Chapter 12

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The past couple of days, Zayn didn't spend any time with his family. He would go to school and then come home only to study all night. He even ate dinner by himself. He missed his family even though they lived in the same house.

It was Thursday night and Zayn had decided to take a break from his studying. He was sitting on the sofa with his sisters and mum, watching a movie when his father entered the house. He stumbled through the hallway and into the living room, holding a beer bottle in his hand.

"I just-" His father hiccuped before continuing "I..won £250 for you guys. WE'RE RIIIIICH!" He slurred, not being able to stand still as he took the money out of his pocket and threw it in the air. Zayn got up and rushed to him, annoyed that he had probably lost so much money gambling and come home with only £250.

"Dad, come on, lets get you cleaned up." He said as the stench of alcohol was filling up the room. He looked over at his mother, whose eyes lacked the twinkle he once used to see. Instead, it was filled with sorrow and heartbreak. And his sisters were sat there looking confused and scared.

"No! We need to celebrate! Babe, come here!" He stumbled to Trisha and grabbed her wrist, way too harsh in Zayn's opinion.

"Dad! Come on." He said and grabbed Yaser's elbow to guide him out the room. He pulled his arm away and pushed Zayn backwards, the beer bottle dropping on the floor and smashing into pieces. His mother rushed over to him getting in between them.

"Don't y-you dare...tell me what to do, boy!" He shouted, suddenly getting angry, the effects of alcohol running through his veins getting the best of him. "I'm the man of this house! NOT YOU!"

"Then act like it!" Zayn shouted right back, his blood beginning to boil but stopped himself from getting any angrier. He walked over to his sisters and knelt down in front of them.

"Waliyha, take Saf into your room. I'll come and we can finish the movie later, yh?" Zayn spoke softly, looking into her eyes. He didn't want them to see their dad like this. She nodded and held Safaa's hand, taking her upstairs as their parents continued to bicker.

"I'm doing this for you guys!" Yaser shouted at Trisha who had tears streaming down her face.

"No you're not. Don't act like you care about any of us when you're out late at night having an affair with other women!" She sobbed out.

"TRISH-" Yaser raised his hand but was stopped by his son holding on to his wrist. Trisha was frozen in place, not believing that the father of her children was about to lay his hand on her.

"Don't you dare." Zayn said through his teeth, standing up to his dad. Yaser yanked his wrist from Zayn's grip.

"Always siding with your pathetic mother." He spat and made his way up the stairs. Trisha wiped at her eyes and bent down,picking up the broken glass pieces.

"Why are you still with him when you know he's cheating?" Zayn finally asked, his voice breaking.

"You won't understand." She said, walking to the kitchen to get tissue. Zayn waited for her to come back in to the room before speaking.

"Then expl-"

"Zayn please!" She shouted, staring up at him through teary eyes. "He's still your father, I will not tolerate you being rude to him. You need to still respect him. Go help him."

"I will not respect a cheating, lousy excuse of a father." Zayn said and held on to his mother's shoulders.

"Please...stop, j-just go help him." Her eyes were begging him to listen to her. So he did.

He walked upstairs to their bedroom, with a glass of water and some painkillers and took a deep breath before going inside. Yaser was sprawled out on the floor staring up at the ceiling. He put the glass and tablets down before walking over to him, gently helping him up and moving him to the bed. He went in to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, wetting it with lukewarm water.

No words were exchanged between them as Zayn cleaned his face with the washcloth. He removed Yaser's shoes and put the blanket over him.

As Zayn was about to leave, his father grabbed his wrist.

"You're a good boy, Zayn." Yaser whispered, barely audible. Zayn didn't turn around but listened.

"I do care about this family, you have to believe me." He begged, "I'm sorry about everything I've done and everything that's going to happen but I want you to know that I care about you." Zayn furrowed his eyebrows, in confusion, and turned around to face his dad. His eyes were closed.

"I want you to go tell your mother and your sisters that you l-love them. Go spend as much time with them as you can before it's too late."

"I'm s-sorry." Yaser cried out, breaking Zayn's heart even further.

Zayn left the room and stood outside the door. He tried to swallow away the tight feeling in his throat and placed his hand over his heart. His breathing was uneven and he felt faint. He closed his eyes tightly before opening them again and composed himself as he walked towards his sisters room. They were cuddling each other when Zayn walked in.

"Hey, losers." Zayn said and jumped into bed with them. They sat up and attacked Zayn with hugs and kisses, relieved to see their older brother.

"Ew, get off!" He joked and tried to peel his younger sisters off of himself. Trisha joined them 5 minutes later and the 4 of them huddled in bed together and put on 'Frozen'.


*Earlier in the day*

Harry knew exactly what was going to happen tomorrow and weirdly enough...he didn't feel guilty. He felt nothing, in fact. And he liked this feeling. He acted as if it was a normal thursday, being the class clown in lessons and messing around with Louis and Liam at lunch, who were glad Harry was back to normal.

"You're in a good mood, today." Louis said and Harry winked at him. Louis started blushing and he tried to cover it up by stuffing his face with a sandwich.

"It's just a good day!" Harry said, smiling at his friends.

"You do remember what's happening tomorrow, right?" Liam asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I do. We have a pretty solid plan. There's nothing to be worried about!"

Even though Harry felt numb to almost every emotion, he was still paranoid. As always. Every time he would hear police sirens, He would put his hood up and walk into the nearest shop, to hide himself. When there were no shops near, that's when he would panic. His breathing would fasten and he would sweat uncontrollably. That's one feeling that he couldn't numb. Paranoia.


Yikes Yasers a cheat and poor Zayn can't catch a break.

UGH I feel like I should say I'M SORRY FOR UPDATING SM like wow 2 chapters in one day??? I'm just currently writing alot so theres no reason for me to not upload. Also I dont think this chapter is that good so I'm probably going to come back to it and fix it a bit.


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