Chapter 28: La Ville Lumière

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Dylan's POV:

"Why?" she asked, pulling her hand to drink her water.

I could see that she began to feel uncomfortable, but I have to make sure that she is safe.

"I'm worried about you, Kimmy. There was a talk in the dark web about a mysterious European billionaire named Mircea that was related to secret society with deranged rites. Someone even made theory about him having related with the missing heart case," I paused, feeling dumb after hearing my own words.

Kimberly's eyes were widely opened, "That was a strong accusation based on rumors, Dylan. Do you or anyone have proof to support the accusation? You cannot point to someone based on what random people wrote in the internet. I thought you know this better," she pouted her lips.

"Wait, I'll get my notebook so you can see it for yourself," I got up to get my notebook, but she held my hand.

"Dylan, what has got into you? I don't like this," she said.

I sat back and pulled out my phone and showed her documents Billy sent me this afternoon. She took my phone with confused look and returned it to me.

"The first one was Nine-one-one call transcript from Alexander Mircea's maid, it said that she saw other servant serving fresh blood in a goblet for Alexander. The others were documents from Harvard Medical Alumni Association stated that Nicholas Mircea had graduated in two thousand two and Oxford Medical Alumni that he had graduated in two thousand fifteen. They were born in nineteen-ninety-two, so Nicholas couldn't attend Harvard Med School unless he was what, ten years old at the time?" I uttered.

"Dylan, we didn't see any pictures of Nicholas on the Harvard's record so it could be different person and about the goblet of blood, she could be wrong, we humans aren't built to digest blood," she replied, but then she seemed like to recall something in her mind.

"What? Did you remember any?" I asked.

She sighed, "Dylan, what are you up to with these?" she said, staring into my eyes.

"I just want you to be safe, Kimmy. I just feel something fishy with those guys," I answered, "And after what happened to Jackson Reid, I started to doubt my previous logic," I added.

She took her phone to dial someone.

"Kimmy, who are you calling at?" I asked, then noticing Nicholas Mircea on her screen, "Kimmy, I'm not finished yet, please put down the phone," I asked.

Why does she put trust on him?

"Nicholas, sorry to call you this late," she said, "Did you attend Harvard Med School?" she continued and listened to him, "And is there any of your family members involved in some kind of blood-drinking cult?" she asked again and smiled, "No, I'm just curious, sorry for asking, have a good night," she ended the call and stared at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"Kimmy, how could you just call him? Do you expect him to say the truth?" I asked, trying to hold her hand, but she moved away her hand.

"Yes, I believe in him, I can't say the reason, but he was successfully tested, while you have failed me. Dylan, you have promised me before to stop digging into Alexander, so not only you broke your promise, you also tried to make me against him by giving me irrational information, so I'm sorry, but I have to go home now," she got up and took her purse, "The dinner was delicious, please tell Mrs. Jones that I enjoyed her food very much," she tried to smile.

I hurriedly came to hug her, "Kimmy, please don't get misunderstood," I gently said.

She tried to dodge me, rose her hands with palms on me, and walked out of the dining room to the foyer. I held the mudroom door with my hand while she was about to open to take her coat.

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