Chapter 37

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"Keep calling him, Louis." Liam ordered, picking up his car keys. Louis did as he was told but the call went straight to voicemail.

"Harry, please call me back. Desmond's really angry." He kept leaving voicemails after voicemails hoping Harry would listen to them and call him back. They had no clue where the two of them could be. They didn't even know where to start looking as they got into Liam's car.

"Where could they be?" Liam asked, turning on the engine.

"Do you think...he took Zayn back to his house?"

"I don't think he would but we can check." Liam pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Zayn's house.

As he pulled up to the house, the whole mood shifted. It was as if even the house was missing Zayn and they didn't feel comfortable there. He shuddered at the thought and got out of the car, Louis following behind.

He rang the doorbell and stepped back, planning what he was going to say in his head. The door opened and there stood Zayn's mum. Her dyed brown hair was pulled back into a low pony, her deep sunken eyes looked broken and she seemed exhausted. Liam and Louis knew, as soon as they saw Trisha, that Zayn wasn't there.

"Yes?" She asked. The boys couldn't look at her for too long or they'd break so they avoided eye contact.

"Hi, Mrs Malik. Erm-" Liam cleared his throat, "We're Zayn's friends." At the sound of Zayn's name, her face lit up. She was more than happy to invite all of Zayn's friends in to her house.

"Oh, come on in, boys!" She opened the door wider to let them in, a big smile on her face but it looked forced. They mumbled a 'thank you' and walked in behind her.

"My name is Trisha, I'm Zayn's mother." She introduced, even thought everyone in this town knew who she was because of Zayn's disappearance.

"I'm Liam and this is Louis."

"It's so nice to meet you boys! A friend of Zayn's is a friend of mine." Trisha was trying her best to seem normal although it wasn't exactly working.

"We wanted to know how you were doing." Louis stuttered out.

"How well can one be when their child is missing." She chuckled, dryly, "of course, I don't expect you boys to understand but that pain is indescribable. You wake up everyday with a piece of you missing. You feel so lost."

Liam wanted to get up and leave. He couldn't sit there and listen to her talk about her pain when they were the cause of it.

"I am so sorry, Mrs-" Louis started but was stopped by Trisha.

"Oh please, call me Trisha, darling. And you have no reason to apologise so please don't."

"Right...we wanted to know if there was any updates? Do you know of his whereabouts?"

"I wish I knew. There's been no updates for weeks now." Liam stood up and looked at Louis sending him a look that told him it was time to leave.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Trisha, but we need to get going."

"What? No- You guys should drink something before you go. It won't take long, please sit d-"

"Sorry, we really do have to leave." They walked out of the door as Niall walked in, staring at them. They heard him ask Trisha what was going on before everything faded out as they got back into Liams car. Silence consumed them.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" Liam mumbled, resting his forehead on the steering wheel.

"Let's focus on what's more important, Liam. What do we do? Where could they have gone?"

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