Chapter 8

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Stuff was finally starting to go back to normal. Well with Liam and Jack. They still had the tracker on me, the day I was dreading had finally come. Jack and Nate both said I should go to Jordans act like everything's normal then have a go at him. I agreed to it, but I was beginning to regret agreeing, especially after I found out it was the day Jordan was throwing a party.
I sighed and got dressed in Jordan. I put on a red dress, he despised the colour red on me and I know he'd probably make me change.
I went back into his room, "I don't like red." he said straight.
I gulped, "Yeah and your point is."
Jordan stood up and got close to me, "you can wear what I want you too."
I shrugged, "it's the only thing I've got with me."
He grabbed my arm, "change."
"Into what Jord?" I acted normal with him.
The front door opened, he let me go and greeted his friends. We barely spoke to each other until we were both drunk. I had started to get drunk a lot quicker than before.
I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist before bringing a joint to my lips.
"Come on. Smoke it."
I let him light it and I gave in. I used it. I put it down once there was near to none left. He wrapped my hair around his fingers.
"School tomorrow." He whispered in my ear.
"I know, that's why I'm going home now."
I went to get up almost immediately his arms were around my wrist. I tried to get out of his grip, it failed and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me upstairs and into his bedroom before throwing me onto the bed. He closed the bedroom door and I heard the lock turn. He was treating me like a spoilt brat. I hit the door a few times but there was no answer. I ended up falling asleep and woke when he pushed me out of bed to get into it himself.
"Get out of my bed, I never said you could sleep there."
"So let me go home then." I shoved him.
He took my hands again and pushed me against the wall keeping them above my head.
"Please Jord. I want to go home."
He hit me until I leant into him from the pain. He kissed the top of my head and led me to the bed where he cuddled me until I fell if nothing had happened.

I woke up and went straight to the bathroom. There was no sign of my period and had to been 2 months since my last one. I leant against the bathroom door and closed my eyes. I though for a little bit and then calmed down before opening mine and Ava's messages.

When are you and Liam coming back from tour? I text her. There was a reply almost straight.

On our way back now. He's got a break before his Europe leg. What's wrong?

I need to talk to you when you get back. I've got a problem.

I'll meet you at Liam's in about 2 hours.

I left the bathroom and went downstairs where Jordan was tidying up the house after last night.
"Liams on his way home, so I'm going."
I didn't leave him stop me. I stopped at the shops on the way home to get pregnancy tests. It was out that I was Liams sister, so doing this had to be more secretive then it ever should have been. If Liam found out through Twitter rather than me I'd be dead. I bought six of them and put them in my bag before walking home. Jack was on the sofa when I went in. He jumped up, "did you get anything."
I shook my head, "just a hangover. I thought you and Nate were gonna show up."
"Lost track of time."
"I've got nothing for you anyway."
I went upstairs and put the tests in my drawer. I went to the bathroom and threw up. Morning sickness or a hangover? I acted normal when Liam came in and asked him about the tour before getting Ava upstairs.
"What's wrong?" She asked sitting on the bed.
I opened the drawer and pulled the tests out, "I think I'm pregnant."
"Have you taken one yet?"
I shook my head, "I wanted to wait for you to be here."
"Go and take them. I'll stay here."
I did what she said and took all six. I took them back into my bedroom.
"And it would be Jordan's yeah?"
I nodded. We sat in silence for 10 minutes. As soon as I saw two lines I started crying and having a panic attack. Liam and Jack heard and ran in the pregnancy tests were on the bed.
Jack froze, "please tell me they're not positive."
I sobbed into Ava's shoulder.
"All six of them are." Jack said and showed him.
It took me an hour to calm down completely. The four of us sat around the kitchen table.
"What are you going to do?" Jack asked.
"I don't know."
"How are you going to tell him?"
"Over text."
I picked my phone up and text him.

I'm pregnant.

Liam put his arm around me, "don't let him pressure you into keeping or aborting it."
I put my head on his shoulder.
"I'm gonna ring Maddie."
"Don't," I said, "she doesn't need to know yet."
My phone started to ring.
"Put him on speaker."

I did what he said.
"You better not be fucking pregnant!" He yelled down the line.
"Well I am."
"You're not fucking keeping it."
"It's not up to you." I said.
He threatened me, "If you don't get rid of it I will next time I see you."
I started crying again.
"Get a grip. I'm not having a sluts kid."
He hung the phone up on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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