thirty four

68 3 0

Chapter 34

Steve P.O.V.

It didn't take long for Tim to start going off on Soda. As much as I wanted to be pissed at Soda, he had no idea Sandy did what she did. And the poor guy was getting the brunt of it.

Tim never yells. I think that's what makes him more intimidating because he keeps a quiet tone. But today I guess he was too pissed off to keep it together. "You better have a hell of a good explanation to why your stupid broad couldn't hand over the god damn phone!"

We both froze as Tim got closer to us. When I looked over to Soda, he was a deer caught in the headlights. Frozen, wide-eyed, and visibly shaking. "Now I can't hit a girl, but I have nothing against beating your head in for her."

Knowing Soda, he was going to let it happen. When he wants to fight, ain't no one can beat him. But knowing Sage was on the other end of that phone call meant he was going to feel guilty. And because of that, he was going to stand there and let Tim do whatever.

I stepped in between the two of them and held up my hands. "Look Tim, I get you're mad. I was pretty pissed off when I found out too, but she lied to Soda. I don't see how beating him up is going to fix that."

Tim shook his head, "Maybe it'll make her leave him when she sees how damaged his face is when I'm done."

We went back and forth arguing about fighting or not fighting. Soda had said nothing during the whole thing and Tim probably would've hit him if a voice didn't stop all of us in our tracks. "What the hell is going on here? Man, I'm locked up for a few days and you are all going at it with each other?"

It didn't matter in that moment that Tim was beyond pissed at Soda, we all knew we were screwed. I looked over at Tim, waiting for him to answer Dally but he never did. Dally looked at all three of us trying to figure out what happened. With Tim not responding to him, I could tell he knew it was something bad.

"I'm not asking again."

I wasn't about to tell him Sage was almost killed last night, and Tim probably knew Dally would blame him since Angela was there. Soda had to know he was a dead man walking between Tim and Dally. He would be smart to keep his mouth shut.

Tim looked like he was going to say something until Two-bit walked up. "Hey guys- oh shit. What are you doing out already, Dal?"

Dally looked like he was going to kill someone. "Not enough room for me or some shit. Do you know what is up with these three?"

Two-bit rubbed the back of his head, "I have a pretty good guess."

I saw Tim shake his head. "Our sisters had a run in with some Soc's last night by the river. They group of them ran them all off, but the two of them got knocked around first."

Dally shook his head at the very condensed version of what all happened. "Where is she now?"

"My house sleeping it off."

I made eye contact with Two-bit and we both knew he wouldn't buy that story. Dally looked around at all of us and asked, "If that's all that happened, why were you yelling at Steve and Soda?"

Tim gave Soda a side eye when he said, "They had called the Curtis house for a ride and his girl hung up on your sister."

Dally was getting impatient. "Shepard you better tell me what exactly happened to my sister before I get sent back to the cooler for murdering you."

Two-bit had slowly started backing away to leave and managed to sneak off before Dally lost it on all of us. "She got thrown into the river during the fight and ended up getting sick because of it. Angela has broken ribs and couldn't help her walk back to the house. She called the Curtis house for help and was hung up on. I was out with my guys. Two-bit and Randle brought them back and Darry came over to help. She's fine now. Stuck in bed sick, but better than last night."

Dally looked over to Soda and pointed a finger at him. "You and I are going to have a talk later." And looked back to Tim. "I need to go see her myself. Let's go." Tim hesitated, knowing she looked a lot worse than what he was letting on.

On a brighter note, if Dally kills Tim, then that's one less person going after Soda.

Sage P.O.V.

I was woken up to the sound of the front door slamming. The sun was shining full force through the window which meant it was nearing early afternoon. I could hear a few sets of footsteps walking towards the room and thought about who it could be. If I had to guess, Two-bit was back and maybe dragged Steve with him if he didn't have to work all day.

The door opened and I had to do a double take when I saw my brother standing there. "Jesus Sage. Who did that to your face?"

I was speechless as I looked over to Tim. "Don't look at him. I asked you a question."

I looked back at him and saw how tense he was. "I, um, hit it on a rock."

He shook his head, "Don't you fucking lie to me."

I had gathered my thoughts by this time and sat up on the bed. "I wasn't lying, asshole. I was trying to get out of the river and hit my cheek on a rock. And you want to know why I was in the river? Because you managed to piss enough people off and when they heard you got locked up, they wanted to use me to get back at you. Did you even think about what it would be like for me if you got arrested?"

When he didn't say anything, I kept going. "No, of course not. Instead, you go around here blaming everyone else for not looking out for me when it is your own fault I got hurt in the first place. So, get off your high horse, Dallas. This is all because of you."

He stood there for a minute, not saying anything, and the walked out. Tim didn't follow him, but instead looked at me. "Surprised us all when he walked up to the DX."

I let out a deep breath and thought about what he just said. "Wait, why were you at the DX?"

He flinched ever so slightly. If I wasn't watching close, I would've missed it. "I wanted to have a little chat with the Curtis kid."

My heart sank. "Please tell me Sodapop isn't in the hospital. He didn't even have anything to do with it, Tim!"

He could see me start to panic and held up a hand. "Calm down. Your brother walked up before I could get in a hit. Plus, Randle was in the way."

I let out a sigh of relief. "I'll deal with Sandy when I can get out of bed without getting dizzy. I promise you that." Tim smirked and shook his head. "Why are you smirking at me?"

"You looked like your brother when you said that. Beat up in bed, but still handing out threats. Just do me a favor and don't get caught."

I smiled, "Last night showed me who not to waste my only call on. Two-bit has not become the reliable one out of you all."

Tim shot me a look of disapproval which only made me laugh. "Go back to sleep while I go deal with your brother. How the hell I ended up having to babysit both Winston siblings is beside me."

I rolled my eyes but laid back down. "Steve said to call the DX if you need anything. Can't tell you when I'll be back, but I will know if you get out of that bed." I gave him a small head nod and he walked out.

I should be happy Dally is out of the cooler, but after nearly getting killed because of him isn't sitting well with me. Thinking about it though, it's not him I should be mad at. For all the things I did this last year, I probably deserved what happened last night. I know my brother's life would be hell if the Soc's found out what really happened to their friends.   

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