fifty one

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A loud knocking on the door had me flying out of bed. Someone had a death wish to be banging on Tim Shepard's door like that. I quickly made it to the living room and saw Sodapop standing in the doorway, frantic and distressed. His eyes met mine and it was like he was struggling with what to say. My heart dropped, thinking it has to be about Dallas. Why else would he be in Tim Shepard's house at 4 in the morning.

"Pony, he-he's missing. He left a note apologizing and we can't find him anywhere." I didn't wait for him to say anything else as I grabbed my shoes and headed out the door.

Tim yelled out, "Where the hell are you going?"

I turned and said, "To find him."

He shook his head and Soda stayed quiet during the exchange. "You are asking to get jumped."

I gave him a shoulder shrug, "Then so be it. I'm not losing someone else." I didn't wait for an answer and ran off to where I thought he might be. I would deal with the backlash from him later.

Soda didn't follow, which made me think he went to find other people to help, but it didn't matter. They didn't know what spots in town would cause the most damage. If Ponyboy wrote a letter, then his intentions were clear. The kid was going to follow in the footsteps of the idiots before him.

He knew about the bridge and wouldn't be there. Soda or Steve would've easily found him. But there was a spot further down the river that was mostly hidden from people passing by. Hopefully he only decided to run away and not make any rash decisions. It didn't take long for me to walk up on the spot and sure enough, the youngest Curtis was sitting on the side of the riverbank. "Ponyboy Curtis! What the actual fuck do you think you're doing."

It was nearly comical how much he jumped when he heard me. The kid stood up fast and put a bit of distance between us. "What are you doing here?"

I scoffed, "Me? What are you doing here? You had Soda banging down Tim's door at 4 in the morning going on about you running away and leaving some sort of note. Care to explain? Or were you trying to get your brother shot for no reason?"

His face paled and he frantically shook his head, "I didn't think he would react like that."

It was taking a lot of restraint to not strangle the kid. "You didn't think you would freak them out? Lordy, are you that stupid?"

He didn't answer and I did the only thing a sane person would do in my position. I slugged him across the face. The look of shock and utter disbelief follow the action, but I didn't care. "What the hell was that for?"

While he was pissed, I simply rolled my eyes at him. "Are you serious Ponyboy? Yeah, your best friend died. Join the fucking club. But you know what you have that the rest of us don't? A family who actually loves them. Your two brothers would literally do anything for you, and you are willing to throw that away for what? Because life got a little hard? I would love to have a brother who cared. Dallas tried to kill himself because it was easier than dealing with the grief. He was willing to leave his own blood behind and not give me a second thought. So, you think you have it rough? I'm currently living with my dead best friend's brother because I have nowhere else to go. I have no one else to look out for me. So do us all a favor and pull your head out of your ass and think for once."

We both continued to stare at each other, waiting for someone to respond. When I realized Pony wasn't going to use his words, I huffed out a breath and sat on the ground. He must have gotten the hint because he followed suit, sitting relatively close for someone who just got hit.

"Look, you don't get to stop living just because things are hard right now. How do you think Soda would take it if you weren't here anymore? And I know Darry may not show it in the best way, but that man loves you to pieces. Out of all of us here, you are the one who has a real shot at life. College and everything. I'm sorry you didn't get to grow up with a cookie cutter lifestyle like those across the tracks, but hell Pony, you have it so much easier than the rest of us. You had two parents who loved you and were the light of their lives. You have a constant roof over your head with two brothers to make sure you have everything you need. And don't tell Steve I told you this, but he's been putting money away for you to go to college if your brothers needed it. You might not see it now, but your life is worth so much more than you know. You are going to change the world, Pony. I just need you to believe it too."

I didn't miss the way he quickly wiped his eyes, but I knew better than to say anything. A kid his age shouldn't have to deal with so much loss, but it'll make him stronger. He just needs a little more time to see it. "Your life is worth something too, Sage." His voice was barely above a whisper, but I heard him clear as day.

"I'm still trying to figure out how, but I'm not giving up. Tim would bring me back from the dead and kill me again." That got a small chuckle from him.

"You and Tim got close. Never thought I'd see him care about someone." It was true. Tim kept a tight hold on his emotions in order for others to not view him as weak. But a select few of us knew the real him.

"Dallas is the brother I have, but Tim is the brother I needed. He's managed to keep my head on straight throughout all of this and I know that's not easy to do. I don't need someone to coddle me but to grab me if I step out of line. And honestly Pony, I think you're the same way. Your brothers want to keep this padded blanket wrapped around you at all times, but you need to live and make your own mistakes. It's crazy to say, but you've been sheltered up until recently. And I think that's hurt you some. I don't mind being the person to keep you in line because I've been right where you are. Lost with no signs of hope. But it gets better. The people around you keep you going."

He was playing with the grass underneath him, and I knew there was something he wanted to say. "Get it off your chest."

He glanced up at me, "You have to promise you won't hit me again."

I gave him a small smirk, "I'd be lying if I agreed to that, and you know it. But I promise to at least try."

He weighed out his options and figured he would take the risk. "Are you ever going to forgive Dal?" As much as I hated the question, I knew it was coming. Him and Dallas had a weird relationship, but they cared for each other. Anyone could see it. So, it was natural for Pony to wan to try and fix things between us.

"I don't know, Pone. What he did was just as bad as Angela, and it's taken me a while to forgive her. He didn't think about what he was leaving behind and as much as he gets under my skin, I love him. And to lose someone close like that not too far after my best friend died, it broke me. He took the easy way out and failed. Now he has to deal with the repercussions of it. Maybe one day I'll let everything go. But for now, this rage and anger I feel towards him is going to stay for a while. I can't help that."

We were both quiet for a few minutes, watching the sun start to rise over the water. "I think I messed up." I couldn't help but snort at his confession. "No shit, Pony."

He pushed my shoulder. "What am I supposed to do? Darry is going to be so mad."

I let out a slow breath and tried my best to answer that. "I think Darry may come off as pissed, but he's really just afraid of losing you. You didn't see how he acted when you were in the hospital. Losing you would be his breaking point. So yeah, he might be a bit upset for a while, but he will come around. You and he are two different people that don't see eye to eye. Just talk to him instead of assuming the worst. He's not your worst enemy. Far from it actually."

I pushed myself off the ground and motioned for him to get up. "Let's get you home before the cops get involved."

He got up and gave me a questioning look. "What does cops have to do with anything?"

I threw an arm around his shoulder and started walking towards the Curtis house. "I ran out of Shepard's house at 4 am after he told me not to. Suns up and we aren't back. I guarantee you he will start beating information out of people." I felt Pony shiver at the thought and smiled, "We're going to be okay, Pony."  

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