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Dear Diary,

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Dear Diary,

All of that. Leads us to right now. Hope and i suspended for her selling her blood. The car ride was long. And terrible. Mom is so mad she hasn't said a word. But anyways. Here we are. New Orleans. Our family compound. Our supposed legacy for when we get out of school.

    “Can you just yell at us already. The 7 hour car ride in silence was punishment enough.” Hope said as they followed their mom inside after she stormed out of the car.

    “Woah hold up. I didn't do anything. You dragged me into it because you didn't want to be in trouble alone. I'm gonna go find Aunt Freya” Nikolina said incredulously while storming up the stairs still mad at her sister. Eventually she did find freya, she was talking to vincent about Hope.

    “Hey aunt Freya. Hey Vince.” She said knocking on the door's threshold slightly.

    “Nikki. Hello” She said pulling her niece into a hug.

Once she pulled away she glanced around Freya to see what she was doing.

    “Hope got me in trouble so now im suspended with her” she said rolling her eyes. Hayley and her Family knew Nikolina didn't do anything. She hated being suspended much less in trouble.

    “What did she do to get you in trouble?” Freya asked.

    “She gave a kid at school some of her blood and then he became a hybrid and when Dr. Saltzman found out. She lied and told him that one of the vials was my blood.”  She explained to her aunt with a deep frown.

    “So is there anything else you feel like talking about.” Vincent said looking to Freya after seeing flowers die.

    “Hope is coming to the quarter. Well. She's here now.” Freya said,“just until this all blows over. It'll be fine. Trust me" Freya says going to dump out the flower water out and seeing blood. Vincent chuckling slightly, Nikolina's eyes however widened at the sight of blood.

    “Hope is coming home. She created a hybrid.” he said and then motioned to the blood,“One,Two,Three.”

    “Yeah. So I'm going to let you two figure out what's happening. I'm gonna go to my room since I'm beat" Nikolina smiled waving at the two before walking off.

Dear Diary,

I wish my dad were here. Im technically the only mikaelson that could be around him cause that wouldn't be the end of the world. Stupid Hollow. Destroyed my family. Sometimes I wonder if I would've triggered my curse at all if my family hadn't been seperated. Dad didn't trigger his until he was a vampire and killed his first Human. I guess that's how this wolf thing wolves. Crescents aren't like most wolf packs. My mom is one of two. Well now three hybrids alive. First and Original Klaus mikaelson. Or my dad. born into a wolf lineage after my grandma Esther cheated on My dad's "Father" with a wolf. If you ask me. Mikael didn't deserve my dad. Mikael is basically a huge dick. Second Hayley, my mom. She become a hybrid because after she gave birth to Hope and me some witch slit her throat as another one held my dad against the wall and forced him to watch with their magic. But since she died with our blood still in her system she became a vampire wolf hybrid. Atleast that's what she told me. And last. Henry. Who drunk Hope's blood and jumped off the tower.


Nikolina stopped right after that and decided it be best to go to sleep now, since it was pretty late, and she was pretty tired like she told her aunt Freya. She rolled over to her side and let sleep succumb her.

When she woke up that morning she heard Hope on the phone with someone. And then she heard Kol's voice which caused her to run out of her room.

"That's me your friendly neighborhood blood dealer" Hope chuckled.

"I'm sure you've noticed by now, the best people are black sheep" Kol said.

"Uncle Kol!" Nikolina exclaimed getting into the frame.

    “There's my favorite niece! How are you, love?” He asked her. He often called Nikolina his favorite because she was named after him. Well him and her father. Though Kol often ignored the part about being named after Niklaus.

    “Dr. Saltzman is making me keep a journal, he was worried when I activated my curse, he says the journal will keep me from pulling a ripper move." Nike laughed at the last part.

    “I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time. You've always been quite smart.” Kol smiled at her.

    “Thanks uncle Kol!” she smiled slightly. “When you said the best people are black sheep where you talking about my dad?” she asked him.

    “I was referring to me, darling.” Kol joked with the girls,“Niklaus is in a league of his own.” He continued making Nikolina laugh softly.

    “Seen him lately?” Hope asked him with a saddened tone.

    “Thankfully for you, no.” he informed the girl. “Don't worry. Sooner or later something will blow up in New Orleans. Some crisis or other always brings us back.” he reassured the two girls who obviously missed their father.

    “Okay” Hope nods before Nikolina walked away to go get some breakfast, she was feeling rather starved.

After a while, Hayley came back home and goes to Hope's Room for the laundry. Nikolina was standing by the threshold. When Hayley went to pick up her hamper she noticed something and picks up a passport just as Hope walked in.

    “Going somewhere?” Hayley asked Hope rhetorically,“Is that what you needed the money for?”

Nikolina could tell by her mother's tone that she was disappointed. Nikolina however felt very confused.

    “Now, you're rummaging my room.” Hope said bitterly trying to snatch the passport from Hayley.

    “For Laundry. Where were you going?” She asked her daughter again.

    “I met a guy online.” Hope lied to the two,“he's in a band, and he lives in London. He says he's 25 but he seems older.”

Nikolina raised a brow.

    “You might be turned a guy into a hybrid stupid. But you're not I met a guy online and now I'm gonna go visit him stupid.” Nikolina crossed her arms, she still felt rather confused.

    “You wanted to go see your dad.” Hayley said in a understanding tone.

    “I know it's stupid. He obviously doesn't care. But i just thought that maybe if we were in the same place for even a little while.” she said sitting on her bed.

    “That's not stupid Hope. I miss him like crazy too. But going to go see him could risk yours and many others lives" Nikolina said trying to reason with her.

    “He loves you. He loves you both. But he just knows that being near you puts you in danger.” Hayley said trying to comfort her daughter.

    “A phone call wouldn't.” Hope said sadly.

After a while of talking Henrys voice is heard calling Hope's name. The three girls get up to go see what's wrong. Stopping in shock when they see him covered in blood.

"I made a mistake.." He said sounding broken as he held Poppy's dead body. Poppy was a vampire who was also a friend of Hayley's. Nikolina's eyes widened in horror.

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