Chapter 33

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Throughout the whole night, the two boys held on tightly to one another's hand, seeking comfort in the little touch. Zayn was curled up to Harry's side while Harry's head was turned towards him, eyes fixed on the sleeping boy.

His gaze travelled from his brown hair to his curled eyelashes. His skin shone bronze in the light seeping through the curtains but it was his lips that grabbed Harry's attention. Deep pink, slightly chapped lips that were parted and Harry would've done anything just to get a taste.


He rolled over to face Zayn properly, his hand reached over and cupped the side of Zayn's face, his thumb gently grazing over his bottom lip. He could almost feel the peace taking over his entire body at the touch and that's when Harry realised. With every touch, every word, every look, he was falling deeper and deeper.

"What have you done to me?" Harry groaned with a smile on his face, taking his hand away and rolling back over to stare up at the ceiling.

"Open the damn door!" Harry snapped out of his thoughts when he heard banging on the door. Zayn's eyes fluttered open and before he could say anything, Harry put a finger to his lips.

"I'm coming!" He rushed out of bed and fixed himself up, running over to the door. He mentally prepared himself before opening the door just enough so that he could stick his head out.

"I've been calling your name and knocking on the door."

"Sorry, I was asleep." Desmond looked at him, suspiciously.

"Is someone in there with you?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

"N-no, just me."

"Listen, boy, you know I've been nice enough to let you be yourself but I don't want any funny business going on in my house." Harry knew exactly what he meant and he couldn't help but start to get embarrassed even though no "funny business" was going on. He also knew his dad was being like this just because he knew he was gay. If he was straight, he wouldn't have a problem with Harry bringing any girls over. He would encourage it.

"We have a meeting in an hour to discuss the auction. Get ready."

"Yes, sir." Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding once Desmond walked away.

He shut the door, locking it and turned around to see Zayn sitting up in the bed.

"Who was it?"

"My dad."

"You call him sir?"

"Yeah." Silence fell over them as Zayn began thinking. He didn't know whether to question it or not but he decided to just go for it.

"Auction?" Harry was avoiding this question. He didn't know what he was meant to tell him. He busied himself by shuffling through his clothes trying to find a black suit.

"Just a business meeting. I need to get ready, yh?" He rushed into the bathroom and began to shower. It was a very quick shower because according to his dad "early is on time and on time is late" so he made sure to be 15 minutes early to every meeting.

Zayn was making use of however long he had in the bed so he tried to get more sleep but was disturbed when Harry walked out of the bathroom. The fitted suit and wet hair caught Zayn's eye and he couldn't look away as the boy in front of him began drying his hair with a towel.

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." Zayn cleared his throat.


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