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Tyler and Jody came up to my room, they must have heard me moving my cabinet towards my wardrobe
"Now what are you doing?" Tyler asked me.
"I'm moving my cabinet so I can climb on top of my wardrobe and sit up there."I replied.
"Why?" Jody questioned.
"So we can scare Archie or Taz."
"I'm up for it, but I really don't know why I go along with you." Tyler said.
My wardrobe was long and wide so we could all lay on there so they couldn't see us. We climbed on top of it pulling each other up. Well I pulled Jody up and Jody pulled Tyler up, I'd didn't need anyone to pull me up, I had done it before. When we were all up there we layed down, there was enough room for us to lay next to each other.
"Archie, Taz come here I've got something for you!" I shouted.
We waited for them to come up, we layed still and silent, trying not to laugh.
"When they come in push yourself forward and scream." I whispered.
We heard them come up the stairs.
"What do you..." Archie said as he walked.
"Rahh!" we all screamed as they walked in.
I've never heard anyone scream that much in my life, they ran out of my room and downstairs. I was guessing they'd gone to tell Mike or May-li that we scared them or that we were sitting on top of the wardrobe. We could have just climbed down from the wardrobe and sat on my bed so it looked like they were lying but where's the fun in that.
"What's this?" Jody questioned grabbing the box from the end of the wardrobe.
"I think it has biscuits, in there." I replied, "take what you want out of there."
We heard someone come up the stairs.
"Here we go." Tyler said.
I was glad it was Mike and not May-li, I'd wound her up enough today.
"I think we need a chat in the office, don't you?" He told us.
"That's one of the question we aren't supposed to answer, right." I replied.
"Jess, you remind me of a girl who used to live here, Tracy Beaker." Mike said laughing.
Tyler and Jody had told me loads about Tracy Beaker so I didn't really mind. He left my room, we climbed down from the wardrobe, I went down first so I could give Tyler and Jody a hand to get down. We grabbed our phones from my bed and walked downstairs. Everyone was in the living room, everyone except Me, Jody, Tyler, Archie and Taz we were all in the office.
"Who's idea was it this time?" Mike asked, May-li was sorting out everyone else so she wasn't in the office. Jody and Tyler slouched down on the sofa.
"My Idea. They has nothing to do with it." I said.
"You still went along with it though didn't you."
They both grunted. We must have had the longest lecture about climbing and top of the wardrobe, I must have zoned out at least five times. I just looked out of the window, imaging I was somewhere else. I think Mike was just about to finish lecturing us when Tyler and Jody kicked me, I zoned back in instantly. The only part I actually heard was if I see you on top of the wardrobe again you're grounded.
"Say sorry to Archie and Taz."
"Sorry." Tyler and Jody said in sync.
"Sorry, for scaring you." I told them trying not to laugh.
"You four go, Jess stay here." Mike said.
"Now what have I done."
"Whats been up with you recently?"
"Nothing." I replied.
"You weren't like this when you first got here."
"I've found my feet now haven't I."
"Look carry on being chopsy all you like, it's actually quite funny sometimes." Mike told me as May-li walked in, "but don't bring Jody and Tyler in to it, they are good kids and you are too but your not showing it right now."
"I don't make them do anything they just agree and sometimes it isn't even me, like with the paint that was Tyler not me."
"You know what I mean though."
I nodded my head at him before walking out. He was walking behind me, because everyone was already in the living room he called a house meeting. I sat up on the pool table with Jody and Tyler, Mike followed me in and May-li followed him.
"After a recent incident with paint," Mike began saying, everyone looked at us, I saw a smirk grow on Tylers face, "no more paint is to be brought in here, upstairs or anywhere apart from the kitchen."
Everyone groaned and complained.
"Don't blame us, blame the ones who caused the incident." May-li said, looking at us.
"Harsh!" I replied.
They both walked out of the living room and went into the office, to probably discuss me, Jody and Tyler, I'm sure that was they are go to topic.
Everyone started moaning at us then.
"It backfired on us as well."Jody told them.
"Yeah but why did you do it in the first place?" Ryan asked.
"It's called a laugh, which none of you ever have." Tyler snapped, before walking out. Me and Jody followed him. I was going to stay in there and defend us and have a go at Ryan but Jody grabbed hold of my arm.
"I thought you'd be out quicker, considering you fancy him." Jody whispered winding me up as we walked out of the living room.
We were halfway upstairs by the time I replied.
"I don't fancy him. I've told you loads of times."
"Of course you don't." She replied winking at me.
We walked by Tylers room, his door was open he was just lying on his bed.
"What's wrong, with you why did you snap at Ryan?" I questioned.
"I don't know to be honest."He said sitting up.
"It wasn't like you to do that."Jody told him.
"I had a weird turn, it felt as if I had to say something before walking out." He replied.
"Why Ryan and not us though?" I asked.
"Ryan was the only one talking."Tyler said," anyway what did Mike want with you, in the office?"
"He told me, what's wrong with me recently and not to drag you two in to anything."
"You aren't though." Jody chirped in.
"That's what I said, but he did say it was quite funny when I'm being chopsy, he's probably on about when I was chopsing to May-li in the car earlier," I replied, "I bet she told him everything about that."
"I'll give you that, you're quite funny when you answer back." Tyler told me, he seemed to have been happier to how he was earlier.
"Come on let's go back downstairs." Jody said grabbing hold of Tylers hand. He laughed and got up we both followed her downstairs. It was round about 9 when we went back upstairs so I went to bed, I'd been tired all day, Jody and Tyler didn't go to bed till about 10,it was lights off at 10, I actually don't know how she gets to her room from Tylers room without anyone catching her. She told me that she never leaves Tylers room till 10 I'm always sleeping by that time so I don't know if it's true. I did promise not to tell anyone though.

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