Tears welled up in her eyes, he was just a mop guy, she told herself, a stranger that just wants to get in your pants! But I want him! She argued with herself as she jumped on the elevator and hit the number seven button. Running her fingers through her hair, she knew that she was in deep trouble. What if she slept with Antonio tonight, maybe that would bond them in a way that she would not have to think of the mop guy again, she thought as she unlocked the door to her apartment and stepped inside.

"Finally! Where were you?" Antonio asked with a worried expression on his face. "I have been waiting here for over an hour for you!"

Victoria threw herself at her fiancé and greeted him with a sensual kiss that made Antonio mad with desire. Not trusting himself to be near her, he pulled away from her and said hoarsely, "kiss me like that again, and I won't be responsible for dragging you off to bed and taking what I have been waiting to claim for the past two years!"

Victoria wondered how he was able to hold off from claiming her for two years, didn't hot blooded men stop at nothing until they claimed their prize? She tried to ignore her friends warnings that Antonio had a mistress somewhere, but now she asked herself how he was able to restrain himself for so long.

"It's almost lunch time, want to take me out for a bite to eat?" She asked, ignoring his declaration of his need of her.

Antonio cupped his balls and caressed them lightly, his eyes blazed with lust for her. Dropping his pants with shaky hands, Antonio reached inside his briefs and grabbed his shaft. "I can't hold off anymore Tori." He said hoarsely, and to Victorias astonishment, Antonio started to play with himself.

She stood and watched as he satisfied his need, until a masculine groan escaped his lips. Victoria did not speak when he walked past her to the bathroom to wash up. She threw herself on the couch and wondered what the hell had just happened!

Five minutes later when Antonio came out of the bathroom, he walked up to where she sat and kneeled before her. Taking her two hands in his, he whispered, "I'm sorry, but I was in desperate need of spilling my seed." Bringing her hands to his lips he kissed them and said, "I need you babe, I need you really bad!"

Victorias sea green eyes shined bright with tears, "let's go to lunch, and have that talk that we have been putting aside. I think it's time to move forward in this relationship if we are to marry in two months time." She told him, but even as she mouthed the words she knew in her heart that she didn't love him the way a woman should love her man. Tonight they must make love, she thought, hoping that that would bring them closer together and she could feel the love after that.

Antonio's eyes beamed with love. He lifted himself off his feet and pulled her with him. Kissing the top of her head, he smiled down at her and said, "I thought you'd never say those words! Come on, I'm eager to hear what's in your heart!"

So off they went to the corner bakery, they each ordered a sandwich and a cup of coffee, and made themselves comfortable in a private booth by the corner of the store.

"How was your business trip?" Victoria asked him, not caring in the least bit what his answer would be. In fact she didn't care of anything that had to do with his job, and if she was truthful to herself, she would admit that she no longer wanted to marry him either.

She was alarmed at where her thoughts were headed, were all these sudden realizations she was having because of the mop guy? A man she hardly knew that mopped floors for a living? He was totally out of her league, she thought as she tried to push thoughts of him out of her troubled mind.

For two hours, Victoria tried to focus on what Antonio was saying, but her mind kept drifting back to Brad. She wondered what it would be like to be in his bed, and have him worshiping her.

Antonio had to call her name three times to get her attention, "What the hell are you thinking about that you can't give me a moment of your time!" He asked, frustrated that she was ignoring him. "I'm trying to fix our broken relationship and you are in lala land!"

"I'm sorry, I apologize, I didn't mean any disrespect. I was just wondering what your thoughts would be if I tell you that I no longer want to wait, I want to spend tonight with you." She said, and watched as his eyes turned a darker shade of brown, and filled with lust.

"What?" He whispered hoarsely, looking around the room before he continued. "You want to give yourself to me tonight?"

Victoria nodded, "Yes, I see no point in waiting anymore. Not after the display you put on earlier."

Antonio was left speechless, "You are holding that against me? I must be the only jag-off in the world that plays with himself in front of his beautiful fiancé because for two whole years she won't give him any." He said bitterly.

He was right, but she could not help it If she was not ready before. Tonight she was going to give it all to him. Placing her hands on his, she smiled at him, "Tonight I will make up for all the lost time." She promised.

Hawk bounced around earth all day until nightfall, anxious to visit Nessa's room. He was going to invade her dreams tonight and make love to her. He will claim her before it was too late. Overwhelmed with excitement, Hawk zapped himself into her room and his heart froze like crystal on a winter day. Before him he saw his wife in bed with another man!

He was removing her undergarments off her body, and she was allowing it! If a hundred knifes were to stab him, the pain would have been less. He thought as tears welled up in his eyes. He inched closer to them and watched as the man climbed over his naked wife and his head leaned down to kiss her.

He wanted to rip the mans head off, he wanted to break him in half, he wanted to yell at Nessa, "what the hell are you doing, you're my wife!" But he did nothing but watch this man who had a penis one third the size of his own getting ready to invade Nessa's private domain and take her virginity, therefore staking his claim on his wife!

He was tormented beyond belief and did the only thing that came to his mind. Desperate to stop their lovemaking from ever taking place, Hawk zapped himself out in the hallway and he pushed the fire alarm emergency button, causing it to blast it's horn throughout the hallway of the building. And then he stood against the wall and watched as everyone on that floor came running out of their apartments running for their lives.

Thank you for your votes and comments. Xoxxoxxoxo

My highlander my love, part twoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora