A new friend, just in time

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Julia placed the plate of steak and potatoes in front of the beautiful young woman and watched her wolf down the food as if she was starving to death. Removing the empty bowl of soup from the table, Julia walked towards the kitchen and smiled to herself. The young girl reminded her of when she first came to Chicago, she was so hungry she could have eaten a cow! So lost in her thoughts she was, that when the manager pinched her ass as she walked past him, the bowl slipped from her hands, and Julia watched in horror as it shattered across the floor in a hundred pieces.

"That will cost you five dollars from your next pay check my dear Julia." The manager said with satisfaction in his beady eyes. "you have to learn to be more careful next time!"

Julia's heart sank, she needed every penny to pay her rent on Monday, and now she will be short a few dollars. Grabbing the broom and dustpan, she cleaned up the mess, dumped it in the garbage, and returned to the back of the kitchen to place the broom and dustpan back where it belonged.

"You seem a bit jumpy Julia," Dave, the manager said in a husky tone of voice from right behind her.

Julia tensed, and her heart started to pound against her chest. "Please sir, I have customers waiting." She said, as she tried to walk past him to get away.

"Not so fast my dear," he told her, as he grabbed her by the wrist, and slammed her against his chest. "the customers can wait."

He looked down at her for a second before his lips touched hers, and Julia almost barfed with disgust, his breath smelled of garlic, as his slimy tongue slipped inside her mouth.

Julia tried to pull away from him, but his hold on her tightened, and he grinded his manhood against her thighs before he tried to kiss her again. Not able to stand his touch anymore, Julia raised her knee and slammed it against his balls. David let go of her and howled in pain, as he palmed his crotch area and seethed with anger.

"You little bitch, you shall pay for this!" He promised.

Julia ran out of the kitchen, grabbed her purse from under the counter and left the diner without looking back. She was not going to subject herself to anymore sexual harassment by David, or any other man! She thought angrilly, she needed money to pay her rent, but she wasn't that desperate! Out in the starry night, Julia's tears trailed down her lovely face and she leaned against a brick wall, taking a moment to collect her thoughts and calm herself down.

Amira, troubled by her own thoughts, almost walked right past Julia without noticing her, but for the fact that she heard something, she turned and found the waitress that had served her leaning over and vomiting all over the sidewalk.

"Are you all right Miss?" She asked Julia with concern.

"No, I feel nauseous, and there's a pain on the side of my stomach." Julia responded in a bare whisper.

"Can I help you in any way?" Amira asked.

"Please help me get home, I live a few blocks from here and fear I will pass out." Julia said, and wretched one more time, emptying out everything she had eaten on that day.

"Of course." Amira said, wrapping her arms around Julia's shoulders for support, and followed Julia's footsteps to her apartment, which was just down the street.

Amira helped her climb the stairs, and Julia gave her key to the princess to unlock the door. When they stepped into the small apartment, Bella ran up to Julia concerned that something had happened to her, and rubbed her fury body against her feet. Amira closed the door behind her just as Julia ran to the bathroom and kneeled before the toilet. She heard Julia vomit again, and she made her way to her, and helped her get cleaned up.

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