Chapter 15

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"I just need you to find my baby boy!" Trisha cried out holding on to the police officer that had been dropping by their house this whole weekend after she had called them on Saturday.

"We're trying our best, ma'am." Officer Laurel said, trying to comfort the broken mother.

"Is there any news?" Doniya asked, removing her mum from the officer.

"Nothing at this very moment. There are no traces of him, I'm afraid." He said, looking at her apologetically. Trisha let out another sob and fell back into the sofa. She couldn't believe this was happening. Just 3 days ago, her sweet boy was with her and now...he's no where to be found.


Niall waited outside the school gate for 20 minutes but there was no sign of Zayn. He sighed and walked in to the school, now late for his lesson. Could Zayn not have sent him a quick message telling him he wasn't coming in?

The day went by incredibly slow for the blonde-haired boy as he spent it all alone. There was no Zayn to throw food at him or talk about his nerdy little cartoons which bored Niall to death but he still found it cute how Zayn was so interested by them. He could listen to Zayn talk all day even if he wanted to die from boredom.

Niall sat at his lunch table, taking the cheese and tomato sandwich out of its packaging and beginning to munch down on it while looking around the cafeteria. He was normally a social person but he got so used to only speaking to Zayn for the past few months that he didn't want to try and socialise. He felt like that would be cheating on his best friend and he couldn't do that.

Harry got up from his own table, once he saw Niall sitting by himself. He walked over and sat opposite him.

"Hey, Niall."

"Uh...hi." Niall said awkwardly and put his sandwich down. Uncomfortable silence hung over them as the boy's didn't know what to say to each other. Should Harry ask him where Zayn was? Or was that making it too obvious?

"What are you doing here, Harry?" Niall, finally, spoke up.

"I saw you by yourself so I thought you could use some company. Where's your friend?" Harry asked, look down at the table, not wanting to look at those blue eyes.

"Zayn's not in school, today. He's probably not feeling well." Niall shrugged. Harry swallowed, thickly.

"You should make more friends, you know." He suggested but it offended Niall.

"I don't need any more friends. Zayn and I have each other. That's enough." Harry felt his heart ache at his words and he cursed his own sensitivity. "If you're done, I'd like to eat my sandwich in peace." Harry nodded and left him alone, walking back to his table. He had gotten so used to seeing Zayn sit across from him that it was weird to just see the back of Niall's head.

"So...does he suspect anything?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head.

"No, he thinks Zayn's not in because he's not feeling well." The two boys sighed in relief.

"That means his parents haven't told anyone." Liam said.

Niall was about to leave school when a woman ran up and threw herself at him. He froze in place, not knowing what to do, as she cried in his arms. Once she moved away, he realised it was Trisha. She had puffy eyes and a red nose as if she had been crying for days.

"What happened?" Niall asked, placing his hands on her shoulders, beginning to worry.

"I-it's Zayn." And Niall felt his whole world crumble around him. First Perrie and now Zayn.

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