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Dear Diary.

Mom is missing like for real this time. And i know everyone says its gonna be fine. But that's Bullshit okay. Its bullshit. Everyone knows it. I wish i could say this would be okay but it isn't. My dad found the coffin she was in bloody and empty. Nobody can tell me that isnt the recipe for disaster as is. They killed Henry. The ripped his Heart and strung him up. That was most likely that bitchy vampire Josh or Marcel don't like. And i can see why. She acts like a nazi. Davina called the other night on the way home. Said she heard about Hayley and that if i need anything not to be afraid to ask her or Kol. I spend my days with Hope or talking to Roman. I haven't been to any of my classes since I've gotten back I've been worrying about my mom. Roman and Hope would have to drag me out of bed to get me out. I feel useless. Like i can't do anything.

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