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The 3 teens were driving down a road at night time

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The 3 teens were driving down a road at night time. Hope nearly asleep in the back as Nikolina scrolled through the music on Roman's phone, laughing slightly.

"Okay i knew your hair had emo tendencies, but your music." Nikolina laughed.

"Shade thrown and caught. Give me that" Roman said with a smile grabbing his phone away from Nikolina, causing the music to stop,"quit judging and lean in" he said going to take a picture.

"No. I'll do it." Nikolina says as the vampire leaned in, laughing as she took the picture and sent it to herself,"my mom would kill us if she knew that we were taking selfies and driving" she then looked away from him and towards the mirror that was on her side with a slight frown, "Though compared to binding our werewolf side, i would just say its a misdemeanor."

"You nervous?" Roman asked the girls glancing back at Hope through the rear view mirror.

"My aunt Freya basically said that we'd regret it for the rest of my life. And from what i read in my dad's journals, it's horrible. So, you know, actually kind of terrified." Nikolina said.

"Well you did say you kinda feel like a freak. I don't know, maybe this will help." Roman said trying to reassure her.

"Still, it's... It's strange cutting out a part of yourself that you barely even know. It's been apart of me for 2 years but I hardly know it."

"So you won't miss it. Anyway. You'll still be you" Roman reassured her.

"Just one third less us" Nikolina added. "But it doesn't matter, 'cause we're doing it."

"You know, your mom should be proud of you." Roman said looking at the road. Nikolina getting got a strange feeling.

"That's weird" Nikolina said after a moment of silence."I think someone may be tracking us" she said.

"What?" Roman asked.

"Pull over" Nikolina demanded, "i need to be somewhere quiet"

Roman pulled the car over, Nikolina got out and went into a clearing so she could do the spell. Afterwards Nikolina made her way back to the car. Hope was still fast asleep.

"Someones definitely tracking us. I can cloak us, but there's something else we got to do on the way." Nikolina said holding up phones.

Hope, Nikolina and Roman pulled up to a house that Nikolina and Hope assumed was to be where the witch lived. Roman pulled Nikolina back.

"You're gonna go in there. And you're gonna hate me for awhile. But please find a way to be able to forgive me." He said to her.

"Roman. What's going on?" Nikolina asked him.

"Just promise me you'll be able to forgive me. I really like you" Roman said to her.

"Yes Roman. I promise I'll forgive you." Nikolina said to him scared of what was about to happen. Roman pulled Nikolina in for a quick kiss.

"Just incase this goes wrong and you can't forgive me" he says before they run to catch up with Hope.

"Well, your witch really goes for atmosphere" Hope said to him.

"She's not my witch. Shes just a witch i know" Roman said kind of harshly.

"Not your witch got it" Nikolina laughed at the defensive boy. Before going to open the door.

"Stop!" Roman yelled causing Hope and Nikolina to abruptly turn around confused,"it's spelled." Roman kicked down a stack of rocks,"you can go in now"

Nikolina looked at him disbelievingly before opening the door. And walking inside Hope right behind her. Looking to her left to see Hayley tied up and barely conscious.

"Mom!" Nikolina rushed over to her.

"Nikolina. Hope" Hayley said softly.

"What is this" Nikolina said on the brink of tears.

"You" Hayley gasped.

Nikolina and Hope turned around as Roman used his vamp speed to put the dark magic cuffs on them so they wouldn't use any magic. 

"I'm so sorry" Roman said to Nikolina softly as she glared at him.

Roman gave Hayley some water to drink.

"What's going on" Hope snapped.

"He's the one that led them to me in the church attic" Hayley answered for Roman.

"But how did you know where she was" Hope asked.

"Well probably when you were busy kidnapping mom behind my back he probably followed you?" Nikolina suggested, Roman shook his head before crouching down infront of the window.

"You got inside my head" Hope accused him of, "The first day you touched me. When you put your hand on my knee. You were really just trying to figure out where my mom was hidden. Not to comfort me."

"look, i know this looks bad, okay? But if you just do the binding spell" Roman said.

"Binding spell?" Hayley asked,"what's he talking about?"

"Greta said that if we-we did the binding spell, then they'd let you live." Hope said to Hayley.

"Greta said that?" Hayley asked.

"It's just so Hope doesn't make anymore hybrids. And Nik doesn't start" Roman said to Hayley. 

"Roman you lied to me. You made me believe you actually liked me. You took my mom and tortured her." Nikolina said.

"I do like you Nik. Our movement is about getting natural order back. That's all my mom wants"

"Wait. Greta's your mom?" Nikolina growled before Hayley started to fight the ropes.

"Untie me, now!" Hayley yelled.

"I can't, okay?" Roman said.

"Just do the binding spell, and you'll be fine." Roman told Hayley.

"Nothing will be fine for you unless you untie me." Hayley growled."You realize that your mother is insane?" Hayley said to Roman.

"It's not insane to defend yourself, okay?" Roman snapped at Hayley,"werewolves kill to trigger their curse. None of them are innocent But at least they're a naturally occuring species. Hybrids are a pervasion. Look at Klaus. And-and Henry was a hybrid for less than a day before he murdered someone. They're just unnatural."

"Hybrids have a choice, too, Roman. We all have free will. Klaus did whatever he did, not because he's a hybrid, but because he's klaus. Henry is just a kid. Eventually he'll learn self-control." Hayley tells Roman.

"Mom." Nikolina said quietly.

"What?" Hayley asked her.

"Henry's dead." She informed her mom.

"What happened?" Hayley said turning slowly to Roman.

"They tore is heart out and strung him up outside of Rousseau's." Nikolina answered her.

"Who did?"

"No one knows." Nikolina responded.

"I bet Roman's mother does. Think about it. If they did that to some backwoods bayou kid that they barely even knew, imagine what they're gonna do to us" Hayley pleaded with Roman.

"No. No. My mom just wants peace. If you bind yourselves, you'll be free. You... You'll see." Roman said refusing to believe what Hayley said about his mother.

"And if you believe that you really are a fool. Your mother doesn't want to bind us, Roman. She wants to kill us." Hayley told him.

"Oh my god" Nikolina said. Remembering how she felt like her world came crashing down on her, this was the actual moment her world starting crashing down.

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