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"Because he is a tremendous ass" Kol says as Klaus and his daughters walk in the room

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"Because he is a tremendous ass" Kol says as Klaus and his daughters walk in the room.

"That he is." Klaus says walking towards Kol placing a hand on his shoulder,"But he oh-so-secretly adores his youngest brother." He says before pulling Kol into a hug.

"Well, don't stop on my account. If this is to be my funeral, then, lets get on with it" Klaus joked.

The family sat around the dinner table telling stories about Klaus. Laughing and smiling. As sad as it was for everyone. It was a good moment. Everyone forgot about what was to come and lived in the moment. They were being a family. Cheering as Hope and Nikolina listened to stories about their dad and telling some as well. Like the time twins creeped him out by planning to say everything at the exact same time when they were 7. Kol would tell them about how head over heels Klaus was over Caroline. And Elijah telling them how head over heels klaus was over Camille. How Nikolina and Hope got their names. Nikolina being named after Klaus and Kol as Hope's name was chosen by Elijah. And middle name named after her mom. Rebekah told them about their time in chicago with Stefan Salvatore in the 1920's. Marcel with his paintings and Freya with his undeniable courageousness. And Keelin with her first impressions of Klaus. It was truly a moment to honor him. But Nikolina couldn't help but feel so alone, even if she was surrounded by family.

"I will never abandon you. And even though i can't always be around, if you so much as breathe my name" Marcel said to Nikolina as he noticed her frown.

"Thank you." Nikolina whispered putting a hand on Marcels.

"Alright. It's time for an old-fashioned wish burning ceremony." Rebekah said standing up. Everyone wrote down a wish for everyone and then tossed them into the fire. Nikolina had wished her father would find peace. Rebekah and Marcel to love each other and get married. Freya and Keelin to start a family. And Kol to somehow be able to become a witch again because she knows how much he loved doing magic, and so that he and Davina could start a family. And Elijah. To find happiness and Love.

"You know, as much as I've savored the joy of tormenting you throughout the years, I must confess you all mean everything to me. Your loyalty and your counsel and your love... Is probably the only reason why I've survived as long as I have. Which is how i know... Long after I'm gone... You will all come together, time and time again, to take care of each other. And that is why I'm not afraid... For your future." Klaus said aiming the last part at his daughters as tears brimmed everyone's eyes.

"We're bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family... That bond is our greatest strength." Elijah said to the group.

"I love you guys. Every single one you more than you know. And I'm just glad to be apart of always and forever for the past 15 years." Nikolina said as a few tears ran down her cheeks.

"Though I may be leaving you tonight... This is not the end of the Mikaelsons. Always and Forever." Klaus said to his family.

"Always and forever." Everyone repeated as Klaus grabbed both of his daughters hands.

"I need a moment." He said smiling softly taking his girls away from everyone.

"We want to go with you." Hope told him.

"I don't think you should." Klaus said.

"I'm gonna make you proud. I can't promise i won't go through a period where i get irresponsible tattoos and date older men, but I'm gonna go back to school. I'll graduate. Get a psych major or something. I'll stay away from Katherine's. And I'll be okay... Because I'm a Mikaelson. And i promise you, im gonna do right by our name." Nikolina said as she lets go of the tears she was holding in.

"I know you will, Nik. You both will. I love you... More than all the days and nights, deeper than the oceans and the skies." He said to his daughters.

"We love you, too." The twins said at the same time.

"How do we do this?" Hope asks as Klaus brings their heads to his.

"I wish i knew." Klaus whispered to them.

Right before Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah left, Elijah explained to other Mikaelson's his plan. And they all said their goodbyes. All except for Nikolina and Hope who got told by Freya after they left.

Nikolina was shoving her boxes into her closet at the Salvatore boarding school. Nikolina she grabbed the pictures of her family and put them by her bed. She placed her father's journals onto her book shelf, but placed the very first one he wrote onto her nightstand. She was going to read all of the journals. She was going to know everything there was to know about her father. He wasn't going to become a stranger again.

Nikolina glanced up at her door when she heard knocking. She walked over and opened it. “Tony Black.” she said with a soft smile.

    “Glad you're back, Nikolina Marshall.” he smiled.

With a sudden urge of confidence, Nikolina shook her head,“It's Mikaelson. Nik Mikaelson.”

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