Chapter 28

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He ran to his bedroom as soon as he promised Zayn he was going to fix everything. And he was. But he needed to earn Zayn's trust first.

"What the hell?" He said as he barged in to his room. Liam and Louis looked up from their phones and at Harry - both looking confused.

"What happened to Zayn?" While Liam continued to look confused, Louis realised what he was on about and rolled his eyes.

"He refused to eat his food and was putting up a fight." Louis scoffed, getting off the bed.

"What so just because he didn't want to eat, you nearly kill the boy?" Harry couldn't believe his friend could do that to someone. Yes, they're job isn't the cleanest but they've never beaten or hurt anyone to that extent.

"Stop being dramatic, Harry! He's still breathing." Those words made Harrys blood begin to boil. He stomped over to him.

"What has gotten into you?"

"Why do you care so much?" Louis questioned knowingly as they began to stare each other down. Harry swallowed thickly. Liam had gotten off the bed and was waiting to the side, ready to intervene if anything got out of hand. For now though, he stayed quiet.

"I don't care. How do you expect someone to want him when he's black and blue all over? No one would pay for that." Harry couldn't hold the eye contact anymore.

"I bet you still want him." Louis mumbled but Harry heard.

"What's that supposed to mean? You know what? I don't even care. Just get out  my house. Both of you." Liam sighed, getting flashbacks to last time Harry kicked them out of his house.  Without putting up a fight, the two boys got their things and did as they were told.

Once they left, Harry ran from room to room making sure no one else was home. He remembered his mum was out with her friends and his dad was at a meeting tonight. The house was empty.

"Hey, you awake?" Harry called out as he slowly walked down the basement stairs. Zayn didn't reply but Harry saw he was sat up on his mattress in a daze.

"Why are you back so soon?" Harry tried not to get hurt by the spite in Zayn's voice.

"I need you to come with me." At his words Zayn's head jolted to where Harry was. He remembered when they came down to take Perrie away - is that what they're going to do to me?

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you! Leave me alone! Please."

"I'm not going to hurt you, Zayn, just please come with me."


"Please don't ask questions and do as you're told." Zayn shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. Harry sighed. He never made anything easy.

"Zayn! Get up right now!" He shouted with authority in his voice. Zayn got scared at the sudden change in his tone.

"Let me help." Harry stepped forward as Zayn struggled to stand up.

"I can do it myself." Harry rolled his eyes and walked towards him keeping eye contact so he knew he wasn't going to hurt him. He took Zayn's arm and put it around his shoulder then he wrapped his own arm around Zayn's small waist. He was trying to be as gentle as possible but Zayn still winced when Harry's arm made contact with his waist. Harry muttered a sorry and helped carry the boy up the upstairs.

Zayn covered his eyes as bright white lights hit him as soon as the door opened. He expected Harry to blindfold him but he didn't. They were in a house. Harry's house? The door opened in to a large kitchen and dining room. Everything was white which was the complete opposite of where he had been kept. As his eyes adjusted to the new environment he realised whoever lived here was rich. Really rich.

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