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The girls were in Hope's room trying to do a spell to find Hayley when someone knocked on the door

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The girls were in Hope's room trying to do a spell to find Hayley when someone knocked on the door. Hope getting up to open it. Just slightly.

"What happened?" Hope panicked when she saw Freya.

"Oh. Uh. Nothing. Your father's search party is covering every inch of the city. We'll find her." She assured her.

"Oh. Its just when i saw you i thought. Uh. Yeah" Hope said,"wait so. If shes still missing then why are you here?"

"Care packages. Thought my nieces could use a taste of home" Freya said waving the food in her face.

"So you drove all this way to bring us beignets?" Hope asked.

"Well i figured with everything going on. You two could use a friend" Freya smiled.

"Thanks. But im really fine and so is Nikki" Hope Lied to her.

"Speak for yourself Hope. My whole world is crashing down because of you" Nikolina said appearing in the doorway and smiling at the bags of food.

"Oh. You're here too" Freya said surprised.

"I'm here too" Nikolina nodded.

"You know. I could be wrong but i think this is the part where you invite me in" Freya added.

"Oh yeah of course" Nikolina said pulling Hope out of the way. Hope rushing to clean up her in progress spell.

"Locator spell in 12 ancient languages. I thought you weren't allowed to do spells outside the classroom." Freya asked suspiciously.

"Catch up reading. Im trying to make up from when we were suspended. Keep my grades up" Hope lied to her still cleaning it up.

"Oh no. I don't lie to aunts. Especially when they're a Mikaelson witch" Nikolina said when Freya looked at her.

"I gotta get back to work Aunt Freya" hope said softly.

"Sure. Sure i could go back after an excruciating 11 hour drive to see my only two nieces. Or we can get comfy. Stuff our faces with deep fried glory. And Nikki can tell me about that cute boy she had hidden in her room last week" Freya smiled to girls. Nikolina getting awkward at the mention of Roman.

The 2 teens and their aunt were walking the track as Nikolina watched Roman in the soccer game he was in.

"So, which one is he" Freya asked leaning down into her ear.

"The hot one that sweats diamond dust" Nikolina nodded.


After scoring a goal Roman noticed the three girls and waved at Nikolina with a smile.

"Oh god. Keep-keep walking" Nikolina said turning her attention to the floor and began speed walking.

"Wait. You're not gonna wave back?" Freya asked slapping her niece's arm.

"Nuh-uh. Pretty sure his ego could handle it" she said making Freya and Hope laugh.

"Hey. So, That stuff you were studying earlier. Alchemy of the Iberian Peninsula? Magic of the middle east?" Freya said to Hope.

"I'm examining regional magic as it relates to sociopolitical and economic statuses." Hope said coming up with the best lie she could at the moment. And if you asked Nikolina. It still sucked.

"So, what exactly are the sociopolitical implications of breaking powerful cloaking spells?" Freya said catching her in the lie.

"What do you want me to say? My mom's missing" Hope said softly.

"Trying to break every possible spell in those books by yourself would take a thousand years" Freya said looking at the girl.

"This is exactly why i didn't want to tell you and guess what. You and the witches haven't gotten anywhere. I'm coming at it from a different angle." Hope argued.


"Im the one that put the cloaking spell on her in the first place. Maybe i can find a way to lift it without being in the room with her." Hope said sadly. Still blaming herself for everything.

"And the fact that that's never been done before in the history of witchcraft isn't going to deter you?" Freya asked hope.

"I can't just sit around and do nothing." Hope said looking away. Freya nodding.

"All right, then. Let's get to work" Freya smiled at her niece.

The girls were now walking into a hideout by the school so Freya and the girls could do their spell.

"Pretty.. In a creepy, 'don't get caught alone here at night' kind of way." Freya said nodding as she walked in.

"The saltzman twins found it, like, two years ago. Pretty sure it's their evil mean girl lair." Hope said rolling her eyes.

"Or they share their fathers love for the bottle" Freya scoffed, "alright. You want to find your mom, i got to start with how she was taken in the first place"

"Easy. Hope kidnapped her for her own selfish needs" Nikolina said softly so no one could hear.

"I already told you, i don't know. Someone followed me." Hope said ignoring Nikolina.

"Or there was a problem with your cloaking spell. Maybe you missed a step... Left a loophole open?" Freya insisted.

"No, of course I didn't." Hope shook her head.

"Fine. You were followed," Freya scoffed,"then we retrace every step you took. Do a deconstructing spell, magnified with a cup of blood in each bowl will give us that" Freya informed her handing Hope a knife.

"I know how it works Aunt Freya." Hope said before taking the knife and cutting her hand. It healing almost immediately as freya said not to stop. Hope looking down at her hand,"ugh. Dammit"

"It wasn't enough" Freya informed her.

"Its healing faster than i'm bleeding. Maybe you shouldn't have picked a spell that involves me bleeding out." Hope said looking at Freya who raised an eyebrow at the girl,"which you knew couldn't happen. You don't want to do this spell"

"Not particularly. No" Freya said crossing her arms.


"Because it isn't going to work." She deadpanned,"if there's even a chance of it working don't you think one of the hundred powerful New Orleans witches would have thought of it by now?" Freya asked the girls.

"Then why are we wasting time?" Hope said. The girls noticing the discomfort on their aunts face.

"There's something your not telling us." Nikolina said taking a step infront of Hope.

"Vincent and Ivy think they've learned something. About you, Hope" Freya spoke softly. Nikolina glanced at Hope.

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