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Chapter 18

Sage P.O.V.

Angela and I were walking down the road to Buck's, as she started telling me what went down after our late-night adventure the other night. "Tim flipped out. Started saying things like I shouldn't want to be like him and that I was going to end up in the cooler if I stay on this path. I never said I wanted to be like him, but I think we deal with things the same way. And that's what's getting to him. But who can blame me? Tim has been my so called 'role model' my whole life. Not too sure how he expected things to be different."

I agreed with her. Dallas has rubbed off on me more than I would like to admit, but sometimes it works to my advantage. Everyone around here knows not to mess with me and soon the Soc's will understand that as well.

She asked me if Dallas and I had talked. I shook my head, "He basically walked off saying I can go die in New York and he wouldn't care." I gave off a nonchalant tone, but there was still an ache in my chest hearing those words out loud.

"Yeah, well fuck him. He and Tim don't know how to treat their own. Hell, Tim gets proud anytime Curly ends up in the cooler. But the second I stand up for myself, he flips shit." I offered her a smile, but it dropped the second I heard the rumble of a mustang behind us. I looked back and saw it was creeping up on us. "Shit." I mumbled.

We were still a block from Buck's and had only been a few minutes behind the guys. I knew the music would be too loud in the bar for anyone to hear us yell for help.

Angela smirked, "We can take them." I told the boys we would stay out of trouble, but if trouble came to us there was nothing we could do. I felt my back pocket to make sure my switch was still there and felt the familiar touch of the cool blade. We had stopped at this point and welcomed the fight, waiting for however many of them to come out of the clown car.

To my surprise, only two of them stagger out of the car and walked to us, flask in hand. My heart dropped when the face that attacked me those weeks ago was among the two. Angela had visibly frozen up as well, making me realize that we were both royally screwed. As they walked closer, we started walking backwards into the alley behind us. The voice that haunted my dreams snapped my attention to him, "Well if it isn't the two greaser sluts. How about a round two tonight?"

I saw Angela reach for her blade out of the corner of my eye and heard her mumble, "I'm going to kill him." I thought back to the night when everything happened and knew both her and Dallas wanted to kill these guys. There was no doubt in my mind that she was serious about it which should have been my first indication to run. Instead, I pulled out my blade as well and held my breath as our two attackers continued forward.

My back hit the wall and I started thinking of ways to get out of this mess. If we stalled long enough, Tim or the gang will come looking for us. Then they could deal with these guys and we could continue on to the party like nothing happened. But knowing me, that wouldn't happen.

Seeing him again ripped opened that wound that had just began to heal. Walking away like nothing happened isn't a possible option for me. The nightmares are going to start again, the panic attacks, any chance of me having a normal relationship with Soda is out the door. Everything I worked towards this past month would be for nothing if we simply walked away.

The second his all too familiar hand touched me, I lost it. He had tried to grab my shoulder and I pulled my blade out so fast, he had no idea it was coming. The next part seemed to all be a blur. I had a faint awareness that what I was doing was wrong, but what he did to me was worse. He took my sanity and threw it out the door like it was nothing to him. My life had turned upside down at the simple fact that he just wanted to have a good time no matter what the cost.

When my senses came back to me, I looked down and saw a motionless body lying on the cold, hard ground. Angela had dropped her blade and whispered, "Oh fuck." I tore my eyes from the lifeless body in front of me and saw she had done the same thing.

Angela Shepard and Sage Winston had killed two Soc without a second thought.

My hands were shaking, and I looked down to see blood on my shirt. I had enough wit about me to know it wasn't mine and we needed to leave, now. "Grab your blade and let's go. We are going to head to the party like nothing happened and when we get there, head straight to Dally's room. Do not look at anyone. Don't not talk to anyone. And do not stop for any reason. Understood?"

She nodded her head, slowly and picked up the blade. Her eyes never left the guy in front of her and I knew she was on the verge of a break down. Hell, I was too but I wasn't going to let us get caught. I slapped her lightly across the face to get her to snap out of it. "Get it together! Or we are both going to end up in the cooler for murder!"

She shook her head and I saw her eyes become more focused. "Let's go." I followed her out of the alley and headed back to Buck's. Neither of us said a word on the short walk and stopped to take a breath before we walked into the ever-alive bar.

"Keep your head down." I reminded her. She gave me a short nod and pushed open the door. We both kept our heads down, eyes to the ground, and made our way through the packed crowd.

Dally's P.O.V.

I saw part of the gang show up and was surprised when Sage wasn't with them. Tim had walked over and asked if I had talked to my sister. I shook my head, "Nah man. I'm giving her some space after what I said. I don't need her beating my head in, ya know?"

Tim nodded his head and saw Soda, Steve, and Two-bit. "Sage isn't with them." It was more of a statement than a question, but I shook my head. "Doesn't look like it."

Tim kept scanning the crowd and had his eyes locked on the front door. "You waitin' for some chick to walk in?"

Tim shook his head, "Angela was a few minutes behind me and isn't here yet." I took a drag of my cancer stick and made eye contact with Two-bit. He looked nervous but walked over to us anyway. "Why do you look like you know something?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Ah nothing. Just umm waiting for a friend, that's all."

Tim had moved his eyes from the door to Two-bit's stuttering ass. "You see Angela on your way here?"

Two-bit looked like he was about to piss himself. "Yeah she was a few minutes behind us."

I put out my cigarette and stood up, "Sage not come with you?"

Two-bit looked down, "Yeah she is coming. She umm needed to do something first. Should be here any minute." Before I could ask him what he meant, he practically ran from us. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "The hell is his problem?"

Tim shrugged his shoulders and cursed when he saw the door open. I looked to where he was looking and saw both of our sisters walk in with their heads down.

"Jesus Christ. What did they do this time?" Tim and I had our gaze locked on them as they walked through the crowd, nearly unseen. They headed up the stairs and I assumed to my room. Once they were out of sight, Tim said he was going to give them a few minutes before he walked up there.

I took his lead and went to the bar to order a few shots, knowing I was going to need them to deal with whatever shit the two got themselves in. 

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