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"Just a little bit of lipstick, " Candi-rose said following me round the house, "it's you're first day at that unit thing, at least look tidy.
"Candi! I've done my hair, put makeup on and I've dressed tidly, now will you leave me alone." I said walking into the kitchen.
Alex looked at me and his mouth dropped, "Why do you look so tidy?"
"2 things, first impressions count and fit bad boys."
"You only broke up with Ashton like two weeks ago." Tyler said. Me and Ashton had split up for no reason really, we just weren't speaking to eachother as much, but we agreed to stay friends, so nothing was made awkward.
"Ashtons moved on Ty, he's got a new girlfriend, so I'm gonna find a new boyfriend." I replied.
"slag." Jay muttered.
I glared at him and Bird slapped his arm.
"Jess, you start at nine and finish at 3:30, so let's go." Mike said coming into the kitchen.
Everybody got up and scraped the chair across the floor and then it was just chaos. Morning were the worst living in care, the chaos by the door was insane. I wasn't even out of the kitchen and I could already hear Jay shouting about loosing his school shoe. I just stayed in the kitchen so I was out of the way and couldn't argue with anyone. After about 10 minutes in went quiet.
"Jess, you ready." Tracy said coming into the kitchen.
"Yeah, I've been ready for the last half hour." I replied sacarstically.
"Well come on everyone's in the minibus."
I don't think I've ever moved so fast in my life, I actually wanted to get there now I was bored out of my mind being stuck in the house. After about 10 minutes the minibus was empty and it was just me and Mike.
"I've got a meeting with a member of staff, so you've got to come there and then you'll been taken to your class." Mike said 
The meeting went on for a good half an hour, before a boy appeared at the door he had curly brown hair, green eyes. He was wearing black jeans, grey top, a navy bomber jacket and a hat. My jaw dropped when I saw him, I didn't realise it was that obvious until he started smirking.
"Jordan, for the last time not hats inside." the teacher who I believed was called Mr Johnson said.
"And for the last time,I don't listen to you." Jordan replied grinning. I started laughing and I only stopped cause Mike elbowed me. My face went straight after that, I didn't want a lecture about manners once I got home cause that would be more boring than any other lecture.
The teacher glared at Jordan and then turned back to me, "Anyway, Jessica," seriously I hated being called that, "Jordan will take you to his class as you will be sitting by him for your time here."
"Just call me Jess." I snapped
Mike glared at me which shut me down. Instead of saying anything I got up and went with Jordan.
"You're fiesty Jessica." Jordan said smirking.
"Jess not Jessica." I replied trying not to smile like seriously when he smirked his dimples were in clear view and his jawline sharper than ever.
We got to the classroom, he kicked open the door and said, "Welcome to hell ."
In the classroom there was about 5 desks, one was being thrown across the room nearly taking me and Jordan out, the teacher was screaming at the boy who threw it. The entire class were boys apart from me and one other.
The one girl stood up and glared at me, "Jess."
I looked at her and gulped, "Mya."

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