thirty three

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Chapter 33

Sage P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning feverish, nauseous, and confused. Keeping my eyes closed, I focused on my breathing to try and keep whatever was in my stomach down. Just when I thought it passed, I found myself struggling to get out of bed as quickly as possible, so I don't mess up whoever's room I'm in.

I was vaguely aware an arm was wrapped around me which was adding to my struggle, but once they figured out what was going on the weight from it let up. After falling out of the bed and running as fast as I could out of the room to the bathroom, my stomach emptied.

There were a few questions running through my mind like, is this toilet clean that I shoved my head into? Who was cuddled up in bed with me just now? And what the hell happened last night? As soon as my stomach finally calmed down, I flushed the toilet and sat back against the wall behind me.

I looked around the room to try and figure out where I was and the hole in the wall above the toilet told me it was the Shepard household. I was there when Dallas put his fist through the thin drywall. Dally found out Angela and I had gotten a little too drunk one night and went skinny dipping in the river. Somehow word got back to my brother and he came over to give Tim shit about it. Something about him needing to keep a better eye on us when we are on this side of town. Tim said something smart back to him and next thing you know, there is my brother's fist in the wall.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?"

The door opened to find the oldest Shepard walking in. "You okay kid?"

It took a lot to not roll my eyes at the "kid" comment. I nodded my head at him. "You look like shit."

I scoffed and shook my head, "Glory Tim, way to make a girl feel good in the morning."

I saw a ghost of a smirk cross his face. "Darry said you needed to stay in bed today." What in the hell did Darry have to do with this? Tim must have seen my confusion and asked what I remembered from last night.

I tried to think back on what went down and it all slowly came back to me. "I remember that the river is fucking cold this time of year."

He couldn't hold back his smile this time. "Angela told me what happened, but I want to hear what exactly went down with you."

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I thought over what he said. I didn't tell Angela about the comment that Soc said to me, so he couldn't possibly know about that. But if he knew everything, he wouldn't be asking me. He's fishing for something and I'm not about to give it to him. "The Soc assholes came and crashed our hangout. A fight broke out, I was thrown in the river, and then they ran off."

Tim was studying my face as he asked the next question, "Why did they run off?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I was too busy coughing up water to know what was going on. Angela nearly dragged me out of there to call for help." The phone call with Sandy came back and I shook my head, "That blond middle-class bitch is dead."

Tim held up a hand, "The feds don't need both Winston siblings locked up together. Calm down." I didn't hold back the eye roll this time.

"Why was that Soc trying to kill you? What did you say to him?"

This time I saw red. "Why the hell do you think I did something? Ever think maybe it was because he was an asshole? No, you just have to assume because of who my brother is that I was the one who provoked it. Well fuck you, Tim! I didn't do shit." I pushed myself up from off the ground and tried to walk out of the bathroom. It would've worked if I hadn't gotten lightheaded and nearly fall over.

Tim grabbed my arms and held me up. He started leading me back to his room and said, "Your brother has nothing to do with that. I know how much of a hot head you can be. Just now proved it."

He placed me back on his bed and I let out a deep breath, "They know Dallas is locked up and looking to get back at him."

Tim stood at the foot of the bed and shook his head, "From now on you do not leave my sight. If you aren't with me then someone from the Curtis gang. You and Angela won't be alone out there until your brother gets back out. Do I make myself clear?"

There were times that I knew I could talk back to Tim and get away with it. This though, was not one of those times. I gave him a head nod.

"I mean it Sage. If I find out you went against my word then you will have me to answer to. Your brother isn't here to help you out of it."

"Yeah I got it, Tim. Can we not tell him about last night though?"

I heard him sigh, "I don't think anyone is itching to tell your brother what happened." That didn't answer my question at all, but here's to hoping that means he will keep quiet.

"Stay in bed. I have things to do but Curly is downstairs. You know he will rat you out the first chance he gets. Randle and Darry will be by later." He went to walk out when the question from earlier popped into my head.

"Were you cuddling with me last night?"

He froze at the door and turned to face me. "You were cold."

I smirked back at him. "Does this mean the big bad Tim Shepard has a heart after all?"

He shook his head, "Get some rest before I beat your head in."

He walked out of the room as I called out, "Love you too!" I was met with the front door slamming and couldn't help but chuckle. I laid back in bed and quickly fell back asleep.

Steve P.O.V.

I got to work tired as hell from everything that happened last night. Soda ended up being dropped off by his brother since I was running so late. I tried to busy myself with a car that was left over night to be fixed up, but Soda walked right up to me and asked what happened last night.

Keeping myself underneath the car I said, "I figured Darry would've told you."

After hearing that Sandy hung up on Sage when she was calling for help didn't sit right with me. Not that I could say anything to Soda since he would stick up for her no matter what. My best bet was to ignore his questions.

"No, he wouldn't say. Just that something happened at the river and he needed to go help someone."

I didn't respond back to that and he kicked my foot. "Steve, just tell me what happened. I've never heard Two-bit sound so serious before."

I rolled out from under the car and shook my head, "Ask your girlfriend." I winced as those words came out, setting myself up for this fight.

"What does Sandy got to do with anything?"

"Well maybe if she hadn't hung up on Sage when she was calling for help, she would know something." When Soda didn't say anything, I looked up to see what was going on. I could tell he was fighting with himself, so I said, "Look, don't worry about it. We got it covered and everyone is fine."

He shook his head, "She told me it was the wrong number."

"You lost me bud."

Soda looked up at me and I could tell he was hurt, "I heard the phone ring, but I was cooking dinner for us. She answered it and hung up pretty quick tellin me it was the wrong number. I had no idea Sage was in trouble. I would've helped."

I put a hand on his shoulder, "I know that. But I also know Sage is pissed about it. She got lucky Two-bit and I stopped at his house to grab some beer before we headed out. Otherwise, they would've been stuck out there. Sandy may need to watch her back. You know what she's like when she gets pissed off."

Soda seemed to be lost in thought after I said that. I went to try and get his mind off it when a voice yelled out, "Curtis! You and I need to have a little chat." Tim Shepard was walking towards the garage and I cursed under my breath.

This whole time I was thinking about how pissed off Sage was, I didn't even think about Shepard. His sister was stranded out there as well and Soda's girl screwed them both over.  

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