Chapter 24

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"Keep the change." Harry said, closing the door with his hip as his hands were busy holding the pizza. It's been 2 day's since he had last seen Zayn. He wanted to leave him alone for a while so that he could cool off. Maybe now he'd be more willing to talk to him?

"That smells so good!" Anne said, smiling happily as Harry walked into the kitchen with the food they'd ordered. He placed two of the boxes on the dining table and held on to the other two.

"Where are you going with that?" She asked when Harry began to walk away.

"To the basement."

"You're giving him pizza?"


"But your fath-"

"I don't care what he says. And anyway you said it yourself; we should give him proper food."

"Well come back upstairs quickly so we can eat dinner together." Harry nearly burst out laughing at the thought of having dinner with his mother.

"Mum, the last time we had dinner together was my 12th birthday. I think you can handle eating alone tonight." He said before leaving.

He grabbed the small bucket that was placed behind the sink and filled it up with water. Zayn would have never though it'd come to this. Using a bucket to wash himself in his kidnappers basement. But he was glad that there was at least a way to clean himself so he wasn't complaining.

He was going to go mad in here. All that was on his mind was his sisters, mother and...Harry fucking Styles. His blood boiled just thinking about him and it made him want to punch a wall. Again. Zayn looked down at his bruised knuckles and it began to sting now that he thought about it. After Harry had left him, he couldn't control the screams that erupted from his mouth as he threw punches to the red brick wall. It didn't hurt when he was doing it from being so numb but the pain set in an hour later.

Then his mind would wonder to his father. Did he even care that his son was missing? Maybe he had sobered up and pulled himself together for his family. Maybe he had apologised to his mother for all the pain and hurt she was put through because of him although it will take a lot more than just an apology. Maybe just maybe he had decided to become a better father to his daughters because of losing his son.

Thats what Zayn hoped had happened.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when a mouth-watering smell filled his senses and he jumped up from the bed but his excitement crashed when he saw the curly-haired lad with two Dominos pizza boxes. He clenched his hands into fists.

"Please, just hear me out?" Harry put his arms up in surrender after putting the food down. He noticed Zayn's hair was wet and sticking to his forehead and he looked cleaner. Apart from the dirty clothes that he had put back on.

"I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth, you psychopath. I just want you to let me go." Zayn said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I...I can't d-" Zayn groaned and grabbed a fistful of his own hair.

"WHY NOT?!" He screamed out in frustration.

"Calm down." And that made him even angrier.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down when you've fucking kidnapped me!" He pushed Harry backwards making the boy stumble and this time Harry couldn't take it. He grabbed Zayn's wrist that were about to push him again

"Don't." His voice was stern and Zayn could see Harry was being serious as his grip tightened on the younger boys wrist.

"Let me go." Zayn said, staring him straight in the eyes while trying not to show the pain Harry was causing him. The green-eyed boy was taller than Zayn and much stronger so he could easily inflict pain but at this moment he was frustrated and he didn't care. He stared him down, daring Zayn to try and make another move.

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