Chapter 10

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As soon as school finished, it started to pour down. Zayn loved the rain so he knew he was going to enjoy the walk home. Harry, on the other hand, hated it. He groaned and put his hood up to shield his face from the raindrops but also from Zayn.

He had to follow him home, today. And for the rest of this week. Over the weekend, Harry had given himself a pep talk and pushed away any guilt he felt. Like Louis said, this is his job.

Harry stayed back, leaning against the wall and waited for Zayn to leave the school. He watched as Zayn tilted his head back to look up at the sky. The raindrops fell and made contact with his olive skin, making him scrunch his nose up. He envied how much Zayn found happiness in little things like rain, for example. Who, in their right mind, likes rain?

Zayn finally finished the conversation he was having with Niall and gave him a quick hug before the two boys went opposite directions. Harry took his phone out to start the stopwatch and waited until he was a safe distance from the boy.

He followed him as he turned corners, only the sounds of footsteps in the rain and Zayn's sniffles being heard. He was going to catch a cold, Harry thought, as he realised Zayn was only wearing a baseball jacket.

After 21 minutes and 32 seconds of walking, they finally arrived at his house. The house was small but it looked cosy unlike Harry's which was unnecessarily big. All the lights were lit inside and he could see a few shadows walking around.  Harry stood far enough so that he could see Zayn but Zayn couldn't see him. He watched as Zayn waited for someone to open the door after ringing the doorbell. A little girl opened the door and Zayn engulfed her into a big bear hug.

"Ew!! Get off me, you're soaking wet!" She squealed and tried to escape him but he just laughed. Harry couldn't help but to get jealous. This is what he wanted. He wanted to come home to his family greeting him like this. But instead he comes home to random investors and his father assigning him tasks of kidnapping people.

It hit Harry like a truck. He was going to take Zayn away from that little girl. From that family and they're not going to know whether he's dead or alive. He's going to break this family apart. He began to shiver uncontrollably and realised he's been standing in the rain for way too long. Zayn had already gone inside. He pulled his jacket closer to his body as the wind gusted around him and made his way home.


"Did you do it?" Louis asked as soon as Harry entered the house. Desmond had given Louis and Liam a spare key to the house so that they could enter as they please.

"Yes." Harry said, taking his jacket and shoes off.

"How long did it take?"

"Louis, can I warm up first and then we can talk business? I'm freezing." Harry cut him off and turned on the radiator before walking upstairs to his room.

"Sorry, we just need to make sure we write it down somewhere. Should I get you soup or something?" Louis followed Harry upstairs and into his bedroom. He started unbuttoning his shirt but stopped and looked over his shoulder at Louis.

"Do you mind..?"

"Nope." Louis said with a smirk. Harry chuckled.

"You know...we haven't spoken about the you know what you want now?" Louis was trying his best to act seductive as he looked up at the taller boy through his lashes.

"Harry! Did you follow him?" Both the boys broke eye contact when Liam barged in to the room. Louis groaned, annoyed that the moment had been ruined and stomped his way to Harry's bed.

"Um yh, it took 21 minutes and 32 seconds." Harry removed his shirt, avoiding Louis' hungry stare and grabbed a random t-shirt that was lying on the floor. Liam walked over to the drawer and took out their work notebook. He noted the timing down.

"Did he walk though any alleyways?" He asked, not looking up from his notebook. Harry grabbed grey joggers and put them on.

"No, but there's a long street he walks down. The streetlights are quite far apart from each other on Maberly Road so if from somewhere in the middle, it'll be dark enough." He hated saying the work 'kidnap' but he has to be real with himself. He needs to stop sugar-coating it.

"Harry, that's not clear enough." Liam moaned and closed his notebook.

"Relax, Li, I have 4 more days to figure it all out."

"Well you better hurry. Your father said the man that put Zayn's pictures up needs the money as soon as possible."

"What about the other 4 people he's assigned us?"

"They're being taken care off. 2 of the girls have already been kidnapped and sold." Louis spoke up. Harry raised his eyebrow.

"Already? They clearly have no tactics."

That night, Harry had to go to the basement which he tries to avoid as much as possible. He held on to the tray of food in his hands as he walked down the stairs.

His mask was covering his face but he still felt exposed and his heart was beating out of his chest. He turned on the light. The blonde haired girl was sitting in the corner of the room, gripping at her hair. Harry slowly made his way over to her and knelt down.

" have to let me go." Her voice was quiet and tired as if she had given up. She pushed the tray away as Harry tried to hand it over to her. He wanted to speak to her and comfort her with his words but he couldn't. He knew that if he spoke she would recognise his voice.

"I-I don't k-know what I've down to deserve t-this but p-please.." Harry's heart felt heavy as he stared at her deep blue eyes. She looked so different now compared to at school. She wasn't the same Perrie.

Perrie, the girl that would walk around smiling at anyone and anything.

Perrie, the girl that always dressed as if she had a fashion show to get to but now she looked like she had been rolling around in dirt. Her hair hadn't been brushed in months and her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

They had broken her.

Harry set the tray beside her and got up to leave when she grabbed his wrist.

"Just kill me already!" She screamed, "Why a-am I s-still here?! Don't leave me here! I'll do anything just please! I n-need to go look after m-my mum. Oh God... my mum... she probably thinks I'm dead...she's ill! She needs to be looked after!" She hiccuped. A lump began forming in Harry's throat. He needed to get out of here. He removed her weak hand from his wrist and walked out without looking back.

She screamed her lungs out and her fingers gripped at her hair again, trying to pull it out of her scalp in frustration.

As soon as Harry walked back to his room, he removed his mask and threw it at his mirror. He finally stopped fighting the tears as he jumped in to his bed and covered his face with a pillow. He lot out uncontrollable screams and sobs, slowly crying himself to sleep.

A/N: HARRY BBYYYYY and poor perrie :(
Ughhh I hope this chapter was good but idk


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