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Chapter 19

Sage P.O.V.

Angela and I got into my brothers' room and locked the door behind us. By some miracle we made it in here without any of the guys seeing us. While that may not work in our favor later on if they go searching for us, for right now all I could do was be thankful for this little bit of solitude.

Angela was pacing back and forth mumbling under her breath about how we were so screwed. She might not have been wrong, but I refused to think about that right now. I stood in the middle of the room with my hands on the top of my head, debating on what our next move is. If no one saw us, we could pretend like nothing happened and hope to fly under the radar when an investigation starts up. But could we act like everything was fine? I would like to think I could hold myself together for this, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Angela blurted out what my mind was about to say, "We need to run." She was still pacing, thinking over how we would pull that off.

"What about our brothers?" She shook her head, "If we leave now, maybe we could get a head start." Dally and Tim would know what to do in this situation, but with the shit Angela and had pulled this last week, I don't think they are going to be in a helping mood. What about Soda? Jesus I just managed to get on good terms with him and here I am throwing it away like everything else in my life.

The jiggling of the door handle pulled me out of my thoughts. Dally's voice came through the door, "Open the door, Sage."

We both froze. I looked to the window behind me and thought about making the two story drop to get away, but I couldn't leave Angela behind. Now there was banging at the door. "Open this damn door before I tear it down." If he draws too much attention up here, people might think something happened.

Angela looked at me with the same understanding and I went to open the door. Our two brothers walked in and closed the door behind them. Both sets of eyes looked us up and down, checking to see if we were alright. I didn't stop to think about taking my shirt off and changing into one of my brothers. But here we are, standing in the middle of his run-down room with someone else's blood staining our shirts. We must've looked like zombies with how much blood was covering us.

Tim, in a very low voice, asked what happened. Neither one of us had the guts to tell them what we did. How do you even bring that into conversation? Hey guys, how are you? We killed these soc on the way here, but ready to party now. I shook my head at the thought. I was losing my god damn mind and it had only been 10 minutes since I killed the poor kid.

When neither of us answered, Dally stepped closer and lifted a hand to move my hair out of my face. I flinched at the raised hand, making him stop for a moment and then continue. He must have saw the wild look in my eye because he told Tim to lock the door. Tim gave him a questioning look but did as he said.

Dally asked in a quiet voice what happened. I looked at Angela, not knowing what to do. I emotionally couldn't handle my brother yelling at me right now and he and Tim already looked like they wanted to kill someone.

He cupped my face and turned to make me look at him. "Whose blood is on you? Is it yours?" I slowly shook my head no and could see him tense up. "Kid, I need you to tell me what happened so we can fix this."

I looked down and shook my head, "You can't fix this." It was true. How was he going to bring a person back to life? Scratch that, two people back to life. Angela said she was going to be sick and ended up puking in the bathroom.

Tim and Dally were beyond confused at what was going on. Two guys who found it next to impossible to show any emotions were trying to figure out how to handle two teenage girls on the verge of a breakdown. I stepped back from Dally's reach and started pacing like Angela was doing earlier. Part of me knew I was driving my brother insane, but I needed to figure out what to do. Last I heard from my brother, he wanted nothing to do with me and that's exactly how I plan on treating this. His words played in my head. "You get tough like me and you don't get hurt." Time to use those words against him.

"Nothing happened that we can't handle. As much as we appreciate the half ass concern you both are giving us, we don't need it." Dally looked taken aback at my statement and I saw Angela walk out of the bathroom with her head held a little higher. She was on board with what I was doing. If I could push the two of them away from us, we could plan our escape. My brother didn't want me here anyway, so what was the harm in running away?

"I don't know what the hell is going on, but that is too much blood for it to be any good." I waved a hand at him, "It is nothing I haven't had to handle on my own before. And seeing that you would rather me out of your sight, that is exactly what we plan to do." I was lying through my teeth. Another thing I picked up from my brother. I had zero experience in dealing with murder, but I may as well twist the knife I put in my brother.

His face was emotionless as he turned around and walked out the door. Tim had stood there for a moment, taking both of us in, debating on what to do. Tim wasn't irrational like Dallas and wasn't going to make an impulsive decision. He slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a few hundred dollars. "Take this. Dally has a heater in one of those drawers. I don't know what the two of you did but I assume it wasn't good. Lay low and stay out of trouble." Angela took the money and we watched as Tim walked out of the room.

I didn't waste any time and started digging through the drawers to find the heater. Angela was grabbing shirts for us to change into and found a backpack to throw some extra clothes in. Dally wouldn't mind missing a few shirts and sweatpants. The heater on the other hand might cause a bit of an uproar.

Once we were changed and packed, we made our way downstairs and tried to sneak out without being seen by the gang. I held my breath as we walked through the sweaty crowd and slipped through the backdoor without being stopped. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, only to be stopped by Steve. "Where the hell have you two been?"

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Angela was silent behind me as well. He looked at the backpack and asked what was going on.

I looked around to make sure no one else was around and said, "We have to lay low for a while. Please don't tell anyone you saw us. Our brothers already talked to us, so don't worry about them. I wouldn't ask you to lie for us if it wasn't a big deal. Please Steve."

He heard the seriousness in my voice and nodded his head. "Alright. But don't be getting into any more trouble." He pulled me in for a hug and I whispered in his ear, "Tell Soda I love him and I'm sorry." I pulled away and saw the concern in his eyes. "We will be back when it's safe." And walked off. I knew if I stayed any longer, I would break down and right now I can't afford that.

We had walked for a little bit before Angela asked where we were going. "Bus station." She nodded her head and we walked the next few miles in silence. I could tell we were both hanging on by a thread. One wrong thing was going to set us off and I was afraid we wouldn't be able to bring it back in. I don't exactly know how you are supposed to feel after you kill someone. Don't get me wrong, I know taking someone's life isn't supposed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but part of me was glad to know my attacker wasn't out there anymore. I can't speak for my friend next to me, but revenge almost felt good. The past was finally in the past and I know that soc would never bother me again.

I just realized something and stopped. Angela gave me a worried look and asked what was wrong. "I didn't even know his name." She shook her head in realization, "Guess we will find out what they are in the papers tomorrow."

We started walking again and finally made it to the bus station. It was late and there were only a few buses left that were leaving tonight. I looked at the board and asked, "Texas or California?" Angela smirked, "I want to find me a good lookin cowboy."

And it was settled. We were headed to the lone star state. 

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