Chapter 38: The Most Powerful Ability

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<Stay put> he ordered from the next room.

From the rectangular vision panel in the steel door, I saw him standing by the thermonuclear warhead inside.

"We may secure the warhead, Your Highness," I dared myself to share opinion.

We don't meddle into human's stupidity. They could just kill to each other in business wars again or do like former industrial genocide of Stalin, Mao, or Hitler while we were having parties in the underground castles, but leaving such powerful and destructive weapon here would be a big mistake as we now have enemies among our own.

<Go wear NBC suits. I don't want you to bring radioactive isotopes on the plane> he ordered me before disappearing with the hydrogen warhead.

"Your Highness!" I tried to stop him, but he was already gone.

I closed my eyes for a moment to heighten my senses and ordered my subordinates as the crown prince's command.

Alexander's POV:

"She's only a decoy. I'll send the location," I told my brother over the phone and hung up to send him the location.

After tracing several false leads and tailing decoys, I managed to spot an encoded communication was being transmitted from one of Kryloff's human guards in his secret underground facility in Odesa.

I kept walking and silently approached a human in NBC suit who kept staring at a stainless-steel door in front of him, then broke his neck off.

"Yeebat!" his colleague swore and immediately drew a gun in confusion.

He tried to aim at the wrong direction. Before pulling the trigger, he also fell on the ground with neck snapped backwards.

Andrei and his team will be here in few minutes, but I don't want to waste more time after locating this place.

Knowing that I wouldn't find Kryloff inside, but his most important weapons storage, I opened the swing door using two keys I previously snatched out of the neck of those two guards. I let the door opened, set foot inside, and tore up a thick layer of aluminum foil curtain by the door, then was surprised seeing how many missiles with explosive warheads, torpedo, and few rockets were piled up inside, but a lone warhead in the middle of the room caught my attention.

How could he get a hydrogen bomb? Does this even active?

I was carefully examining its measurement and weight when I sensed Andrei and the team have just finished them off.

<Lowest level. Wait for me outside the steel door> I ordered and shut the radiation safety door.

After examination, I decided to take the H-bomb and either dismantled or detonated it at Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site, since The Polygon is inactive. I might heighten geopolitics' tensions, but it was the latest site I visited after The Semipalatinsk Test Site seventy years ago.

As for me, the world is now important as Kimberly is currently living in it.


"You must feel righteous and more superior from us for creating scene in North Korea. Didn't you should at least discuss with Adriana first if not with all five of us?" he commented soon after I arrived at Kryloff's huge mansion in Saint Petersburg.

I'm so tired with his sarcastic rude manner. He is my brother.

Can he be more supportive?

<I did your job, you fool> I tried to hold my temper.

Kryloff had weapons capable of destroying the entire city in a single blast, yet his human right hand betrayed him by playing a businessman who underestimated our kind, using only small launcher on my brother and Kimberly and miraculously missed their target. But we wouldn't get so lucky next time Kryloff decided to take control and strike again if we didn't take him down first.

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