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"Every last exit is sealed" Elijah spoke as the father-daughter duo stood at the balcony,"if your thinking about jumping don't

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"Every last exit is sealed" Elijah spoke as the father-daughter duo stood at the balcony,"if your thinking about jumping don't. I already tried it. I landed in the worlds most pretentious wine cellar." He said as Klaus made his way over to him.

"You sorted it by vintage. You don't remember, do you? I thought Marcel was intent on retrieving your memories." Klaus spoke.

"He was. He failed." Elijah said,"I still remember absolutely nothing and Antoinette is dying."

"Is she? Right. Yes. I'd forgotten." Klaus said smiling sarcastically.

"Normally I'd feel bad but since you got my mother killed I'd say you deserve it." Nikolina smarted.

"What the hell are we doing here? What is this place? This is dangerous, you and I here together" Elijah asked.

"We're not actually here together, are we? Not physically, at least. It's called a chambre de chasse. It's a magical mental prison designed to resemble our home. But don't worry. There's always a way out: a game or a riddle." Klaus explains to him.

"How do we solve this riddle?" Elijah asks.

"We don't do anything," Klaus says pointing to him and Elijah before switching to him and Nikolina,"We do. We're square, you and I. You got Hayley killed, and Antoinette will die because of me. I would hate to upset that delicate balance so were gonna find our way out. And you're on your own." 

The father and daughter went of on their way and began looking around the house. The two sharing glances once they heard a door creak and shut.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Klaus shouted.

"Oh, Nik." They heard Rebekah say turning as she came our from a door way,"always so dramatic."

"Rebekah." He smiled as Rebekah walked up to hug him. Pulling away once they heard a thud.

"Oh my god. Um" Nikolina said covering her eyes once she saw a naked uncle Kol.

"Ugh. Bloody hell." Kol sighs putting a hand on his face,"My least favorite recurring nightmare."

"Yeah. Yeah please just cover up for the love of god uncle Kol" Nikolina nodded still covering her eyes.

"I'm in my Boxers Nik." He laughed at the girl.

"I haven't even seen a highschool boy in boxers." She defended.

"Wait! Seriously?" Rebekah asks her at the same time Kol and Klaus say "Good!"

"I was in Corsica, drowning my sorrows about Hayley when I suddenly dropped. What i wouldn't give to spend just a decade without being dragged into a chambre de chasse." Rebekah says.

"Suppose you were in a board meeting." Klaus teasingly asks Kol as he walks in while putting a shirt on.

"I was waiting for my wife to come home from work. Once again, ripped from complete contentment for... this." Kol says.

"I don't even know why I'm here. I should be with Hope" Nikolina says grabbing her dads glass of wine and taking a drink.

"Hey!" Klaus scolds grabbing it back looking at his daughter disapprovingly,"Your holding it wrong your supposed to hold it like this, see" he says showing her how to hold it.

"Nik! Shes too young" Rebekah says scolding klaus.

"Nonsense darling. I was younger than her when i started drinking" Kol defends,"suppose I'll ask the obvious. Piss off any witches lately?" Kol asks turning the focus back onto the chambre de chasse. Which made Nikolina chuckle.

"About all of the New Orleans witches" Nikolina laughed.

"Bloody Hell, Nik!" Rebekah said looking at him.

"Actually, my current enemies are a group of hatemongers who see myself and my daughters as abominations to the vampire race." Klaus informed them.

"The bigoted undead. That's new. They must have a witch-for-hire." Rebekah said looking at kol.

"A witch that's spent time enough time here to replicate every detail. This is Elijah's prized Cheval Blanc." Kol said to the 3.

"The culprit may be closer to home." Freya said walking down some stairs," A witch who knows the compound well and who doesn't trust you to stay away from Elijah. Someone who would risk everything to save New Orleans from plagues."

"Vincent." Klaus says. 

"On the bright side, he'd never harm your daughters, you on the other hand I'll expect he'll be shipping your bodies to the four corners of the world." Freya said before noticing Klaus's oldest,"oh. What are you doing here?"

"Moral support." She said sarcastically,"I don't know I've been asking myself that since i got here. I pass out while saying bye to dad at mom's funeral and woke up in the same place as someone who played a part in her death. But good vibes here i guess"

"All of our bodies?" Rebekah asked Freya,"he isn't here, is he?"

"He is." Elijah spoke.

"Oh great. Thanks for stopping by stranger" Nikolina said rolling her eyes.

"I think i might have just found a way out of here." He said ignoring Nikolina's statement.

"Probably not. You didn't even know what a chambre de chasse was earlier."

"Okay i stand corrected." Nikolina said as they now stood at a door with 5 locks on it,"dude. I'm like not even supposed to be here. There's 5 locks. One for Dad, Kol, Rebekah, Freya and him" she said refusing to say Elijah's name.

Dear Diary,

I have no idea why im writing this. It wont come with me to the outside world. But fuck it my life is shit anyway. My mom is dead. We buried her today. And Roman. Oh my god Roman. I hate him. I hate the fact that i can't hate him because he actually thought that all they had to do was the binding spell. I hate the fact that my mom is dead. I hate Elijah for erasing his memory and letting my mom get killed. He could've stopped it. I hate i'm stuck in this stupid chambre de chasse or whatever the heck its called. I hate that after all of this my dad is still leaving. I hate that Dr. Saltzman gave me this stupid diary to write in. I hate that Ms. Forbes flirts with my dad. It is very unsettling .i also hate that Hope's alone right now. I hate everything right now besides dad Kol Freya Rebekah Hope and the rest of the gang besides mm (i made that up it stands for [m]om [m]urderer).

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