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Sage P.O.V.

Angela and I were at a party on the south side of town. We both knew we shouldn't be there, but I think that's the thrill of it.

 The last few hours were nothing but drinking, dancing, and flirting with guys we knew we shouldn't have. I was lost in a dance with some blonde headed soc in an ugly green sweater vest when Angela pulled me away.

 We were both pretty hammered which meant we were stumbling around like we were in a pinball game. Eventually she led me upstairs and closed a bedroom door behind us. "Look what I managed to get?" 

She opened her hand and I saw two little white pills sitting there. "What is it?" She smirked at me. "This guy gave me some Ecstasy and I figured we both could use a good pick me up." 

My face broke into a slow smile while I internally debated on taking the pill from her. A small part of me knew this was going to lead to nothing but trouble, but I was drunk and what better way to piss off my brother than getting high at a party on the south side? I grabbed one of the pills and chased it down with a swig of beer. 

I looked up to see Angela giving me an evil grin and I knew at that moment; this night was going to shit. But the funny thing is, I don't care.

The night turned into one big blur. The sounds were mixing in with the lights and my words felt like mush coming out of my mouth. But this was the most fun I have had in a long time. 

At one point I lost Angela and figured the smart thing to do at that moment was to find her. After a few minutes of stumbling around for her, I saw she was with two guys in a corner. Her face lit up when she saw me and the two guys turned their attention to me, giving me what I thought was a genuine smile.

 I would know better later. 

When I got next to her, she wrapped her arms around me and said that these two guys had some drinks upstairs just for us. How could I turn down a fancy drink from a soc? The bottle was probably worth a small fortune. 

We followed them upstairs into the bedroom we took the Ex a few hours before. Things started to move quickly at this point. One of the guys grabbed me and threw me on the bed while I was trying to push him off me. 

A raspy voice was in my ear telling me to stop fighting or things would get worse. My instincts were kicking in and I was trying everything in my power to get away from him. I looked over and saw Angela was struggling too. Not caring about his threat, I screamed out for help knowing the music downstairs would muffle any attempt of getting someone's attention. 

The soc slugged me in the face, stunning me for a few seconds. The pain next to my right eye screamed at me letting me know that this was all too real. I was getting desperate and bit down on his hand that was trying to cover up my screams. He yelled out and hit me a few times on my side, making me yelp. 

Before I knew it, he pulled a blade out and held against my cheek. "Move again and I will slice you to ribbons." I froze. Everything my brother taught me growing up was thrown out the window and I knew he would be so disappointed in me.

 I closed my eyes and tried to drown out what was happening as he got my pants off and stood over me.

 I thought about how much Dally has changed since the last I saw him. He is cold and detached, even with me. I see the way he looks at Johnny and know that boy is the only one capable of receiving Dally's love.

 Part of me feels like I should envy Johnny, but the truth is I don't think Dally could ever love me like he did back in New York. Back then everything was great. It was me and him against the world and I took that for granted. Once he left, dad flipped out and took all his anger out on me. For the longest time I blamed Dally for what was happening. Maybe if I had tried to keep in touch more, I wouldn't be where I am right now. 

Pain from my cheek brought me back to what was going on and I could feel blood dripping down from where his blade cut me. "Tell anyone what happened, and I will cut your greasy little face to pieces." He stood up and pulled his pants on, signaling his friend it was time to go. 

Once they were out the door, I sat up and looked over to Angela. She had bruises on her face, as well as blood running down her legs. Makeup was smeared under her eyes and I could see the tears starting to form. 

I knew we needed to leave before more people came. "Put your clothes on, wipe your face, and let's go." She looked at me with a pained expression, "I am so sorry." 

I shook my head, "We will break down and talk about this later, but we need to leave right this very second before they bring more friends." Realization crossed her face on the possibility of having to relive this again and she got up.

 I pulled my pants back on and felt how bad my side hurt from being hit. At least one broken rib for sure. I saw a mirror on the other side of the room, and I checked to see how bad I looked.

 I almost jumped from the person looking back at me and saw just how bad I really looked. A bruise was forming next to my right eye, I had a cut running down the left side of my face, and my makeup looked worse off than Angela's.

 I let out a long, shaky breath and tried to fix my appearance. Angela walked up behind me and I could see something in her changed. Her stare was cold, and I knew she wanted to do something about what just happened. 

Before I could say anything, she blurted out, "I am going to kill him. Not tonight, but I promise you it will happen." I didn't doubt that she would follow through with her promise, but at this moment I was only worried about getting home. 

We fixed our clothes, makeup, and hair before we quickly walked out the door to leave this god-awful house. I made sure to keep my head down and not make eye contact with anyone here in hopes that we could leave without any more trouble. 

Thankfully, we made it outside and down the street before either of us stopped. I slowly realized that we have no way home because we had Curly drop us off before he went out looking for trouble. 

Angela realized it too and she sat down on a curb with her head in her hands. "What do we do now?" I shook my head not knowing how to answer that. 

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