Chapter 38

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Gemma and the boys were cooking dinner when Chris came home. She opened the door to him and welcomed him in.

"Come give me a hug!" He said, mischievously, arms wide open. He was completely soaked from the rain. She squealed and ran away.

"Don't you dare, Chris!" She laughed, hiding behind Harry. Chris chuckled, shivering in his damp clothes.

"Okay, okay- who's this?" He noticed the brown haired boy sitting quietly at the counter.

"This is Zayn, Harry's friend. Now, go away! You're getting the floor wet!"

"Nice to meet you, Zayn. I'm Chris, Gemma's boyfriend." Chris introduces as he walked out of the kitchen after Zayn muttered a 'you too'.

"Zayn could you continue with the salad, please?" Gemma asked, eager to go be with her boyfriend. Zayn nodded.

He got off his seat and walked over to the counter where Gemma had already started making the salad. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the knife sitting on the chopping board, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. The flashbacks of the first day in the basement hit him as he took hold of the knife. The feeling of the man grabbing his hair and pulling his head back. The feeling of the knife digging into his cheek, the fear he felt in that moment.

He felt paralysed as the memory played on repeat in his head. Harry noticed Zayn's body tense up. He walked over to him and reached over to place his hand on his shoulder. Zayn darted towards him at the touch, the knife now pointing towards Harry. Harry looked down at Zayns shaking hands that held the sharp object.

"Zayn..." he started, slowly putting his hands up in surrender. He didn't want to make a sudden move in case it scared him so he tried staying as still as possible.

"What the-" Gemma ran into the room but when Harry shot her a look, she froze in her tracks, Chris right behind her.

"It's alright, Zayn." Harry was about to make a move towards the knife but stopped when Zayn shouted at him.

"Don't come any closer!"


"Get away from me! W-who are you?" His vision blurred and all he could see was a black balaclava, looking down at him. The room was getting darker around him and he felt like he was back in the basement. Harry's heart shattered as he saw the effects of what they had done to the poor kid. They had ruined him physically and mentally.

"It's me, Zayn. It's Harry." Harry?

"I'm not going to hurt you, you can put the knife down." Knife?

He looked down at his hands that he thought were tied to a chair but instead he was holding a knife. A knife that was digging into the person in front of him. Harreh? His head was hurting from how confused he felt. One moment he was back in the basement and the next he's standing in the kitchen, holding Harry at knife point.

"H-harry?" He was shaking violently now as he realised what was happening. His body began convulsing, the grip on the knife loosening. Harry noticed how pale Zayn had gotten so he wrapped his hands around Zayn's. He unwrapped Zayn's hand and slowly took the knife, putting it further away on the counter.

"Yeah, it's me." Zayn grabbed on to Harry's sweatshirt as his legs gave out on him. He caught the broken boy and they both sank to the floor together. Harry realised he was shaking too, the adrenaline that was pumping through his blood had gone now and left him tired. He held on to Zayn's body, tightly, not wanting to let him go as the latter continued to sob.

Gemma and Chris were still standing there. She looked over at her boyfriend who was watching the boys in complete shock. She knew how crazy this whole thing looked, and it WAS crazy.

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