thirty five

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Chapter 35

Sage P.O.V.

I had laid in bed, staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. Angela managed to sneak out of the house when Curly fell asleep on the couch. She asked if I wanted to come with her, but I figured it was for the best if I didn't have her brother and mine on my case about "leaving their sight".

A knock on the bedroom door gave me hope that the endless spiral of boredom. I told whoever it was to come in and Two-Bits goofy smile is what greeted me. "Hey kid. I've come to bust you out."

I couldn't help but smile back at him. "Are you looking for a death wish? Tim told me not to leave."

He waved a hand in front of him, "Ol' Tim doesn't scare me." I raised my eyebrows at him, and he quickly said, "Last I saw, him and your brother were getting into it. Plus, Soda is also on his radar. I would be so far down this list of people he needed to kill that he would forget."

I thought about it for a second. "Let me leave a note and tell him I'm with someone from the gang. Maybe he won't be as pissed off." Two-bit helped me out of bed and found one of Tim's old jackets for me to put on. I managed to make a few steps before the room started to spin. "Are you going to make it?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I just need a second." I focused on my breathing and told myself over and over I was fine.

"I don't mind lending you a hand. And hey, if anyone sees you on my arm it makes me look like I have good game." I shot him a look and he held up his hands. "Just trying to help."

I let out a deep breath and told him we should go before Tim gets back. Two-bit hovered beside me as we made our way through the house. I left Tim a note and stuck it on the fridge. Knowing him, a beer is going to be the first this he grabs when he comes home.

I followed Two out of the house and asked where we were going. "I figured we could go down by the railroad tracks. Away from all of this here."

A small smile appeared on my face when he said that. He knew being around people wasn't going to help me any and getting me away from Tim and Dal would prolong any fight waiting to happen.

We slowly walked in the direction of the tracks, kicking a few rocks along the way. For once, Two-bit was silent. I had too many thoughts running through my head to really notice it, but again, he knew what I needed. As we got to the tracks, we found a spot in the grass to sit.

I didn't realize how much being sick would affect me, but I was nearly out of breath from the walk. Two-bit reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a flask. "I thought you might be thirsty after being locked inside all day and making the walk down here."

In that moment, I was too trusting in him and took a big sip from the small flask. The second the liquid hit my throat, a strong burning sensation took over and made me choke. Two-bit was laughing his ass off and patted my back a few times to try and help me out. "What the hell is in that thing?"

He grabbed the flask and took a sip, "Some whiskey. What did you think it was, water?" I nodded my head, and he laughed some more. "Now when in the hell have you ever seen me drink water?" It was a good question because I have never seen him drink a drop of water.

We settled into a moment of silence, watching the men load the train cars. For a minute, you could almost forget about the issues going on back home. Before I knew what I was doing, I blurted out a question that had been on my mind for a while. "Why did Soda go back to Sandy?"

I heard Two-bit sigh, "Honestly, I have no idea. The girl cheats on him, gets pregnant with someone else's kid, leaves town, and everything simply goes back to normal. I don't get what he sees in her."

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