Yasmin's lullaby

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Stephan's eyes scanned the around the dining room as Amira walked in, to make sure no one was looking at her inappropriately. She was his and he will not allow anyone to disrespect her in any way. It was at that moment that a cold chill ran up and down his spine and he jumped off his seat.

"Silas, keep an eye on Amira, I shan't be gone for long!" He said to his uncle, and ran out of the huge room as fast as his feet could take him.

Running out of the castle, the warrior headed straight for the gardens where he sensed danger, but the only thing he found was Thomas sitting next to his soulmate whispering sweet nothings into her ear. He stayed a distance away, not wanting to interfere with Thomas wooing the princess, knowing how important it was that Yasmin fall in love with his uncle to make a good connection during the ceremony which was scheduled for the next day.

Scanning the gardens, he found nothing amiss, even the eerie feeling he had had disappeared. Relaxing himself, a smile curved his full sculpted lips when he overheard Thomas ask the princess if she was cold. He never heard Thomas in his entire life speak so softly to a woman before.

Turning around, he hurriedly walked back inside the castle to grab the seat next to Amira before anyone else did. It was high time he staked his claim on her. He loved her and there was no need to wait anymore. She will never belong to another, he would never allow that. She was his soulmate and he had waited long enough, but as he walked through the great hall and reached the entrance to the dining room, he noticed the one man he had trusted to watch over Amira, was vying for her attention while he sat in Stephan's chair!

Seething with anger, he marched over to the table and all eyes fell on him, including Silas's and Amira's.

"Nephew you're back so soon." Silas said, throwing him a wolfish smile, one that Stephan wanted to rip off his face.

His family that sat around the table didn't fail to notice the anger that was brewing inside the warrior's heart, nor did they miss the way his cold eyes were pinned on Silas.

"Get off my chair!" Stephan growled.

Silas raised an eye brow, "Your chair?"

Stephan's hand reached for his sword, and Michael jumped off his seat immediately and barked. "Get off the seat and let Stephan have it! Can we eat in peace for once! What the hell has happened to my family? We used to love one another, but as soon as mother and father passed away, each and everyone of you are arguing with each other!"

Silas stood and walked around the table and found an empty chair next to Nicholas. Stephan sat himself next to his soulmate and Amira sighed a relief. She didn't want anyone to fight over her, but she was glad that Stephan had finally showed some kind of interest in her.

Leaning his head closer to Amira, Stephan whispered, "I need to have a word with you after dinner, mayhap we can take a stroll in the courtyard afterwards, tis a beautiful evening"

Stephan's heart slammed against his muscled warrior chest when Amira blessed him with a smile. Slow down boy, he told himself as his throbbing erection almost tore his kilt when it pushed against the material.

Mayhap tonight he could bring her to his bed, it's been quite a while since the last time he had done that, because he was too busy talking care of everything else in this world he thought, he had no faucking time to woo his soulmate into his bed!


Dipping his hands in the barrel, Seth cleansed them quickly, and then ran his fingers through his antique golden thick tresses that he was blessed with. His green eyes that sparkled like faucet emeralds did not miss the servant girl who bent to pick up the empty, steel bucket she was holding in her hands and had deliberately dropped a few feet away from the warrior, so she could bend over and retrieve it, and have him look down her cleavage.

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