twenty four

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Chapter 24

Sage P.O.V.

As expected, the joyful reunion only lasted so long. I managed to make it through the night without anyone asking questions, but I could tell they were itching to find out what all happened.

Dally and I ended up crashing at the Curtis house along with the rest of the gang. It was almost like they were afraid if they left, I would disappear again. I couldn't move than five feet without one of them following me, but I told myself that they mean well.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of bacon with a hint of chocolate cake mixed in with it. I got up off the couch and looked to see the rest of the guys passed out in various places in the living room. I knew at this point Darry was the only one up and as much as I wanted to snag a piece of bacon, I didn't know if I was ready to face his disapproving stares. After a short internal debate, I decided the bacon would be worth the discomfort.

I silently stepped over Two-bit and Steve who were sprawled out on the floor and drug myself to the kitchen. Darry's head turned towards me as I rounded the corner and he gave me a warm smile. "Mornin'. How did you sleep?"

I walked over to the counter where the bacon was laid out on a plate. "Better than I have in a while."

He nodded his head and started to ice the cake he had pulled out of the oven not too long ago. He glanced down at my hand and saw the rope burn. It had almost healed, but a red mark was still noticeable. "What happened?"

I looked down at my hand and smiled, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." At this point Dally and Soda walked in with Steve not too far behind. Two-bit must still be sleeping.

Soda came and grabbed my hand to look at it. "Looks like a burn of some sort."

I nodded my head and Dally asked where I got it from. I hesitated not knowing exactly how to tell this story. "Ah, well you see, Angela wanted to get out of the hotel room and somehow we made it down to a rodeo."

Dally chuckled, "You hate rodeos."

I slowly nodded my head, "It wasn't like we had much else to do down there. Anyway, Angela found herself a guy which left me to figure something out. Out of nowhere this one guy had come up and started asking questions and next thing I knew, I was riding a bull."

They were all staring at me in disbelief and Dally held up a hand. "I'm sorry. I thought I heard you just say you rode a bull."

I nodded my head and looked down at my hand. "He said girls don't ride bulls and I wanted to prove him wrong."

Steve laughed, "Poor guy had no idea who he was dealing with when he said that. How long did you last?"

I smirked, "8 seconds. The rope slid out of my hand as I was trying to get off. Left a small burn. I got second though, if that counts for anything."

Soda was looking at me with a mixture of amusement and awe. "So, you are tellin me that my girl rode a bull and lived to tell about it?"

I nodded my head with a smile and heard Two-bit's voice from the living room, "Hot damn we got ourselves a badass. You plan on entering bull riding events here?"

Dally said no before I could even open my mouth. Steve and Soda were laughing at this point and Dally shook his head. "I swear you don't think sometimes."

Everyone grabbed some breakfast and watched Mickey for a while. Pony and Johnny left to go hang out at the lot at some point, which left me with the rest of the guys. I could tell they were all starting to get restless and I caught them giving each other glances every now and then. It was only a matter of time before the questions started.

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