forty eight

59 1 0

Sage P.O.V.

I was too stunned to question Tim as he dragged me out of Buck's and into his car. Different scenarios were running through my mind as we drove off, me not paying any attention to where we were going.

I assumed Dallas was still in the hospital. Again, with the stupid assumptions. He didn't look like he was leaving any time soon when I saw him yesterday, but with the rumble tonight he might've snuck out. He always said it wasn't a rumble unless he was there.

"It was skin only, right? No weapons?" Tim looked at me out of the corner of his eye and nodded. It was the first question I asked but I had a feeling it wasn't the right one. Dally was able to hold his own in a fight and having the gang there meant he wouldn't have had to fend for himself. Which means it wasn't that. Before I could ask another question, the car stopped, and I looked up to see we were at his house.

"Did he get in trouble?" I wasn't sure why we would be here unless he was trying to lay low.

"I'll explain in a second." He deflected my question which meant I was getting closer. While I was trying to think of a question that would get me actual answers, Tim led me inside and up to his room, with me thinking my brother was in there. I didn't know whether to be confused or pissed off with the situation when he opened his door and all I was met with was dirty clothes on the floor and an unmade bed. No Dallas.

Tim saw me getting frustrated and knew I was two seconds away from doing something stupid, like blowing up on him. "Look, we need to have a long talk about everything that happened tonight. Your best bet is to sit down while I explain."

My heart started racing at those words and I knew it had to be bad with how we were positioned. My only exit from his room was the door he was currently standing in front of. When I didn't make a move to sit down, he nudged me over to his bed.

"Your brother managed to get out of the hospital before the rumble using Two-bit's blade. I don't know anything more than that so don't ask. He seemed okay enough to be fighting, but we all took a beating. After the Soc's ran to their cars, I watched him run off with the youngest Curtis. I heard bits and pieces of what happened yesterday to know that the quiet kid wasn't doing well."

I winced when he mentioned Johnny. I knew I needed to see him at least once but needed to cool off a bit before that happened. He didn't deserve me getting all pissed off at him. It wasn't his fault.

"I was down the street from the lot when I saw your brother run up with the cops on his tail." I whipped my head back towards him at those words. He paused which made me tense. Dallas running from the cops wasn't something new, but why Tim would lock me in here to tell me he was thrown back in the cooler was still a lingering question.

"He had a heater on him. And the dumbass pointed it at the feds."

There it was.

There was the thing Tim was too afraid of telling me. "I didn't see much but the larger Curtis got involved with the rest of their gang and they stopped shooting at him. I waited long enough to see an ambulance drive up and him get put in there, but I don't know how bad he was hurt or if he's still breathing."

My fists were clinched so hard I felt my nails cut into my palm. What in the hell made my idiot brother try and commit suicide? Our life is fucked up and always has been, but he of all people didn't show he cared about anything or anyone besides me and...oh. "Johnny. How's Johnny?"

Tim wouldn't look at me now, which told me everything I needed to know. Before Tim could stop me or even realize what I was doing, my fist went through his wall.

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