Chapter 27

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"What's so special about you?" Louis kneeled down infront of Zayn, who was sat cross-legged on the mattress, and tilted his chin up with the crook of his finger.

"Why is Harry so infatuated with you? I could've gotten rid of you, handed you over to Richard so Harry could stop worrying about you. But no. He wants you to stay with him. Why is that, Zayn?" He could feel Louis tracing his cheekbone with his finger. Suddenly his cheek started burning as Louis slapped him. Zayn sharply inhaled, not expecting it. He bit his bottom lip as black dots covered his vision and he began to feel lightheaded. The smack was leaving a red handprint on his olive skin along with a small cut beneath his eye where Louis' ring had caught his flesh.

"ANSWER ME!" He grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him so they were face to face.

"He's not!"

"Yes he is! Constantly coming down to check on you, buying you food! You have all his attention! And he revealed his face to you, for fucks sake, there's clearly something there!" Liam had also gotten ridden of his mask since Harry gave it away and Louis done the same. Zayn suspected they were all doing this together, though.

"I finally thought I had him after all these years and then you came into the picture! I was so close to having what I've always wanted, why would you do this to me?" He shook him harshly with every word. Zayn shut his eyes tightly, his vision was beginning to clear up but the shaking rattled his whole body.

He could feel the anger and hurt radiating off Louis' body. But why the fuck is he so angry and hurt when I'm the one being held here against my will? Zayn thought. He opened his eyes and looked straight at Louis, which he hadn't done since he had come down.

"Jealousy isn't a good look. Maybe that's why he's trying to get as far away from you as possible, you psyc-" Thats all he managed to get out before Louis pushed him backwards with all his might. Zayns head connected with the brick wall and then suddenly he felt nothing at all. Darkness covered the sight of Louis towering over him and the punch that was coming his way. But he didn't feel it.


"Hey, sonshine." He heard a soft familiar voice in the distance.
"Hey baby, open your eyes for me." He felt someone gently touch his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and he just about made out a woman's figure leaning over him. Dark shoulder length hair and brown eyes that he could recognise from miles away. But there's no way. There's no way that his mother was sitting right in front of him.

"There we go. You're okay, Zaynie."


"Yes, baby, it's me. I got you."

"How- how are you here right now?"

"Don't you worry about that, darling."

"M-mum." He tried sitting up but stopped as every part of his body began hurting.

"Take it easy, don't get up just yet."

"Everything hurts, mum." He couldn't hold it in anymore. The pain got too much, physically and mentally. He missed his mother so much and she was right in front of him but he couldn't even focus on her because of how much he was hurting.

"Make it stop, please." He sobbed out, his body shaking.

"You're so strong.."

"I'm not, mum. I'm not." She looked at him with sadness in her eyes.
"You're not real." Zayn said.

"Darling, I'm right here. I'm not leaving you."

"No you're not! This is a dream! I'm going crazy in here, mum!"

"How long am I going to do this for?  I'm holding on to nothing! You guys are never going to find me. I'm never gonna be saved." Tears raced down his cheeks as he gasped for breaths.

"I don't want to wake up, mum, please just let me go. I can't take it anymore."

"No no no baby, don't let go! You have to hold on tight for me, okay! I'm gonna see you soon, zayn, very soon!" She started fading out and again, darkness consumed him.

"Wake up, come on." Harry's heart aches as he watched Zayn keep twisting and turning, tears and sweat covering his face while calling out for his mum in broken sobs.

His eyes scanned the smaller boy's face. His left eye was swollen shut and covered with shades of blue, black and purple. Just below his right eye was a small cut that was beginning to dry up. His lips were chapped and cracked. More purple bruises along his chin and dark ones lining his neck down to his collar bone. Harry could only imagine how bad the bruises were beneath his shirt but he caught a glimpse of his torso where his shirt had risen. A spreading of a purple bruise with yellow blotches. Who did this to him?

"It's going to be okay, Zayn, I'm right here." Harry muttered as he kneeled over his body. He didn't want to touch the boy in case he got scared so he tried to wake him up with his voice. But that wasn't working and Zayn's cries were getting louder and louder.

He, hesitantly, reached out to touch his cheek but as soon as his hand made contact with his face, Zayn's eyes snapped open. He jumped up and scrambled away from the touch despite his body crying out in pain.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He screamed out at the green eyed boy who also looked just as scared.

"I'm so sorry! I just- you weren't waking up and you were having a bad dream so I thought- I'm sorry." Harry rambled, standing away from Zayn with his hands up in surrender. He knew he shouldn't have touched him but there was no other way.

"I promise I'm not here to hurt you." He said, trying his best to calm him down. Zayn hugged his knees to his chest and buried his face. It hurt to breathe and he was wondering if Louis had broken his ribs. That could be the only explanation for all this pain.



"Who did this to you? And why? I don't underst-" Zayn looked at Harry through his good eye. A manic smile formed around his mouth like he had just heard the funniest joke. His eyes, though, held no emotions which made him look...crazy.

"You kidnap me and then you're surprised when your minion beats me?" He let out a throaty laugh. "You're crazier than I thought. What did you think was going to happen to me after you bought me here against my will?"

"Listen, I'm going to fix this, okay?"


UM HI?? Hope you guys haven't forgotten about this book because I'm back and I really want to finish it. Im sorry about the LOOOONNNGG waiting time and i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Comment what you think!

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