Chapter 49: Silvester

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Michael's POV:

"Where are we?" I asked to the woman sitting across.

The metal buckle around my left ankle felt cold and heavy.

"You tell me," she said sarcastically.

She was here before me, so I thought she knew the situation better. I woke up in a pitch-black room after blacking out for probably few hours. The back of my head felt so painful.

"I'm Mike. Michael Andersson," I introduced myself, rubbing the back of my head.

She sighed, "I don't know you and I don't think getting to know to each other will make any better," she spoke.

"How long have you been here?" I curiously asked.

"You will know soon enough that you wouldn't know," she replied.

What a negativity.

"C'mon, don't you want a good company to deal with this horrific situation?" I was annoyed.

She weakly chuckled, "Have you met them? We're a fucking food source here. Unless you can release yourself and kill me, just shut the hell up!" she rudely shouted.

Her voice seems familiar.

"Please don't tell me, you're Lauren Miller?" I blurted out.

She sighed, "Does it make any difference?"

The missing actress.

"Miss Miller, you've been missing for three months! It's December twenty eighth now," I informed, "And you're still all over the news!" I added, trying to encourage her.

I watched all of her movies, came to her music concert once, and even followed her Instagram.

She suddenly sobbed, "I'm sorry, I'm just too tired to live. Sometimes I woke up only to realize that I couldn't remember most of the time I spent here," she spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't remember how I could eat, take a shower, and all those stuffs," she yelled at me.

"Well I remember that they tried to hypnotize me but failed," I told.

Yet I gave Arvid to them, like a pussy after seeing those sharp fangs.

I felt horribly bad, but I was scared.

I hope they'll never catch him.

"Are they really... vampires?" I whispered.

How many are they?

She stayed quiet.

"Miss Miller?" I asked again.

"Let's just drain his blood until those substances coming out of the system," a man whispered.

"Hello?" I asked, feeling terrified.

"They're here for you," Miss Miller whispered.

Cole's POV:

"You disappointed me, Detective," he clearly mocked me before ending his call.

I sighed and put on my jacket. I could loose my badge and my future career, but I've got to do something for her. When I was about to open the door, someone knocked on my door.

"Detective, I've been looking for you. Where have you been?" Officer Ward asked, with obvious tension.

"Restroom," I simply replied.

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