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Dear Diary

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Dear Diary

Dr. Saltzman thinks this diary thing will be good for me. Something about a thing a few friends did years back. Its been 7 years. Uncle Elijahs still gone. Dad is still missing. There's been rumors going around about Klaus the mad. Aunt Rebekah and Marcel Call whenever they can but their always busy. Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina call once a week even though they Travel a lot. Mom and Aunt Freya visit on the weekends. But me and Hope. We miss our Dad. 5 years ago he stopped calling. Sending Postcards. About every form of communication you can think of. Uncle Kol says its just because he hates calling knowing he can't see us. It still hurts a lot. Dad was my first word according to my mom i was holding a picture of him. I guess ever since then its just stuck. Here at the Salvatore Boarding school for the young and Gifted. We go by Marshalls. Mainly because our Mom doesn't want people do be scared of or bully us. Hope. My lovely baby twin sister, I'm 10 minutes older. Best ten minutes of my life. My best friend. She was there when I activated my curse. That was the last time i heard from dad. It was 2 years ago. The first i heard from him in 3 years. And last in 2. He told me it was gonna be okay. Right now I am sitting outside the office with Hope because she decided to give this kid named Henry 2 viles of her blood. Now were waiting for our mom.

Nikolina Mikaelson


"Good Job Hope. Seriously what were you thinking" Nikolina said to her sister, looking up from her journal.

Hope had given a boy named Henry two vials of her blood. The boy then did a swan dive out of the memorial library. Nikolina wasn't happy that she too was being roped into this. She had no clue of her sisters actions. Nikolina obviously thought the action was stupid and she would never of done the same thing herself. If Henry came to her she'd have shut him down instantly, though that might have been the reason Henry went to Hope in the first place.

"I was trying to help. He said he was going to be discreet i didn't expect him to jump out a window, Nikki" Hope said in her defense. Nikolina gave her an unimpressed look with a raised brow.

"He already got bullied enough by Jed's pack when he was just a wolf. You made it a thousand times worse Hope" she said.

"Okay. Sorry." Hope said as she looked down with a saddened expression.

Nikolina looked up after hearing a familiar voice and seeing Roman Sienna down the hall making his way over to the two girls. A small smile crept onto her face as she watched him get closer. Though she quickly wiped it off and acted as though she hadn't seen him.

"Wassup Marshall" he said to her. Hope smiled and waved. Nikolina casually looked up with a neutral expression.

"Oh, hey sienna" Nikolina said coolly. It wasn't a secret that the two had feelings with each other — they just never acted on them before.

"Going somewhere?" He asked looking down at their bags.

Trying not squeal in excitement that Roman had noticed they were leaving she merely flipped the page in her journal and looked back up at him again.

"Home. We got suspended." Nike says rolling her eyes in displeasure.

"The Marshall's got suspended?" He chuckled softly,"cool" he said before walking off leaving Nikolina smiling before Henry came and sat by them, sighing rather loudly.

"Sorry I got you in trouble." he mumbled. Nikolina let a scowl escape her lips as she turned her head away from Henry.

"I said be discreet!" Hope snapped at him,"what part of jumping out of a tower is discreet"

Nikolina scoffed as her sister - per usual — passed the blame onto someone that wasn't herself.

"Well we wouldn't be in this mess if you had just not given him your blood." Nikolina pointed out to Hope.

"I had to make sure it would work. If I'd only hurt myself then I would've just healed." he whispered to Hope.

"So going back to your room and snapping your own neck wasn't a way to do so." Nikolina questioned, causing Hope waved her off. Nikolina rolled her eyes before getting up and talking to Tony Black who was across the hall.

"Because no ones ever died peacefully from sleeping pills." Hope laughed bitterly, mainly to herself.

"Im not a person things go right for." He said before pausing briefly,"You ever seen a werewolf with no pecs, who quotes E.E. Cummings?"

It wasn't a question, Hope knew it wasn't so she merely rolled her eyes, while glancing at her sister who was talking to a boy who was so obviously flirting with her. Hope could tell Nikolina didn't notice, instead of saying something to him, she laughed.

"I can already tell I'm getting stronger." Henry said to her as Nikolina said bye to Tony, she had explained that Hope got her suspended and walked back over to the two.

"Alright little hybrid Take me on. Right here. Right now. Come on." Nikolina said jokingly as she sat back down.

"Do you know how good it would be to not have to take crap from anybody." he said smiling as he turned to Hope, while also ignoring Nikolina.

"What makes you think that? You're a hybrid now. You might be able to defend yourself. But they'll only hate you for being different." Hope says trying to reason with him.

"I don't think that you thought this through Henry" Nikolina said putting a hand on his knee in a comforting way.

Henry's head snapped towards Nikolina, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Who was she to lecture him about not thinking?

"You wouldn't understand" he said harshly before pushing her hand off of his leg.

"Oh really? We wouldn't understand?" Hope said as she chuckled slightly.

"We are the poster children of understanding what you're going through right now. Alright trust me if anyone gets it, it's us."

"It's different" he whispered to the two,"None of the students know that you guys are Klaus Mikaelson's daughter. Or that you're original tribrids." He said to the girls. Nikolina's eyes widened and she quickly looked around to see if there was anyone listening — thankfully there wasn't.

"Watch your mouth or else I'll rip your tongue out" Nikolina snarled as she leaned forward towards him,"I don't know why Lisina told you. You aren't even friends with the two of us." Hope rolled her eyes at her sisters rudeness.

"Your mom's our Alpha. All the Crescent Wolves know." he said stifling a sarcastic laugh.

"And so will everyone at school. Asking about how you survived a swan dive out of the memorial library." Nikolina snapped at him quietly,"You didn't have to go all Dumbledore. I mean you could've hung yourself. Their are plenty of other ways to killing yourself that aren't as dramatic."

"Your dads not gonna kill me for getting you suspended, is he?" He asked starting to freak out now.

"I wouldn't know. He can't bother to be a dad." Hope sarcastically.

"Hope." Nikolina scolded in a low growl while elbowing her sister in the side.

The two sisters turned away from the newly transformed Hybrid. And waited for their mother to pick them up.

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