Chapter 36

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At 7 in the morning, Louis woke up and rang Liam to ask him to pick him up. Liam agreed, like always, and made his way over to Louis' house.

"You're up early." His mum commented when he got downstairs, dressed up.

"Yeah, I'm going over to Harry's house. It's an important day for Desmond's business." He picked up an apple and bit into it.

"I want to hear all about it but I have to get to work. Sorry, baby, tell me after, okay?" She said, rushing out the door after kissing him on the cheek. He didn't care that his mum had no time for him because it made it easier for him to work with Desmond. No questions were asked.

"Lou, you ready to go?" Liam asked walking into the dining room. Louis looked at him in confusion.

"How the hell did you get in?"

"Your mum let me in. Let's get going, Des has been calling me non-stop all morning. I think we're late." They rushed out and got into Liams car, making their way over to Harry's house.

They let themselves in with the key Desmond had given them and ran up to Harry's room. Liam knocked on the door and waited for an answer but didn't get one.

"Harry?" He tried, knocking again but still no answer.

"We're coming in, you better not be naked!" He warned before twisting the knob and opening the door.

"Harry?" Louis called in to the empty room, walking to the bathroom. He wasn't in there.

"He's probably with Desmond already," Liam walked back into the hallway, "we should go too."

They walked across the hall to Desmond's office and knocked on the door. They heard a faint 'come in' so they entered the room.

"Goodmorning, boys! Are you guys ready for today?" Desmond looked like he was in a really good mood which was unusual.

"Yes, sir, we are." Louis said with a big smile on his face, trying to be on his best behaviour infront of his boss.

"Good! Is Harry ready? Where is he?" The smile dropped from Louis' face as he looked over at his friend who had the same confused expression.

"We'll go get him." Liam said. There was only one other place Harry could be. The basement.

"Get Malik, too."

That's where they were heading. Liam had no doubt in his mind that Harry probably woke up early just to go see Zayn before he was taken from him. The thought hurt him and he couldn't imagine how badly his bestfriend was hurting because of all of this. Harry was hard to read sometimes but when it came to Zayn, it was so painfully obviously. Louis could see it too but he refused to accept it.

They turned on the light and walked down the stairs of the basement. The place was colder than normal because of the snow outside.

"Harry, are you down here?" Louis called out. No response. The room was quieter than usual and it put an unsettling feeling in the pits of their stomachs.

"Uh Liam...where's Zayn?" Liam rushed over to the little room attached to the basement. Completely empty.

"No, no, no.." He kept repeating over and over again as he searched the room even though the only thing the basement held was the mattress.

"Louis, call Harry." Louis was already on it, scrolling through his contacts to find Harry's name.

Harry was woken up by his phone that wouldn't stop ringing which was not a surprise because he expected that. He sat up in his bed and picked the phone up seeing Louis' name on the screen. He bit the inside of his cheek before turning his phone off. He felt guilty for leaving the boys to deal with Desmond but he needed to help Zayn. He sighed, getting up and out of bed.

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