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Chapter 13

Sage P.O.V.

I laid in bed for three days straight. Dally couldn't get me to eat, shower, or talk for that matter. I knew I was driving him crazy, but I didn't care about anything at this point. All I could think of was how I reacted to Soda's touch. A guy that I have liked for as long as I can remember barely touched me and something in my mind flipped. What if I reacted this way every time? All hopes of me ever wanting a relationship was down the drain if I couldn't get myself together. I was going down a tunnel and saw no way out.

It was the afternoon of my third day of solitude and my endless thoughts of darkness and depression were interrupted by voices outside of the door. I heard Dally's voice first, "She hasn't gotten out of bed or eaten in three days, man. I don't know what to do."

The other voice replied, "Angela has been the same way. Something snapped and she hasn't been the same since." The voice belonged to Tim. I knew it was wrong of me to be happy Angela was feeling the same way, but at least I knew I wasn't the only one going crazy.

Dally asked if he thought it would help if the two of us got together and tried to talk it out. I hadn't spoken to Angela since the day I called her about running my mouth to Tim. The boys didn't want us together in fears of what trouble we would find ourselves in next. I didn't hear Tim's voice anymore, but saw the door open with only Dally walking inside. Tim must have left, because Dally shut the door behind him.

He came over and sat on the bed, pushing hair out of my face. "Baby girl, I need you to eat something for me. Any longer of this and I will have to take you to the hospital. You've lost some weight and don't look too good."

I looked down at the bed sheets and didn't say anything. He let out a frustrated sigh and said, "Tim and I think you and Angela need to talk things out with each other." I looked back up to him and saw him staring down at me. I guess Tim did agree. I nodded my head and hope filled his eyes. This was the first time I have acknowledged him in the three days I've been in this bed.

"I need you to shower and eat a little something and then we will head over to their house." I let out a deep breath and sat up. Dally got off the bed and helped me stand. "I'll go grab something from the Dingo. You want pancakes?" My stomach growled at the mention of my favorite food and he took that as I yes. "I'll be back in a few."

He walked out and I made my way into the shower. I felt weak from not moving these last few days and I didn't realize how far off I was until I looked in the mirror before stepping into the warm water. My cheek bones were more pointed than normal, my collarbone stuck out more, and my hair was greasy and matted. I hadn't looked this bad since my last few months in New York.

I took a quick shower and changed into some new clothes when Dally came back in with the food. He set it down on the bed and I scarfed it down in record time. Dally stood there and watched me probably thankful I was moving around again.

Once I was done, we walked out of Buck's bar and down the road to the Shepard house. Just like the Curtis's, we walked straight in and saw Tim sitting on the couch with Curly. Tim looked me over and shook his head. I knew I looked lousy, but his disapproval only confirmed it.

Curly let out a low whistle, "Damn. Tim wasn't kidding when he said you had gone off the deep end like Ange." Tim slapped the back of his head and told him to shut his trap.

"Angela is upstairs." I nodded my head and made my way up the stairs and down the hall to my friends' room. I opened the door and saw her curled up in the bed, just like I was an hour ago. She sat up when she saw me and scooted over in the bed, allowing me to sit down.

She stared at me and said, "Wow. You look like you've been through some shit."

I raised my eyebrows at her, "Me? You should look in the mirror sometime. You ain't lookin too hot either." We both stared at each other and started laughing. Wow, it felt good to actually laugh again.

She asked me how I had been. I shook my head and leaned my back against the wall. I told her everything from the fight with Sylvia, how I had lost Soda to Sandy, and my breakdown. It felt good to get everything off my chest. How I had been thinking and how much I hated life right now.

It didn't surprise me when her story was similar to mine. "I was at a bon fire with my brothers and this guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to get out of there. I don't know if it was the way he said it or the smell of alcohol on his breath, but I lost it. I ended up slugging him in the face, which of course got Tim involved. That poor guy had no idea what was coming for him. Since then I have been here, thinking about life and how much I don't want to keep living it."

That last part got to me. While I hadn't been thinking about ending my life, a few more days in that bed and I probably would have found myself in the same spot. "We need to do something."

She looked at me and asked what I had in mind. I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, but I need to get him back for all the shit he has caused me."

Angela thought for a moment and looked at me with a smile. I knew from the look she gave me that she thought of something good. "They love their cars; I say we start with cutting a few wires." The ball started rolling from there and before we knew it, we had a whole list of things we were planning on doing to them. Part of me knew this was probably going to end poorly, but he has already taken so much from me.

It was his turn to lose something.

Angela ended up taking a shower and getting dressed. I helped brush out her tangled hair and we both sat there feeling like we had a purpose in life again. I know the guys only wanted us to talk things through and get through this slump, but what they didn't know is that they just created two walking nightmares.

Dally P.O.V.

Tim had kicked Curly out so we could talk and that I wouldn't kill him for the comment he made towards Sage. That kid was a miniature Tim, but he didn't know when to shut up. We heard the girls start laughing and I couldn't help but smile. I hadn't seen her even smile since she beat up Sylvia.

It got quiet in their room and Tim asked how I was doing. I rubbed the back of my neck, "Man I didn't know how hard it would be raising my sister. Before I left her in New York, she was full of life. But something changed when she showed up here a month ago. All she told me was our dad was giving her a hard time, but it's more than that. And now with everything that has happened here, I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm losing her."

Tim nodded his head. He wasn't much for talking, but he was a good listener. I hadn't seen what Angela looked like, but judging by the bags under Tim's eyes, I'm sure she is just as bad as Sage. We heard the shower turn on and I could see Tim relax a little more. It wasn't much longer when we saw the girls come down.

I looked at our two sisters and even though they had both visibly lost weight, they still looked like the toughest greasers around. "Ya'll good?"

Sage gave me a smirk that I knew she picked up from me and said, "Better than ever." Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon that she is almost back to her normal self. But something in that smirk told me they were up to no good.

Tim asked Angela if she was feeling better. I watched her flip her over her shoulder and smile, "I'm like a whole new person." I saw Sage look at her and smile. I looked over at Tim and knew he was thinking the same thing.

They both walked into the kitchen to grab some food and I asked Tim in a hushed voice, "What are they up to?"

He shook his head, staring at them. "This might have been a bad idea." I nodded my head in agreeance. I looked back to them and saw them whispering about something. Angela laughed and Sage shook her head smiling.

Tim said, "Damn, Dallas. She looks just like you." She did and that scared me like no other. I don't know what they have planned, but I knew we were going to have to keep a close eye on them. Sage turned back around and saw me staring. She gave me a wink and I could help but shake my head and chuckle.

This girl was going to be the death of me.

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