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"I look like a disco ball" Freya said looking at herself in the mirror as she tried on wedding dresses

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"I look like a disco ball" Freya said looking at herself in the mirror as she tried on wedding dresses.

"Relax. There are plenty more to choose from." Rebekah reassured her.

"Never thought i'd be walking myself down the aisle." Freya said still looking in the mirror.

"I'm sure Elijah will come around." Rebekah said handing Freya a drink.

"I don't know. I mean, the Elijah i know would put anything aside for family, but... He's different now. He's... carrying around all this guilt, like he should be punished for the rest of eternity for the part he played in Hayley's death, but... He didn't even know who she was when he did it. Kind of pisses me off." Freya said.

"Yes, well, it wouldn't be a Mikaelson family gathering without one of us being mad at another one" Rebekah told her.

"Just wait till you have kids. Me and Hope are always arguing and mad at each other. But shes my best friend none the less." Nikolina said resting her head on Rebekah's shoulder.

"If we have kids." Freya corrected.

"If'? Keelin doesn't talk about it like it's an if." Rebekah said causing Freya to turn around.

"We haven't... Exactly had the conversation." Freya said.

"Oh. Well, don't you think you should do that before you walk down the aisle?" Rebekah asked her,"and you. Young one. Go talk to Elijah before it's too late and he leaves again"

Nikolina knew she should talk to him. But she was scared. Scared that he'd reject her and be mad at her for her being mad at him. None the less. She needed to talk to him none the less.

"Uncle Elijah?" She said knocking slightly on the threshold of the room he was.

"Nikolina." He said looking up at her.

"We have things to discuss. About my mom. And this relationship. But i realize this is a relationship worth saving." Nikolina said.

"I would love that. But i can't forgive myself so neither should any of you." Elijah said before walking out the door. Leaving Nikolina in the room alone. Feeling rejected. Bracing herself before following after him. To see him and Niklaus having a discussion downstairs.

"Where are you going? I need you today." Klaus said Nikolina stopping in her tracks so she cant be heard.

"I knew who she was, Niklaus." Elijah said.

"Who?" Klaus asked him Elijah putting down his things before turning to look at Klaus.

"Hayley. I knew who she was. Five years ago, we met in manosque. Obviously, i didn't know who she was at the time. Still, in the few hours that we spent together, we had... A profound connection." Elijah told him,"You have to understand that when i walked into that farmhouse, and i saw her, i was just completely bewildered. In that Mayhem, that turmoil, I could only see her as some agent of deception for the very family that i was at war with."

"It wasn't until all my memories returned that i realized... I could have saved her. I could have saved her, Niklaus. I... I can't forgive myself. And neither should any of you." Elijah said repeating the same thing he had said to Nikolina

"Hope is dying. I can't tell anyone else, not today." Klaus said Nikolina going speechless.

"What did you say?" Elijah asked.

"She's dying." Klaus repeated.

"Well, then, i suspect i'm the last person she needs right now. Perhaps her twin sister" Elijah said Nikolina realizing she got seen as Klaus turned around to look at her.

"Hope's dying? And you weren't even gonna tell me?" Nikolina said before storming out of the compound to go to Freya's wedding angry.

The ceremony was beautiful. Hope and Nikolina on opposite sides from each other. Kol preparing to perform the ceremony as everyone's eyes turned to Freya. Who was being walked down the aisle by her two brothers. Niklaus and Elijah.

"What happened to your dress?" Freya asked Keelin quietly.

"Are you kidding, girl? I'm not taking any chances." Keelin joked quietly.

'Dearly beloved, now not to make this all about me, but we know how families work. Sometimes it's dinner, and sometimes it's daggers,"Kol joked looking at klaus,"Now, i don't know why it takes something as special as this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty in the moment, during the moment, or to be grateful for what we have, while we have it. Now, i, for one, am grateful for today, and im grateful for all of you. Keelin, when i first met you, i would have never predicated that you would become my sister. Now, you're strong and beautiful, and deserve nothing but the best in life." Kol said before motioning for Hope to get the rings. Handing one they said their vows,"Now by the power vested in me by a Franciscan monk in the 13th century, and by the Internet a few hours ago just to be on the safe side, i now pronounce you married. You may both kiss the bride."

As they were kissing Hope and Nikolina nodded at each other before performing a spell.

"Tomar lento. Namaz amor." They whispered as the flowers turned into butterflies.

The family was now dancing and having fun. Kol and Davina dancing. Keelin and Hope dancing. Marcel and Rebekah talking as were Freya and Klaus. Elijah watching from a tree as Niky sat in a chair with a close eye on her sister. Seeing Hope fall into Keelin, Klaus and Nikolina rush over to her side. As Elijah Rebekah Freya and Marcel Kol and Davina stopping to look.

"Is she alright?" Klaus asked panicked.

"Yeah. Im fine. Im fine." Hope laughed it off.

"Yeah. My medical diagnosis is too much champagne" Keelin said. Nikolina envying the fact that Keelin could look at Hope and not see a dying girl because she didn't know about the effect the dark magic was having on her.

"Oh, yeah. Speaking of which, Nikolina and I would like to make a toast" Hope said bringing up a past conversation about the two,"this has been the best day ever."

"And you know what? You guys got a thousand years of moments like this one. And being apart of this one really made us feel like us part of 'always and forever' too so" Nikolina added on glancing over to Hope with worried eyes and forcing a smile.

"Cheers." The twins said at the same time

"Cheers" everyone said as their faces didn't drop the worried expressions.

After going back to the house Hope was in her room laying down as Nikolina and Klaus knocked on her door before walking in.

"How are you feeling?" Klaus asked her as the two walked over to her bed.

"I think im buzzed" Hope said smiling at the two.

"True that sister" Nikolina said.

"Is the room right side up?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, Almost," Hope chuckled.

"Hmm. Well, i think you better sit up." Klaus smiled at his daughter.

"I had so much fun today." Hope said sitting up,"It was just, you know, having our family together and dancing. It was like, for five minutes, i crappy my life is."

"You certainly looked happy." Klaus said sitting down.

"Yeah" Hope smile quickly fading,"I'm never gonna forget that i killed someone. And i know that every full moon will be a reminder. I'm really scared to turn. I'm-I'm just happy that you two will be there with me."

"Of course Hope. You're not doing it alone" Nikolina smiled at her.

"Anyway, did you come in here to make sure that the room was right side of up, or did you want something?" Hope asked the two.

"No. No. I have everything I need right here." Klaus said grabbing his daughters hands.

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