Chapter 14

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"Just wait an hour longer, Mum, he'll get home soon." Doniya said, leading her mum to the living room. She had come home from University so that she could see her family after a long time.

"Doniya, it's 9pm and my baby's out there somewhere!" Her mum shouts, thinking of the worst possible scenarios.

"Do you have Niall's number?" She asked. Her mum shook her head, burying her head in her hands. Doniya rubbed her back in circles as Waliyha and Safaa sat in the stairs, listening to what was going on.

Trisha got up and walked over to the table to grab her phone. She scrolled through the contacts and called Zayn's phone again.

"Hello...HAHA! You've reached my voicemail. I'm most likely not picking up on purpose so leave a message instead!"

She groaned, frustrated that this was the 32nd time she called and it kept going to his stupid voicemail. She scrolled through her contacts again till she reached the number she wanted to call.

"Hello?" Yaser answered.

"Yaser plea-"

"Trisha, I'm busy." He cut her off, slurring his words. Trisha felt her heart break even more, if that was even possible.

"Listen to me, you prick! Zayn hasn't come back from school yet! I'm w-worried and I...I need you right now." Her voice was breaking and she knew she was close to crying but she was trying her hardest to stay strong for her kids.

"What? Zayn's gone?" Yaser sobered up real quick at Trisha's words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I don't know where he is...just please come home." Yaser didn't reply. Instead he hung up and rushed home to his family.

Trisha took Safaa and Waliyha up to their room and tucked them into bed.

"Mum...why is Z not home?" Safaa mumbled, half asleep.

"He'll be home, soon, sweetheart." Trisha replied, brushing Safaa's hair away from her forehead and leaning down to kiss her.

"Ok...we still haven't finished Frozen so tell him to get home quick." She let out a yawn and Trisha swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat.

"Don't worry, Wali. He'll be back before you wake up tomorrow morning." Trisha said as she walked over to her daughters bed. The concern was evident on Waliyha's face. She was older than Safaa so she could understand what was happening, much better. Waliyha nodded and faced the wall, praying that her brother would return home tonight.

Yaser walked in to the house just as Trisha was coming down the stairs. The two froze, gazing at eachother and Yaser could see how broken his wife was. He held his arms out and Trisha  flew into them, letting herself break in her cheating husbands hold. Yaser kissed the top of her head as the two held on to each other, tightly.

"Do we call the police?" Trisha asked once she pulled away and wiped her eyes.

"No, babe, It's only been a couple of hours." He said and walked her into their living room where Doniya was, on her phone.


Blinking a few times, Zayn's eyesight finally cleared up as he awoke. His head was throbbing as if he had banged his head against a brick wall and he felt hot all over. And then he realised what was happening. His heart rate picked up again as his eyes scanned the dimly lit room, just about making out the small bed that was in the corner of the room. If you could even call it a bed. It was two mattresses stacked on each other. He was tied to down to a chair, restricting him of making any movements.

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