Chapter 16

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Zayn's whole body had cramped up from falling asleep on the hard, concrete floor. His bones felt brittle as he sat up and stretched. His head was pounding from crying all night. Or day? He didn't know what time it was, the only natural light he got was when the men opened the door, and it would creep in.

He hated being alone, left with only his thoughts. His mind wandered everywhere. Is he going to get out of this alive? Why was this happening to him? Who were those men? How was his family feeling? Did they miss him? He hoped his mother wasn't taking this too badly.

He stood up, stumbling a bit before walking around the room. He wanted, needed, to see if he could find a way to escape. The basement was bare with only the mattress in the corner but as he walked around, he saw a little room attached. There was a little hallway leading to it, it was short, about 3 steps and he was in the next room. The bathroom. Zayn felt a bit of hope as he saw a small window above the toilet. He ran over, putting the lid over the toilet seat and standing on it so that he could reach it. It was day, he realised, maybe around 2pm.

The window had iron bars infront of it and he couldn't open it even he if wanted to. It didn't have a handle, it's main purpose was to let light in. He wrapped his hands around the bars and shook it with as much force as he could muster up. Not much since he hadn't eaten or drank water for who knows how long. The bars didn't budge so he tried again. and again. and again.

"Please, open." He mumbled to no one and tried to shake the bars again.

Zayn screamed out in frustration and punched the wall beside him out of anger. He doubled over, yelling out obscenities as pain took over him. Despite his bleeding knuckle, all Zayn could think about was that there was no way of getting out of here. He was going to be trapped here forever.

Zayn placed his forehead on the brick wall, giving up. Niall would soon forget about him and move on. His mother would grieve, sure, but she'd get over it too. His younger sisters would grow up without a brother, soon forgetting his name. His older sister would be too occupied with her own life to think of him. And his father...his father didn't care anyway.

While he would be rotting away down here, with only memories of what used to be. His bottom lip quivered like that of a young child's and the tears burst forth like someone had turned the tap on, spilling down his face. Any hope he had earlier, disappeared. He would never have expected his life to be like this.

Upstairs, the three boys had just come back from school. They ran straight to Desmond's office and walked in without knocking.

"There are 'missing' posters all around school and the town!" Harry rushed out. His father was about to shout at them for not knocking but the news caught him off guard.

"Not again." He muttered, shaking his head.

"You boys just need to take them down, whenever you see them." That's exactly what they did.

Harry walked in to school and it was the first thing he saw.


Last seen: 3:43pm, leaving school.

The picture made Harry's inside turn to water. Zayn had a big smile on his face, his tongue pressing against the back of his teeth. His eyes had a twinkle in them and he was genuinely happy. Harry sucked in a breath and ripped the poster off the door, scrunching it up and throwing it in the bin. He didn't know what this feeling was but it made his blood boil. Students watched Harry as he walked through the hallway, ripping any poster of Zayn that was in his sight.

"I'll take care of this." Desmond said and picked his phone up dialing a number.

"Why are there missing posters of him? If I go down for this, you're going down with me. And your son? I'll make sure he doesn't see another day." Harry heard his father say as they left the room. And then he joined up the dots in his head. He felt sick to his stomach at his father's threat. Your son? Harry remembered his father telling him that the man who put up Zayn's picture on their website needed the task done as soon as possible.

Harry walked in to his bathroom and splashed cold water over his face. There was no way a father could do this to his own son. No way.

This was all getting the best of him and turning his emotions off wasn't working. He dried his face, looking at himself one last time in the mirror before walking out into his bedroom. Louis was sat up on his bed, cross legged.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked. He knew how sensitive Harry was no matter how hard he tried to act stone cold.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Harry said and laid down next to him, on top of the blanket.

"It's just- nevermind. What do you think we would be doing if we weren't apart of your dad's business?" Louis laid down next to Harry, facing him.

"I don't know...probably applying to universities. Going out to parties. Enjoying our lives like normal teenage boys." Louis swallowed and placed his hand on Harry's cheek to turn his face towards him.

"A-and what do you think me and you would be doing?" Harry stared in to his blue eyes. After a moments silence, he said:

"This." And without another thought, he leaned in, connecting his lips with Louis'. He was caught off guard but as soon he realised what was going on, Louis moved his lips in sync. Harry let himself melt in to the kiss, desperately trying to feel anything other than guilt, sadness and pain.

Louis sat up, not breaking the kiss and straddled Harry. His heart rate was speeding up and he couldn't believe this was happening. The boy that he wanted for years, was finally his. Harry licked Louis' bottom lip and Louis let him in, their tongues battling for dominance. They explored every corner of each other's mouth.

Louis left kisses along Harry's jaw and moved to his neck. He kissed all over until he got to the sensitive spot behind his ear. He heard Harry gasp at the feeling, making Louis twitch. He sucked and bit that area until Harry was trembling under him.

"I need you." Louis muttered against his skin.

One thing led to another and soon both boys were naked as Harry laid on his back and Louis got to work. He licked down Harry's happy trail and teased him until finally taking him in to his mouth. Harry's eyes rolled back in ecstasy.


So Larry huh? Don't kill me! At least Louis is happy. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Ok this chapter was written before I saw all the predictions you guys made SO WELL DONEEE YOU GUESSED RIGHT. Yaser fking Malik sold his own son.

Any predictions? Why do you guys think he did this?


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