thirty two

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Chapter 32

Two-Bit P.O.V.

I helped Angela to the couch and then called Darry. I wasn't sure what to do and his name is the only one that came to mind. Soda answered the phone and I quickly told him to put his brother on the phone. "What happened?"

"I don't have time to explain. Get Darry now." There were very few times the guys had been around me while I was being serious, and I knew this threw Soda. But Sage looked bad, and I didn't have time for his games. Plus, I know Sandy was over there. She would complain about him being on the phone too long anyway.

Darry's voice broke me away from my thoughts, "Two-bit, what's going on?"

"I don't know exactly what happened, but Sage was thrown in the river and looks pretty bad. Her and Angela both looks beat up."

I could hear Darry moving around on the other line, "Put her in a warm bath and I will be there soon. Where are you?"

"Steve and I took them back to Angela's house."

"Alright. I'm on my way." And hung up.

I ran back to the bathroom where Steve took her and was met with him trying to dry her off. "Darry is on his way. He said to put her in a warm bath."

Steve nodded his head and started the bath. I looked over to Sage and saw how blue her lips were. God Dally was going to kill them.

Steve looked back and asked where Tim was. "Fuck. I should go find him. Are you good here?" Steve nodded his head as he took off her clothes leaving her in her bra and underwear. Any other day I might stop and stare, but this wasn't the time for it.

I walked back to the living room and asked Angela if she needed anything before I went to break the news to her brother about what happened. "A blanket and probably some ice or something for my side."

I tossed her a blanket and grabbed a bag of corn for her side. "I will be right back. Holler at Steve if you need anything."

She waved a hand, "Sage needs him more than me right now."

Sage P.O.V.

Steve filled the tub with warm water and told me I needed to take of the shirt and pants. "Is that okay?"

I nodded my head and he helped me strip down. The warm water felt like it was burning my skin and I let out a small whimper.

"I'm sorry, doll. But it needs to happen." I nodded my head and slid down into the tub, sitting in constant pain.

His hand grabbed mine and started rubbing circles on the back of it. "The bath should help. Darry is on his way." I gave him a quick nod and tried to focus on my breathing.

Two-bit P.O.V.

I ran back into the house with Tim right behind me. Darry wasn't too far behind us. Tim took one look at Angela and shook his head. "What the hell happened?"

I watched her look down and fidget with her hands. "We were down at the river with some friends. The soc came out of nowhere and started a fight. We were outnumbered and didn't think too much of it until we heard the splashing in the river. I managed to look down there and saw this big guy drowning Sage. She almost got away from him, but he grabbed her foot before she could get too far. That's where the cut on her face came from. I got away from the guy fighting me and same with another one of our friends. That's when he helped her out and everyone ran off."

Tim had his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. Darry asked why they all ran off.

Angela looked towards the hall where Sage was and shook her head. "I don't know. I guess no one wanted to get in trouble."

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