thirty seven

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Ch 37

Sage P.O.V.

I had made it to the lot when I saw Pony and Johnny. Who knew what the two of them did all day? I guess no one really cares if since they stay out of trouble. Pony waved me over when he saw me, and I reluctantly walked towards them. "Hey Sage. What are you up to?"

I leaned up against an old, rusted car and said, "Well, I was on my way to rearrange Sandy's face. But I had a little run in with some hoods and now I'm not sure if I'm in the mood for a fight."

They were both silent for a minute and I didn't miss Johnny's eyes going wide. "Why did you want to hurt Sandy? I thought you and Soda were okay?"

I looked over to Pony with a confused look. "Did you not hear what happened a few days ago?" They both shook their head. "Lord almighty. Do the two of you live under a rock?"

Pony looked down, but that got a ghost of a smile from Johnny. "Long story short, Angela and I were down by the river, Soc's came, and a fight broke out. I almost drowned in the river and when we called your brother for a ride back, that dumb broad answered and hung up on me. Wouldn't have been a big deal if I wasn't soaked to the bone and catching hyperthermia. Steve and Two came to pick us up luckily. That about sums it up."

They both looked at me with shocked expressions. Pony asked if that's were Darry went that night. I nodded my head. "Tim wasn't home, and Dal was still in the cooler, so it left Steve and Two-bit in charge. How well do you think that would've gone?"

They both smiled and I sighed, "Well boys, this has been fun but I'm going to head on over to the land of the middle class."

I went to walk away, but Pony's next sentence stopped me. "You're going to walk alone with this new war breaking out?"

I turned and looked at him, "What war? We are always fighting with each other. How is this any different?"

The two boys looked at each other and Pony said, "We heard that there is a list of people they want hurt badly. Dally is on there and I heard your name get brought up."

"Where the hell did you hear this?"

Pony looked down at his feet, "I overheard some Soc talking about it in my English class. Said they want to get back at us for their friends dying all those months back."

Jesus Christ. Because life couldn't be easy for more than two seconds. Johnny spoke up for the first time, "I-I think they want you in order to get back at Dally."

That makes what happened down at the river make more sense. "Does anyone else know?"

They both shook their heads. I was trying to keep my temper in check because I know they just didn't think it through. "Did you think maybe the gang should know?" They both found their shoes fascinating after I said that.

I ran a hand over my face and shook my head, "You are telling them what you told me tonight. Someone is going to get hurt if we are caught off guard." I paused and then asked if Tim was on that list.

Pony shook his head, "They would be asking to get killed if that happened."

"But would they target Angela instead?"

Johnny nodded his head. "They ain't stupid. They would either need a lot of guys to jump them or hurt both of you pretty bad."

I nodded my head. "Let's get back to the house. I don't want Darry getting on my case if you get hurt while I'm with you. I already have someone else's brother pissed at me. No need to add another."

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