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"The cure that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us

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"The cure that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family. The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to you, we celebrate a new beginning. One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side. And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family." Klaus started before raising a glass,"Always and forever" Freya, Hope and Nikolina raising their glasses as Well.

"Would you please pass the beignets?" Hope asked Freya.

"Of course" Freya said passing them over to Hope.

"So, Rebekah will be back in a few days. She's just tying up some loose ends overseas." Klaus informed his daughters.

"It'll be nice to have her here." Nikolina smiled.

"It'll be good to have all of us under one roof again." Freya said as Klaus lost his smile to the incoming footsteps. Hope and Nikolina looking over to the door to see Elijah.

"Good morning." He said to the 2 girls,"obviously, there is a lot for us to discuss. Girls let me start off by saying how truly sorry-"

"Yeah? well, take it up with someones mom you didn't murder" Nikolina said putting her fork down before storming off.

"Thanks for breakfast guys. But i have have work to catch up on." Hope said excusing herself from the table as well.

Freya had just handed klaus Hope's bracelet as Nikolina was coming down the stairs. As she made it to the end of the stair she heard the door open.

"You have a visitor" Klaus said before disappearing. Nikolina and Freya look to the door to see Declan walking over to them.

"A voicemail? You tell me my girlfriend's dead by voice mail. You can't even return my calls." He accused Freya.

"Freya! I told you to wait until he got back!" Nikolina yelled at her.

"It all happened so fast" Freya told him.

"What happened? How did she die?" Declan pryed Freya staying quiet to come up with a lie.

"Car crash. The brakes went out." Nikolina said.

"She died instantly. No pain, no suffering at all." Freya replied.

"Are you alright? Is Hope alright?" Declan asked Nikolina.

"We're coping." Nikolina answered him.

"Can i see her?" Declan asked Freya.

"You know, n-now's really not a good time. I'm sorry Declan." Freya answered him

"How do brakes just fail? It just doesn't happen." Declan pressured.

"I don't know the details, okay? As you can see, there was a storm." Freya said to him.

"So, why was she out in it? Where was she going" Declan asked her.

"I really don't know." Freya said.

"And that doesn't bother you? That you don't have answers. Because it's killing me that i don't know what happened." He said to her.

"Declan I-" Freya pleaded with him.

"That i wasn't here to-to save her, and that you-you had a funeral without me so i couldn't say good-bye. Something here- it's not right, Freya. It just isn't" Declan said before leaving, Nikolina had tears threatening to escape her eyes as she bit down on her bottom lip.

Nikolina left to go with Josh and Marcel on some Vampire busy. They reached the door as Josh and Marcel opened it.

"Party's over. Emmett. You and your crew are no longer welcome in New Orleans." Marcel said as the three walked inside.

"Hardly for you to decide. You walked away from this city" Emmett said to Marcel.

"Yeah, well, I didn't. And you don't get to banish my friends from the Quarter." Josh said walking over to Emmett as Nikolina walked to the curtains.

"Banishment' is your term. Mine is "law and order". Peace and Harmony among the species because everyone stays where they belong." Emmett says as Josh unplugs the music,"those were your rules. Remember" he said to Marcel.

"Oh, no. Don't compare yourself to me." Marcel said to him.

"I won't allow a bunch if dogs and their half-breed cousins-" Emmett started.

"Careful you don't want to finish that sentence." Marcel said pointing his finger at Emmett.

"This tri-brid can kill you in one bite and then wipe the floor with your bodies." Nikolina growled on the other side of the room.

"Nik?" Marcel said.

"Hmm?" She hummed in response.

"This place could use a little more sunshine." Marcel suggested.

"Couldn't agree more Marcel" Nikolina said opening the curtains as all the vampires ran into the shade but not before Nikolina can snatch two up. Biting one and letting one burn in the sun,"that's for my mom. She died because of Greta. She was my home. You took my home from me. You're lucky your only getting away with 2 dead Nazi vampire." She growled before her and the 2 men went to walk out the door.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, your highness, but when the sun goes down, we'll be in the quarter. And if we see any werewolves, we'll be taking matters into our own hands." He threatened as Marcel and Josh glanced at the girl infront of them.

"You'll have to get mine, my dad or my sisters blood to cure that nasty bite. But good luck with that." Nikolina said before walking out the door.

Nikolina got home in time to see Hope looking through the alcohol bottles. Her and her dad sharing a look. Klaus getting Close enough to see that her wrist is missing something.

"Your not wearing your bracelet." Klaus said to Hope.

"I need, uh, two drams of absinthe." Hope said still looking.

"Your 15" Klaus joked.

"Its for a spell." Hope said.

"What kind of a spell?" He asked her.

"The bracelet's not working, dad. It's not enough" Hope panicked.

"Well, then we'll find something that does work." Klaus suggested as the 3 heard whispering again. Hope looking guilty before blowing powder in their faces.

As soon as they got up they went to Rousseau's. The two walking in to see her cut up Elijah with her magic.

"Hope." Klaus pleaded before Hope turned around to use her magic on him.

"That's a enough sister" Nikolina said using her hand to send Hope flying into a wall. Hope getting up after a few seconds and stormed at the bar. Nikolina helping her dad up.

"What the hell was that" Declan said looking at Nikolina.

Leaving Elijah to clean up the mess Nikolina and Klaus follow Hope.

"What was that? You won't take my help, you reject my bracelet, you throw Elijah around." Klaus panicked.

"It stopped the voices." Hope admitted.

"What?" Klaus said confused.

"Ever since i took the power back, the whispers... I can't think, I can't sleep, I can't even breathe. But right now, it's silent. Is this the rest of my life? A rage that can only be quieted by Violence?" Hope snapped.

"Hope, if violence is what you need to feel better, then you have the perfect father." Klaus told her.

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