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Jess P.O.V
"Come on let's go back, we've been here for ages, and you're going to the cinema now." I told Taz.
"Are you coming to the cinema, with us?" She replied getting off the slide.
"I'm grounded, don't have my phone, been suspended, yeah I don't think Mike's gonna leave me."
"Why did you get suspended?"
"When Jody went that night, me and Tyler found her, but we had to leave school to go and find her."
"Oh, but why are you suspended for longer than Tyler."
"You're full of questions today, I'm suspended for longer than Tyler because of my overall behavior."
"You get in now?" I asked, we were basically home by the time all of her questions were over.
"I think so."
"Brandon told me to tell you he's sorry and can you ring him." I told Jody as soon as I walked it to her room.
"You spoke to him!"
"Well yeah, I haven't argued with him."
"You still shouldn't have spoke to him."
"Alright, sorry, now will you two please help me chuck some of Mya's things out the window please, and then I promise no more winding anyone up."
"Only when they leave for the cinema because, a relief care worker will show up, and then we'll get bin bags and take everything outside instead of chucking it."
"Are you sure you want to do this now though?" Tyler asked.
"You've been in so much trouble recently, you're gonna get kicked out if you don't stop."
"Look I've been kicked out of loads of places, you get warned a couple of times before you actually get moved, and none of it has come up in conversation." I replied, "today might be the last time I get away with anything, but once I do get warned I'll stop."
"No, winding up the relief Jess." Mike warned.
"What about them two, they're just as bad?"
"But you start the winding up and then they follow."
The relief showed up a couple of minutes before everyone left, so me, Jody and Tyler got a bin bag and ran up to my room so there was less chance of us getting caught if he never saw anything.
"Clothes in one bag, smashable things in a different one and everything else in another." I instructed
"Are you sure you want to do this now?" Tyler asked.
"For the last time, nothing is going to happen, I'm going to be fine."
"Alright, come on then."
It took about an hour to put everything in bags, so we had half an hour left to take it all downstairs and then to look at least a little bit normal and relaxed.
"What are you 3 doing?" The relief, Jamie, asked when we were walking down stairs.
"Taking the rubbish out." I said confidently.
He smiled and went back into the office.
"That was close." Jody whispered when we got into the kitchen.
"Nah, I'm a good liar, that was easy."
"How did you make up something that quick."
"Years of lying to teachers, social workers and he doesn't know us so, we could've been doing anything and he would be oblivious."
"Yeah, fair point, now where are we putting all of this." She said.
"Out the front."
"Do you want to get caught?!?"
"Well yeah."
"You do concern me some days fair play, but fine we'll put it where you want us too." Tyler replied.
So that's what we did, we put everything by the front door, before walking back inside and up to my room.
"They're back!" I said watching the mini bus pull up outside.
Mya was the first one out, but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the bags.
"I'm gonna kill them!"
She was about to run in but luckily Tracy grabbed hold of her, because she was definitely gonna give us a kick in. Mike looked up at the window and he didn't look impressed at all.
"All of this back upstairs now," he yelled, "and then the 3 of you in the office!"
His tone of voice even made me stop smirking.
"We shouldn't have done this." I said completely regretting it.
"No kidding, we're in for it." Jody replied, opening my bedroom door.
Tracy still had control of Mya when we went downstairs to get all of her stuff.
"I trusted you." The relief said walking out of the house.
"Yeah, we know, sorry, " I sighed, "let's take this in a get ready for the yelling, cause without a doubt there'll be shouting."
"Come on then." Tyler said.
As per usual I got bored of listening to his rant and just stopped listening to it. The next thing I knew Jody and Tyler both stood up, so instinctively I did the same.
"Jess, I said wait here."
"Oh." I replied falling back onto the sofa.
"What's been up with you for the last couple of weeks."
"Nothing. Why?"
"One minute you're acting yourself and then the next you're having a fight or arguing with someone."
He did have a point, but I wasn't going to answer him.
"Okay, don't answer, but if we have to have a conversation like this or about your behaviour again, then maybe, me and your social worker need to discuss your position here." He said calmly.
"Fine!" I yelled opening and slamming the door shut.
After about a minute of kicking and hitting stuff, I managed to cool down and go and join everyone else outside.
Tracy was sitting on the bench, so I sat opposite her.
"You've read my file right?" I asked.
"Yeah, why"
"So you know where I was before coming here."
"Yea, what's this all about now?"
"How do I get back into Mike's good books." I quickly replied ignoring her question.
She didn't have time to reply because Mya walked out and whistled.
"She's a liar!" Mya declared pointing at me.
"Now what am I lying about."
"You were never fostered before you came here,"I tilted my head, not having a clue what she was on about," you were in secure, and don't even lie about it!"

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