Chapter 25

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"Where the fuck is my money?!"

"I need you to calm down, Mr. Malik." Desmond spoke calmly, sitting at his desk.

"It's been a month! You took my son so give me my money, Styles." Yasir spat.

"We're sorting the auction out which could take a while. Your son is still with us, Yaser, if you want him, take him." He knew Yaser wouldn't take Zayn away.

"You can keep that bastard. I want my god damn money so I can look after my family." He said before turning around and leaving the room.

Harry nearly bumped into the man that stomped out of his fathers office. The man looked him up and down with disgust on his face then barged past him. Harry watched him leave the house then entered the room.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Yaser Malik."

"Like Zayn Malik? Zayn's father?" Desmond raised an eyebrow at his son referring to the boy by his first name.

"Yes, the boys father. We need to hurry up, he's not very happy. I've emailed a couple of my friends to see if they could book a private hall where we can hold an auction. But since its becoming a formal event, it wouldn't make sense to put in this much effort for one boy, so I've sent a few men out on duty to get us a couple more people we can auction. So far we have 3 girl's and a boy held in a warehouse across town."

"How long is this going to take?" Harry asked, his throat feeling like sandpaper.

"We have no other choice but to do it within a month."

This was all happening too quickly and Harry had forgotten that Zayn was going to be handed over to someone else. The thought made him feel something and he couldn't understand why. Why was this case any different than the other ones? It wasn't. So why did it make him feel. The feeling where he forgets how to breath and he wants to vomit from the overwhelming emotions. The feeling where his heart leaps into his throat at the sound of Zayn crying, the urge he gets to comfort the boy and never let him go again.

And if he was being honest, he knew what it all meant but he didn't want to admit it to himself. He walked out of the office, head held high, and to his friends who were sprawled out on the sofa. Harry sat down next to Liam, leaving Louis on his own on the double sofa.

"You okay?" Liam asked to which Harry just about managed to nod.

"The auction is taking place within a month." He said, voice holding no emotion.

"Finally. How long has the boy been here, now?" Louis asked, rolling his eyes. And if looks could kill Louis would've dropped dead at the look Harry was throwing him.

"It's been just over a month. We kept Perrie here for two months, dumbass." Liam said.

"Yh but it's different with him. I don't want him here." And it was because he seemed to be getting all of Harry's attention. Whenever one of the other men would offer to take Zayn food, Harry would stop whatever he was doing and demand that he should be the one going down to see Zayn.

"Are you sure you're okay, Harry?" Louis asked this time. Harry didn't say anything, he got up from the sofa and walked out of the room.

"He's in a bad mood, again." Liam commented, rolling his eyes.

"Mhm..." Louis couldn't fight the large smile that took over his face. Liam looked over at him, in confusion.

"What are you cheesin' at?"

"Nothing...Okay, stop asking, I'll tell you! The other day at school, after you left the music room, we kissed again. He kissed me, Liam, and it was so romantic!" Liam shook his head, slowly, at his lovesick friend and he couldn't help but be happy for them.

"So, what does this mean for you guys?"

"I'm not sure...but it can only go up from here."


"This wall is made with 1452 bricks."

"You counted it all?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows at Zayn but a small smile was playing on his lips at how adorable that was.

"Well there's nothing else to do here, is there?" And it was true, so Harry didn't reply.

"I don't understand this. You're clearly a good guy, so why'd you do this to me?" Zayn asked. After leaving the room, the curly-haired boy ordered Chinese Takeaway and went down to the basement after it had arrived.

"I'm not a good guy. I don't know if you like Chinese food, by the way, but I was craving it." He took the containers out of the bag and placed them in between himself and Zayn as they sat cross-legged on the bed, facing each other.

"Other than the fact you won't let me leave, you are. You cleaned up my bruises yesterday, bought me pizza and takeaway. Who's making you do this?"

"No one."

"So you're telling me, this is your choice? It was your decision to kidnap me?" Harry didn't answer as he placed a spoonful of the egg fried rice into his mouth.

"I can see it in your eyes, Harry. You don't want to do this. That's the only reason why I'm even talking to you right now. What are they going to do to me?" sure that was a reason but also because Harry could be his only way of getting out of here.

"You're asking too many questions, Zayn. Eat." Harry saw the pout on Zayn's face and he tried his best to cover up his smile. Was this boy always this adorable?

"I'm not eating until you answer atleast one of my questions." He said, crossing his arms over his chest and turning away from Harry.

"Fine, ask away."

"What's going to happen to me?" Harry stopped eating, suddenly losing his appetite.

"Next question."

"No. I want an answer."

"Ask another question, Zayn."

"Answer me!" Both boys were getting heated up again, voices slowly rising.

"You don't want to know!" Zayn sucked in his bottom lip, a habit he's had since he was a baby.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"God, Zayn, you're so stubborn." Harry began to put his food away but was stopped by Zayn grabbing on to his arm.

"I want to know."

"Eat." Zayn groaned but listened to him and picked up his own takeaway. Had Zayn read Harry wrong? He though that maybe if the curly-haired boy had a soft spot for him, he'd be more willing to answer his question. But he was starting to think Harry didn't care about him.

Harry did care. More than he was willing to admit. He wanted to protect the boy from all this pain but it was more difficult than anticipated.

"What happened to Perrie?" Zayn broke the silence with yet another question. Harry picked up his water, sipping as slow as he could to try and think of a suitable answer. He didn't know whether to tell the truth or just lie so that he wasn't worried.

"She's...okay. Last I heard, that is." He chose the latter even though he felt horrible for lying. But the less Zayn knew, the less he would hurt. Zayn nodded, continuing to eat.

"And Niall?"

"He's fine, too."

Harry stayed with him for hours, talking about nothing and everything as if they were friends, yet they were so far from that. Zayn enjoyed having someone to talk to and he even told Harry about a few childhood memories, in hopes of Harry opening up to him too. If he had to get close to the green-eyed boy to get out of this place, then thats exactly what he was going to do.

A/N: Hey guys, I update so slowly now but it's because exam season is approaching :(((


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