at her.
My lips are a bright matt red, different from my usual clear glossy lip, I've added a little more make up than I would usually wear.
My shoes are a clear block heel adding a couple of inches to all five feet two of me..
I feel the soft texture of the satin dress, a beautiful pastel blue, thin straps, hugging every curve of my body.
The little number makes me feel extremely exposed, barely covering my upper thighs, the short tight dress screams Lola's style more so than mine.
The bathroom door bursts open, Lola's standing in the door way, her mouth wide open.
"You look incredible," she blinks repeatedly.
 "Its not too much," I ask timidly, pulling at the hem of the dress.
Lola laughs, "Ally, it's a party, of course it's not too much."
She squeaks, "it's almost perfect,"
I raise my brow at my best friend, "almost?"
What sort of compliment is that, Lola giggles,.
"It's the hair...."
She reaches her hand to the bun on the top of my head tugging at the loosely tied top knot.
"Let your hair down."
She laughs and I shake my head loose from the top knot. Lola ruffle my hair with her hands. "See, now you look perfect."
She turns my body to back to face the mirror, my hair now loose and curly. Half scraped to the front while the rest of my curls fall down my back.
"Tate and Chase are going to die when they see you." I frown at our reflections.
"Piss off," I pout.
"I'm sorry but, who'd have thought, Ally Benson a better player than Henry."
Lola bursts into fits of laughter.
I check my phone, six missed calls from Tate, eight missed calls from Henry and far too many messages to even bother looking through.
I send a quick text to tell the boys we're on our way and put my phone away.

We were supposed to help set up for the party but we're two hours later and the music is already blasting throughout the house.
Red cups scattered around the kitchen, beer pong well underway, drunk students falling around the rooms.
"Let's get a drink before we face bitch one and two spot us," Lola drags me to the corner where the liqueur is.
 "Bottoms up," she says handing me a cup of vodka soda.
I nod before shooting the full drink down my throat in one swift drink, The inside of my mouth burns. It feels good.
"Re fill," I say confidently.
 "Look who finally decided to show up."
Henrys voice is loud over the music, I turn to face Henry.
 "I'm sorry we-"
"Holy shit, Ally," Henrys eyes are literally bursting out of his skull.
"You look," his voice echoes and Lola laughs.
 "Lost for words are we Henry boy," she turns her attention to me.
 "I think we're off the hook," I laugh into my cup of vodka taking another sip.
 "She looks hot doesn't she," Henry looks me up and down nodding slowly.
In all the years I've known Henry I have never seen him speechless.
"Do you mind putting your tongue away." I hear Tate's low voice come up behind me.
He's warning Henry. I turn to face him a wide smile covers my face as his eyes scan my body. "You look amazing."
He tells me before kissing me on my red lips.
"So you're not mad at me for being late." I laugh.
Tate puts his arm across my shoulder as he leads me to the crowded living room.
 "Not even for a second."
He kisses my forehead, the smell of liquor is thick already although he's not quite drunk yet.
"I'll find you later." Tate announces when the guys beacon him to join their game of beer pong.
I nod and turn my attention to Lola, who's now across the room commanding the crowds attention.

I know Henrys house so well, I head upstairs to find an empty room to escape for a little while, taking a bottle of vodka with me.
I need something to take the edge off from my ever growing problems.
When I find an empty room I smile at the memories this old spare bedroom nurtures; Tate, Henry, Lola and I would spend hours up here listening to music and cringing at Henrys persistent flirting with Lola.
Never reciprocated of course.
I sit at the end of the end of the bed pouring the vodka into my cup, the loud music coming from the speakers sounds like car horns and metal scratching.
I'm certain this parties going out be called off any moment by a noise complaint.

I've drank more than half the bottle of vodka and my head starts spinning so I lay back on the bed, the door creaks open, without even looking I somehow know exactly who's entering the room.
"Chase," I say rising to my feet, the bottle of vodka falling at my feet.
"Al," Chases mouth forms an 'o' just looking at me.
"You look," he pauses, closes the door behind him and walks closer to me.
The vodka has now overtaken my bloodstream and I feel my cheeks warming.
"I look?" I demand.
 Encouraging Chase to finish his sentence. He smiles his head spinning Chase smile, white teeth on show. He picks up the bottle of vodka from the floor and takes one big drink. He winces at the burning sensation, I can tell it's a familiar taste.
"There aren't any words to say how good you look Al."
I can feel his eyes undressing me. Taking in every part of my curvy petite frame.
If it wasn't for the vodka in my system his stare would have been too intense and I would have had to look away.
"Do you see something you like?" I have a whole new level of confidence.
Chase rubs his beard laughing a little shocked by my bravery.
"I think you already know the answer to that."
His blue eyes still on me. He moves a little closer to me, his hands reaching for mine. I gladly let him take them so he can pull me closer to him.
When our bodies are almost touching Chase places both his hands on my hips.
"You're unusually brave tonight." He tells me stroking the material on my dress where his hands rest on my hips.
 There's no skin in skin contact yet the sensation is incredible.
I step closer to him, closing the distance between our bodies. Chase brings his mouth to my bare neck  so close he's almost touching my skin with his lips.
"You're making it difficult for me to resist kissing you."
He breaths onto me neck and I shudder. He pulls back, looking at me again with his intense gaze. "So don't resist." I don't know if it's the alcohol or just my teenage hormones, but I really don't want him to put up any self restraint tonight. 
"You know Chase," I square up to him now. 
"You can look at me with those big blue eyes like you're the only person who really sees right into my soul...."
I pause, my mind loses focuses as Chases finger tips brush along my forearm, leaving goosebumps in it path.
"That's because I am, we both know that Al," he's so sure of himself.
 He leans his face closer to mine.
"You took something from me Chase, and threw me to the curb."
I don't know where this is coming from, maybe the alcohol is giving me the confidence to finally address the hurt and lack of closure. 
It's too late to take it back, even if I wanted too I can't stop what I started.
"So you don't get to look at me like that anymore,"  tears form in my eyes.
I know this is the vodka talking, but it's too late to stop now, I've opened the discussion. I have to see it through.
"What did I take from you Al," his voice is a whisper.
"You know what," I scoff pulling my arm out his grasp.
"I need you to say it," he walks closer to me trying to close the new space between us.
 "Why? What difference will that make?" I laugh a little.
His hands reach out for mine and he holds them as if he's holding me in place, making sure I'm here for this conversation.
"Because, sometimes," he looks down for a moment, then his eyes meet me, he's desperate. "Sometimes I'm scared that it didn't really happen." He sighs. 
"We never spoke about it and I -"
I'm furious now I bring my face closer to his and I'm yelling. I pull my hands out of his grasp and smack my hands against his hard chest.
 "We didn't speak about it because you told me you loved me, took my virginity then you never spoke to me again. I was so excited to see you," I scoff.
"I walked over to OUR lockers and you were with Ellie. Two days later Chase."
I bury my head in my hands.
"Ally, I never meant to hurt you." He looks petrified. Maybe he had no idea of the impact his actions really did have on me.
 "But you did.. You broke me." It's true, he did and I put myself back together.
"I would have done anything for you Chase. I gave you apart of me and I was terrified to do that. But I trusted you!!  You were the only boy I ever trusted."
I push him away from me I need to be able to breath, but he grabs my arm, pleading with me to look at him
"I love-" Chase is interrupted by the door bursting open.
We're no longer alone, Tate is in the door way.
He looks furious, until his eyes catch a glimpse of my tear stained face, and Chases hand on my arm.
"Get the fuck off her," before I can speak Tate has charged across the room pushing Chase to the ground.

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