Chapter 9

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The three boys were sitting in silence at their lunch table. They all had their eyes on one person.

Zayn Malik.

Watching him throw his food at Niall and then laughing. He would throw his head back whenever he laughed and crinkles would form by his eyes, Harry noticed, and it was the cutest thing ever.

They all felt guilty at the task ahead of them. Although Louis didn't really like the lad, he didn't want to ruin his life like this. No one deserved it.

Niall left to speak to his teacher, leaving Zayn alone at the table. He didn't mind, though. He took out his sketch book and began to draw. Harry stared intently at the boy, watching his hand move across the page and his little tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he focused on the drawing.

"We've done this before." Louis broke the uncomfortable silence.
"To perrie. She came to this school and we still did it. " He whispered before looking over his shoulder to make sure no one was listening.

"Just because we've done it once doesn't mean we should be fine with doing it again." Liam said.

"We're ruining innocent lives." Harry spoke up, not taking his eyes off of Zayn.

"Harry don't think about that. This is our job. We have no choice, you know that." Louis placed his hand on Harry's thigh under the table as a way to comfort him.

"We can't continue doing this." Harry said.

"Shut up, Harry. He's your father, he'll go easy on you. If Louis and I were to quit, you know what he'd do." Liam got up and left without another word. Harry chuckled, dryly, albeit nothing was funny.

"Go easy on me? He gives me a new bruise every time I stand up to him. The collection is still growing." Louis moves his hand from Harry's thigh to his hand.

"Liam doesn't know that. Don't be mad at him. We'll get through it. Together." Harry let the blue eyed boy hold his hand, his own thumb rubbing over Louis' knuckles.

"I have to get to lesson, but wait for me after school, yeah?" Louis said getting up. He hesitated before quickly kissing Harry on the cheek.

Harry saw Zayn was waiting for everyone to leave before packing away. As he zipped up his bag, his eyes met Harry's, who was sitting by himself staring right back at him.

"Hi." Zayn said as he walked to Harry's table. The curly-haired boy was hoping Zayn wouldn't come up to him.


"Did I do something wrong?" Zayn asked. Harry furrowed his eyebrows together, in confusion. "It's just...we haven't spoken since the party."

"I just don't like talking to ignorant pricks." Harry said as a matter of fact.

"How am I ignorant?" Zayn asked, getting offended as he sat down, opposite him.

"The shit you were saying at the party."

"About you having everything? I was drunk, Harry. And high."

"Well if you remember what happened, you were clearly somewhat sober." Zayn didn't say anything, he just sat there for a bit trying to figure Harry out.

"Are you not happy?" He asked finally.

"You don't care." Harry said ,trying to rub a pen mark off of the table as a way to distract himself.

"Why do you think that?" Harry groaned and rubbed his face. He wanted, needed, Zayn to be a prick just so it can make the job a bit easier. The guilt was eating him alive, he couldn't even look at Zayn.

"Just leave it. Don't you have a lesson to get to?"

"Yh I do." Harry took his phone out of his pocket to check the time.

"Well, you're 10 minutes late." Zayn shrugged in response.

"I do care, by the way. I'm not a pri-"

"You're making this so much harder for me, Zayn." Harry groaned out.

"Making what hard?" Zayn asked innocently, tilting his head a bit .

"Just go to lesson." Harry grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and walked out the cafeteria.


"Harry, none of us want to do this but you still need to help." Louis said. Harry was sat in the single sofa away from his two friends who were on the bed planning different ways to go about this kidnapping.

"Sorry." He mumbled and walked over to them, sitting next to Louis.

"Right, so the first week will be just like what we always do it. We need to find out what way Zayn goes home and how long it takes. Everyday after school I need one of you to follow him. Don't make it obvious that you're following him, don't talk to him and don't touch him." They nodded as Liam went on about what they needed to do, which they've heard many times before.

"I can fol-" Louis started but was interrupted by Harry.

"No, I'll do it. I'll follow him." Liam and Louis exchanged a look before nodding. Harry didn't want to participate just a minute ago and now he was eager to follow Zayn...this confused the boys.

"After we get that sorted, We need to pick a date on when we should...complete the task." Louis was trying his best not to use the word 'kidnap'.

"Start from tomorrow, Harry. We can't waste time."


A/N: GUys woooww imagine most of this chapter was written while I was on the bus (I started it in class) this book is taking oVER MY LIFEEEE!


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