Chapter 46

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Reuniting with his family was almost surreal. Zayn was so sure that he would wake up any minute now and still be in the cold, damp basement of Harry's house.

His mum had burst out into tears at the sight of her son and his little sisters flew into his arms. He looked so frail and skinny; his eyes were swollen as if he had been crying for days but under all that, he was still her little boy.

"Oh my sweet baby, I've missed you so much!" She cried into his neck, holding on to him. Zayn hugged her back as a couple tears escaped from his own eyes. This is a dream, it's all a dream...

"My sonshine..." She pulled away and cupped his face in her hands. She saw a faint bruise under his eye, his lips were cracked and she couldn't imagine what he went through, "You're safe now, baby. Let's go home, okay?"

"Mum-" His voice broke and he stopped himself from talking because he knew he was going to break down and he didn't want his mum to see. The feeling of his mothers hand on his face felt too real; he felt the warmth radiating from her hand and through his entire body. Trisha wrapped him in her arms again as she saw his bottom lip quiver and rubbed his back, soothingly.

"You're back with your family, now, Zayn. There's nothing to be scared off."

After comforting her son, Trisha left Zayn with his sisters to go with the officer who had asked to speak to her.

"He's not in the right state of mind to be giving a statement or going through an interrogation right now." She stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We understand but we do need him to tell us what happened. And the sooner this is, the better so that we can lock up everyone that did this to him."

"I'll talk to him but not today. I need to get him home, first." Officer Sara nodded.

Harry shuffled in his seat, uncomfortably; he couldn't stay still. They were waiting for his mum to turn up so that they could continue with questioning him. She finally pulled up to the station and ran through the building trying to find her son. Harry stood up once he saw his mum.

"M-mum, I'm scared."

"Don't worry, baby, I got you the best lawyer there is and he's on the way now. Just tell him everything, okay? You're going to be just fine." She pulled him in to a hug and rubbed his back.

The Lawyer introduced himself as Michael Odell and started making small talk that Harry had no interest in at all.

"Lets start, shall we? I need you to tell me everything from the beginning to this exact moment, okay?" Michael said as they sat opposite each other at the table. His hands, that were still handcuffed, rested on the table and he looked around at the room. Plain old room that held just the table and chairs. Harry didn't know where to start from and Michael noticed.

"Tell me about your childhood. How was life when you were growing up?" He turned on the voice recorder and set it in the middle of the table.

"My childhood?" Harry scoffed, "I grew up in a broken-down, tiny flat with my sister and parents. My family was poor and it led to arguments between everyone. My mum worked in a supermarket down the road from our house. The pay wasn't good but at least it was something. Most of the fights were over money. Desmond was unemployed. He used to say he had no interest in working for someone else and earning minimum wage." Michael nodded along to Harry's words.

"My sister and I tried to help our mum out, too. We put together our pocket money that she would give us, to buy sweets and then we would sell them at school. One day, I had no pocket money which meant I couldn't buy the sweets to sell at school. So I stole £2 from my  dad when he went out drinking. He came home drunk and found out what I had done so he beat me. Over and over again."

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