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Sage P.O.V.

Angela and I wasted no time starting our plan of chaos. The only part of our plan that was a little flawed was that we didn't know who our attackers were. Don't get me wrong, his face haunts me every single night but without a name we couldn't do much. The simple solution to that was declaring war on them all.

Keeping what we were doing away from our brothers proved to be a little more challenging than we had originally thought. I guess the day Angela and I figured our shit out, our brothers knew we were up to no good.

It was three days after we made our master plan and I decided I needed to know more about cars if I wanted to know how to really mess them up. I could race them better than anyone out here, but I had zero clue what made them run.

I had gotten ready to leave Buck's when Dally came out of the shower stopping me by the stairs. "Where do you think you're going?"

It took everything in my power not to roll my eyes at him, "I thought I would go down to the DX and hang with Soda and Steve for a while." He didn't give my answer a second thought and told me to stay with them and not wonder off. I didn't know if he was still on edge from the party that went wrong, or he was trying to keep me out of trouble. Either way, he let me walk past him and out the door.

The sun felt nice on my skin as I walked down the road to the DX. I enjoyed the solitude and the peacefulness around me, while also keeping an ear out for any deep rumbling of a mustang. I got to the DX quicker than I would've wanted, but I told myself I was here for a reason.

The quicker I learned what cut wires caused the most damage, the quicker Angela and can get on with our lives. We were clinging onto this notion that getting back at any soc who crossed our path, would help us keep from spiraling again. If we kept our mind focused on how we are seeking revenge and what was next on our list, we didn't have time to think about everything that was wrong in our lives.

I walked into the garage to see Steve under a car and Soda sitting on the counter bobbing his head to the music that was playing on the radio. I hadn't seen the gang since my meltdown, but I knew Dally told them some made up story on why I lost my shit. The only people who knew the whole story from the party was Dally and Tim.

Soda saw me walk in and gave me his Hollywood smile. "Hey darlin. Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" He got off the counter and came to give me a hug.

"I'm doing better. Happy Dal let me out of the house."

Steve rolled out from under the car. "Yeah he said things back in New York weren't the best for you and you had some sort of panic attack." So, New York was the direction he went. That was simple enough to play along with.

"Yeah. Dal leaving wasn't the best thing for me." It wasn't a lie. My life went to complete crap once my brother left, but I could never tell him that. I've already stressed him out with things here, he would go off the deep end if he found out about Mark. A shiver went down my spine just thinking about him and Soda saw. He pulled me into another hug and squeezed me tight.

"Hey it's alright. You get to start over here and leave all of that behind. Don't be thinkin about the past." Easier said than done, especially since my start over here hasn't been the greatest.

He let go and I offered him a smile. "Thanks Soda." I turned to Steve who had been watching us the whole time. "I want to learn more about cars."

He laughed and asked me why. "Well I figure since I race them, I might as well know how it runs. Plus, it's been a while since we all have hung out." He chuckled and shook his head. "Alright. Let's start with under the hood.

We spent the next few hours going over each piece of the car and what it did. Soda sat on the counter, occasionally pumping some gas for the people who trickled in all afternoon. Overall, it was a slow day for them, but I learned more than I could've hoped for.

Angela happened to walk by the DX a little before closing and came over when she saw me. "Your brother let you off your leash?"

I smirked, "Something like that. Where's Tim?" She looked over her shoulder and saw him talking with some people in his gang.

"I think you should tell him you're coming back to Buck's with me and I'll tell the two inside the same thing." She gave me a rebellious smile and nodded.

I walked over to the two boys who were closing up and I said I would meet them later. "I told Dal I would be back around dinner time." They nodded their heads and I walked out with Angela.

"We good?" She smiled, "Tim has no idea."

We walked down the road towards Buck's to make them think that's where we were going but turned down the road to head to the south side when we were out of sight.

"I spent the day with Steve learning about cars and know what things we need to pull and cut."

She threw her head back and laughed, "This is going to be so much better than what I hoped for." We walked the rest of the way talking about any and everything until we crossed the train tracks and saw the giant houses.

Dally's P.O.V.

I walked into the Curtis house and saw Steve and Soda sitting on the couch, watching Mickey with Two-bit. "Where's Sage?"

Soda answered without looking up from the TV, "Her and Angela went to Buck's. Said she needed to get back or something."

I clenched my fists and mumbled, "Be back later." I let her out of my sight for one minute and she goes running of with Shepard's kid sister. I knew they were up to something and I had kept her close these last few days hoping she would drop it. Clearly, I underestimated her. I was walking down the road and had no idea where to start looking. The two of them could find trouble in a church on Sunday so, they could be anywhere.

I decided to walk to Shepard's house and see if he knew anything. He was standing outside his house with Curly, getting onto him about something. I had zero concerns about interrupting them. "Where the hell is your sister?"

Tim looked over to me and shook his head, "Said she was going to Buck's with Sage." As soon as he said it out loud, he knew she lied to him. "God dammit."

Curly snuck away from us, knowing it wouldn't end up well for him if he stayed. "Do you know what they are up to? Sage spent the day at the DX, and I know she hasn't talked to Angela since they met up."

Tim shook his head, "I let her come with me because I didn't want her sneaking out of the house. They must have saw the opportunity and took it."

It was my turn to shake my head and started walking off, "If you find her, don't let her out of your sight." I didn't wait for Tim to agree before I started walking towards the town to try and look for them.

The sun was starting to set, and I was starting to get more worried about them getting jumped again than what they were up to. Sage had a blade on her and the two of them know how to fight. But I also thought the same thing when I let her go to that party. After about an hour of aimless walking around, I decided to go to the Curtis house and wait to see if she shows up there. 

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