Chapter 5

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He looks at himself in the mirror, fixes his bow tie then runs his hand through his curly locks. One more look over his outfit, black fitted tuxedo that his dad had paid for, and Harry was out of the door, on his way to his father's office.

"Come on in, son." Desmond said as Harry knocked on the door.

"We have a meeting with a few more investors in about 10 minutes." Harry nodded but really all he wanted to do was get in to bed and put on a movie. But work is work.

"You've been making me proud recently, boy." 

"Thank you, sir."

"Off you go now, Louis and Liam are waiting in the car for you." Harry nodded once more.


"They're paying £120,000 for the blonde girl." Harry sat around the table with Louis on his right, Liam on his left and his father at the head of the table. There were lots of unfamiliar faces around the table that Harry hadn't seen before. But he was used to that. The investors began spitting out numbers that went straight over Harry's head. He was never good at Maths.

"We agreed that I get 60%!" Desmond stood up, hitting the table with force. Harry jumped back, but composed himself before anyone could see him looking startled. Louis cleared his throat and placed his hand on Harry's knee sensing the boy was alarmed.

"Mr Styles...the parents of the girl changed their mind. They want more." One of the men tried to fight back however one look at Desmond's face and he sat right back.

"No. All they do is put up a picture on MY website. MINE! These young boys-" Desmond pointed at Harry, Louis and Liam, "they work their asses off to do the rest. I'm not settling for any less." The men around the table shared a look between themselves then nodded.

"The paperwork will be delivered to your house by tomorrow morning." Everyone stood up and Harry followed, buttoning up his suit blazer. After sealing the deal with a handshake, Harry was the first one to leave.


"Can you put it away now? And maybe go home? We have school tomorrow." Louis and Liam were sat on Harry's bed, counting stacks of money they had been given for their recent job.

"Whats up your ass?" Liam asked as he stopped counting. 

"Sorry, I'm just tired." He lied and tried pulling the blanket closer to himself but Louis was sitting on it. He looked up from the cash and saw Harry's annoyed expression so to further annoy the boy, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it off. This was all it took for Harry to explode.

"LOUIS!" Harry shouted, angrily, and got up up, walking to the door.

"Get out. I'm serious. Leave." He held the door open as Louis and Liam shoved the money into their bags. Liam was the first to leave.


"No. Close the door and come sit down with me." Harry sighed and gave up, shutting the door. 

"You've been different for the past 3 weeks and I'm worried. Are you ok?" It was one of those moments where you're holding yourself together but you just crumble as soon as someone asks 'are you ok?' 

Harry crumbled.

He slid down the door and held his knees close to his chest. His breathing fastened and he couldn't control his shaking. 

"I-I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm oka-" But he wasn't fine and they both knew it. The tears streaming down his face made him feel weak and he didn't want Louis to see him like this.  Harry held out his hand to stop Louis from coming near him. He didn't want to break anymore. He angrily wiped at his face and pushed his hair away from his forehead, standing up. 

"Sorry, I don't know why I'm crying. I have no reason to." Harry chucked, trying to get himself together. "I'm financially stable, I have food on my table a-and look at this house." 

Louis walked over to his friend and wrapped his arms around his waist, trying to stop him from moving around so much. He always did this when he was upset. He would fuss over everything just to distract himself from how he was feeling. Like right now. He was trying to fix his bed even though it was 1AM and it would be ruined again soon. He turned Harry around so that he was facing him.

"That doesn't mean you can't be upset, Harry. You need to stop bottling your feelings up. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you and you know that." Louis ended in a whisper, gently cupping Harry's face in his palm and his heart beating out of his chest. Harry's eyes were puffy and his nose and cheeks were red. Louis found him insanely attractive and he couldn't control himself.

"L-Lou..." Harry slowly moved back as Louis leaned in. His grip around Harry's waist getting tighter as he tried to bring him closer.

"Louis!" Louis snapped out of it and realised what had just happened. Harry didn't want to kiss him.

"Hope you feel better tomorrow, Harry." Louis said and grabbed his bag before walking out the door.


"How are you feeling?" Liam asked once Harry walked into Biology. 

"I'm good." He said and gave him a grin. The lesson dragged on and all that was on Harry's mind was last night...and Louis. He really hoped that this hadn't changed anything and he hoped that Louis wasn't mad at him. But why would he be mad? Because Harry didn't kiss him? That's just stupid.

Harry sighed and began taking notes before he was too behind everyone else in the class and when his teacher picked on him -and he always does-  he wouldn't be able to answer. 

And then his mind went to Zayn. Are Zayn and Niall together? I mean he doesn't care but when he saw them at Tesco's, they were standing way too close. Like extremely close-

"Harry, give me an example of how the kidneys are adapted for their functions in the body." And Harry stared blankly at his teacher.


A/N: So far I'm updating regularly so YAYYAY! Tell me what you guys think! Vote and comment pleaseee x


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